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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Lylat Wars: This level was great. I loved the all-range mode levels but I always felt there should've been more enemies. I loved just flying around taking them out in dogfights and feeling like I was in an actual space battle.
  2. Can't think of any of those. I've probably not played them
  3. Vote: No Lynch I do see why Zell is under suspicion but I don't think we can justify a lynch based on the little evidence we have. We've not even heard from Dyson yet either.
  4. Me too I think it's great that you really don't need to use HM's at all.
  5. Doesn't look like anyone did. Oh I see where you're talking about... finding a dead body isn't really anything though is it? I put that part down to flavour text
  6. I don't think there's anything solid against Zell. Not enough to make me want to vote for him anyway.
  7. At that point I knew who was mafia anyway... my group actually had the mafia sussed from quite early on, I think it was just Zell and Cube we weren't sure of but once Cube claimed Draco we knew for sure. Didn't know Cube was neutral though, I thought we were the only ones.
  8. That vid is awesome and terrifying at the same time. I'm guessing the buildings are designed to sway like that to counter Earthquake damage?
  9. I have nothing. The white pokémon has to be Seel or Dewgong. They're the only pure white pokémon of the original 151
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 'Yeah I hate it for Japan but remember those idiots started World War 2. They bombed Pearl Harbor. Wonder how much money we will send to them.' No offence to any Americans here but come on... just so stupid.
  11. If I had been controlled I expect I would've been forced to tell them. If it was a choice then I wouldn't have done so
  12. I really hope so. I'll be calling it that anyway
  13. Started out with: Then became: This was my host:
  14. Yeah I just wanted to post because I missed the day :p
  15. I have a couple of friends who are over in Japan, they're ok though It is obviously a terrible thing to happen and I don't want to think about the amount of suffering that's going on.
  16. Same here, I've noticed it like 5 times at least... am I very lucky?
  17. Automerge :awesome: prevent
  18. ha that's quite good
  19. I think he was expecting you to go first at first... but now I dunno.
  20. Yeah not much to look at but the fact that it happened is cool.
  21. That's the only place I've used a repel so far. I try to never use them usually.
  22. I still don't believe they're real.
  23. I know I've seen that sun before...
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