It's not so much that it talks that annoys me... It's what it says and how it says it. Why on Earth would anyone want that and is that the best phrase they could put out to advertise their emoticons?
I want to shoot it. Shoot it dead!!!
Personally, I believe a fictional Tiger when he tells me that his cereal is great...
I can't stand the advert, but it's not the kid's fault. He just needs a job.. Unless he wrote that song himself - then he should be shot.
Unfortunately this is most likely the most amount of fame he'll ever get - oh dear.
Officer Jenny.
I stopped watching when Misty left... It used to make me laugh when Ash would always ask the pokedex what pokemon he's seen even when he's already come across that pokemon before.
1. If the female audience enjoys questing then they should be content with games like Legend of Zelda (and many are). Why wait for a questing game with a female main character?
2. Metroid.
I know I completed southpark - excellent multiplayer too btw
but I can't remember much about it :S mostly I remember snow and turkeys. What was the final boss?
Mostly I feel that I've completed a game when I see the end credits, but there have been a few exceptions. Eg, Majoras Mask - I completed it but still felt like I needed to get all the masks, it only felt complete after I did that.