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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. As majority is so low, I'll wait for his explanation before voting
  2. I don't want to drop this thing with Rummy/Eddie but in light of everything in the last page or so Change Arrest: Tales
  3. We should make wallets
  4. They probably just changed it because it sounded horrible
  5. Wasn't working for me earlier either, have you tried clearing your cache? That worked for me. I like your addition to that video unexpected.
  6. I used to use it but stopped when it became cool. I think I used it when I first joined but now I know where I want to go so I just search. All the good topics stay on the first page anyway
  7. The latest episode annoyed me when
  8. Good to have our mafia scapegoat back again pics of the flat?
  9. haha 'they all look the same... that's racist!'
  10. Yeah there's probably a fair few I didn't get. Invincible was only background stuff, t-shirts and posters but they did reference battlestar at least twice. Also Jason Bateman is always win.
  11. Just watched episode 15, great episode.
  12. No Perago I don't want to make the same mistakes as the firefly mafia and start voting for townies just because I'm not sure. Hopefully we'll get something to go on from the next night.
  13. I don't really know who to trust. We don't have anything on Rez to confirm him as good but he feels confident enough to have vouched for dannyboy and eddie...
  14. I thought it was really funny. Probably not as funny as hot fuzz initially was but for me, Hot Fuzz is only funny the first couple of watches. I can see this making me laugh each time and I love the references in it... a couple of Invincible and Battlestar references here and there
  15. A study of the impact of music within the videogame industry Something along those lines? When I was doing media studies we were told the make the titles like that... mine was 'A study of conflicting genres within the cult TV series, Firefly' :awesome:
  16. Good result except for the replay value it seems... hopefully multiplayer will be enough. Not long until it comes out now, anyone else pre-ordered the 360 version? My Gamertag is The Peeps17, feel free to add
  17. He gets his powers from a spider bite. I would be miffed if they changed that. I want to see continuity with the character/story but I don't need it to follow on from the Tobey Maguire films.
  18. Sounds just like me, although I do like a bit of free for all now and then if I'm playing an fps or something. My current favourite game is left 4 dead 2. I've got a good group of friends who play online so I can get a team of mates for versus practically every night. Nothing better than storming through a game with friends, shooting zombies and having a laugh.
  19. Yep, I agree with this. I don't see any need for it to follow continuity from the previous films at all.
  20. I dislike the idea that the personality of a gamer is just based on mmorpg players though. It'd be the same if they were all questions about driving games, it's too specific to be relevant to gamers as a whole.
  21. The test doesn't really have any value for anyone who doesn't regularly play mmorpgs. I've played a couple but never seriously enough to join a guild or anything. I got explorer (seems to be a popular result...). Reward driven 100% Thoughtful 20% Exploratory 46% Competitive 46% Anonymous 15% Social -15% Secondary influences: killer, achiever, socialiser. I wouldn't really say this reflects me at all, even within an mmorpg
  22. Can you stick my End of the World mafia to the end of the list? Name may change but that's the theme at least.
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