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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Should we see if Eddie is ok? I don't know about removing the helmet but if she's hurt or something it's probably best to?
  2. I don't recall it showing up when you were imitated though, unless I'm mistaken?
  3. Well someone has been using polyjuice potion to hide their actions but I have no idea who. I haven't made notes for the last couple of write-ups because I've been in lectures since Thursday and work all day today but it seems that whoever gets imitated also gets silenced.
  4. Sometimes inactivity is a strategy... admittedly not the majority of times though
  5. If you don't want to play then don't sign up. If you want a break then have one but please accept that some of us don't need or want one. I'm all for a sign up thread going up but I think we shouldn't have a new game until one of the current ones fully end.
  6. Anyone who calls you a faggot is not your friend
  7. 4. Marvel vs Capcom 3 Guess
  8. The only company I can think of who would probably benefit from making a console would perhaps be Apple... but I can't see that happening at all. Or maybe Sega will return one day
  9. The only game where I've actually gone out of my way to get 100% achievements is blur. I like achievements but I'm not bothered about getting 100% If I can't get it through a normal play-through then I usually won't bother going back just for an arbitrary 'award'. I do think achievements are a good thing on the whole though and I'd miss them if they weren't there
  10. I wouldn't normally go for this kind of game but it just looks so well-made I'm sure it'll be awesome.
  11. I wouldn't know about trophies, I played the 360 version. I don't think I bothered with any achievements other than whatever I gained just from playing normally. Achievements aren't that big a deal for me.
  12. With regards to certain weapons I agree. I don't think any of the driving actually changed between the demo and the release... they did improve the slow-down you receive from hitting walls too. I still play it a good few nights a week and I still get intensely fun games.
  13. Blur is the best racer I've ever played. It really needs a patch or two and more maps though... shame that'll never happen. And 007 Bloodstone was also good fun. Smooth gameplay, original story and decent controls. After those two games (and geometry wars), bizarre were becoming my favourite developer I don't know why Activision doesn't keep them.
  14. I thought Mirror's Edge was a fantastic game. The running/jumping etc parts were really well done, it didn't even need the combat sections but it did add a bit of panic to the mix. I liked how you were encouraged to disarm or run away rather than fight.
  15. Don't worry, he's 'armless
  16. Ooccoo was just really bizarre and out of place. Kind of creeped me out too.
  17. 10. Megaman Sorry if I'm breaking rules here, don't know how many times we can guess or if we can do multiple ones... 4. Fallout?
  18. 10. Wave Race 64 I'm sure I know number 10 lol
  19. Dean Maynard is my stepmum's brother, he texted her yesterday about this lol. Her family are so embarrassed by him it's funny.
  20. Jayseven was without internet for a couple of days but I think he's back now? What did you do last night MadDog? I don't see you in the write-up.
  21. Everyone knows that you and ReZ have been together though so it'd be a crazy move for him to kill you because it'd be too obvious it was him.
  22. If it's so big................ Why haven't we seen it before :awesome: If it exists it'll be a good replacement for Pluto.
  23. I have a job, but I hate it. I have a beard... sometimes. I just get lazy and can't be bothered to shave... Anyway, I don't see myself as an adult yet. At the moment my financial situation isn't great. My goals for this year are: get a real job, learn to drive, get own place, get own car, win. Hopefully I'll manage at least one of those before 2012.
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