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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. You are the reason I couldn't use the name Falco Lombardi
  2. Arrest: EddieColeslaw
  3. I didn't think I liked beer (preferring lagers like Carling or Becks, etc) but when I went to Belgium I tried their beers and loved pretty much all of them. So it's just English beers I don't like it seems.
  4. WAIT! 2. Gears of War 2?
  5. ---- http://uk.ign.com/videos/2011/03/07/reggie-interview Interview with Reggie, contains a bit of skyward sword footage and he talks about the 25th anniversary
  6. http://uk.ign.com/videos/2011/03/07/reggie-interview Interview with Reggie, contains a bit of skyward sword footage and he talks about the 25th anniversary
  7. Save some for the rest of us, Cube? :p Goldeneye was the only one I recognised
  8. When I think of all the things I could do/buy with that much money... your friend is such an idiot. Although I suppose if he has all that cash to throw away then he may as well do it on something he likes to do. It seems like a waste to a rational person but maybe the joy Fifa brings him is worth that much to him...
  9. It's called being polite. People don't want 20 games at once and realistically you won't get as many people joining multiple games. If someone mentions they want to make a game before someone else does then it's just common decency to let them go first.
  10. I am none the wiser
  11. I would actually love something like this. A book of the Legends of Zelda containing the stories of each of the games in order.... included with some other swag.
  12. Looks like I was asleep.
  13. Happy birthday Tapedeck!
  14. I actually have information that proves otherwise... I spotted your vehicle going straight from the SFU building to the Desterate Building Complex, so it is possible for you to be followed... obviously you attend our meetings. Withdraw vote for now.
  15. Dwight Schrute! Looks like it'll be worth a watch
  16. Well here's that break that 2 people wanted
  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one to have had this issue with BC:2. It really spoiled the game for me. I played as medic but still got most of my points from capturing bases. The amount of people who seemed happy enough just sitting in one spot getting 1 kill every 5 minutes astounded me. Hardly anyone seemed to want to go for any kind of objective. I know there was that mode where you push into the enemy base and admittedly everyone usually followed that, but I didn't enjoy that mode as much as the traditional catch all the bases style of game. My favourite games of the series have been: BF1942, BF1943 and BF2142... it seems battlefield games have only really been good when there's been a date in the title. However, I am going to be following this release closely to see if it'll be worth getting.
  18. We can't lynch, only arrest. Arrest doesn't show alignment does it?
  19. I didn't vote? for fuck's sake.
  20. Arrest Zell I don't believe it
  21. I'd guess it lost signal due to the blizzard. Sméagol, do you get to see everyone's faces on these cameras or do you only see what's in the write-up? There's nothing I've done that justifies you voting for me either. You're better off pursuing someone else.
  22. Hauntnat is my favourite
  23. 30 - Uncharted? Not a clue with any of these
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