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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Not seen Sony's conference yet but from what i've read it was very impressive. If they do a PS3 price drop soon i'll pick one up. Failing that i expect the lure of MAG will be too much and i'll get one when that comes out. If I didn't already own a Blu-Ray player i'd have caved by now, nearly bought a PS3 at Xmas!
  2. There is a difference between the two. Motion Plus tracks the change in location of the Wiimote whereas Sony's system tracks the location of the two sticks. Basically the PS3 will know where these controllers actually are in the room whereas the Wii only knows where Motion Plus is relative to where it was. That and Sony have two sticks to Nintendo's one. I see a 'Nunchuck+' coming
  3. Meh, send as many as you like. I never bothered to install Steam on my new PC.
  4. What Sky package were you on before? The free one is a 2GB/month limit, the £5/month one is 40GB/month and the £10/month one is unlimited. The terms might not be any different. Anyway, 40GB is quite a lot, web browsing and online gaming will use hardly any of it. You'll have to clock up at least 35GB of other downloads to go over your limit. At the end of the day just be glad you're not on AOL. 10GB/month limit
  5. If you're going to use canned air then remove the card from the PC and disconnect the fan. Blowing air on to a fan will make it spin, generating electricity. You can fry the components. The best way tends to be to actually remove the cooler and give it a thorough cleaning then reapply (though you'll need some thermal paste).
  6. Dunno why, but the guy in the suit looks a bit like Tim Roth to me. Pretty awesome looking cast, though i can see the suit guy being the most popular (just like Bill is in the first one).
  7. I'm not going to pass judgement on the sensor itself, it's not for me but i'm sure it has it's audience. However, these ideas of yours are impossible. The developer would be asking the player to control their own heartbeat, which is not a skill your average person has. It could be useful for making your character's actions mimic your emotions though. In horror games the higher your heartbeat climbs the more nervous and scared your character could become. Not so much a gameplay feature, more of an aesthetic one. Making it a gameplay feature would, again, result in the player needing to control their own heartbeat.
  8. I'd assume was originally intended to be DLC. I can't really fault Valve for turning it in to a retail game though after all the free content they've churned out for their games over the years. Maybe HL2 EP3 isn't coming along as fast as expected and they need a cash boost? Or maybe they figure heavily supporting TF2 and L4D with free updates at the same time just wasn't financially viable. I know i'd rather have a L4D sequel than TF3, there'd be little point or value in the latter.
  9. I don't know anything of Natal other than the principals of the tech it's based on. There is a catch to it as with everything. These cams have a limited effective operating range. The minimum distance between the player and the cam will have to be something in the range of 1m (though it depends on the camera, you could design one that would work a lot closer than that) and the max could be anywhere between 3 and 5 meters. It's a lot like the Wii pointer in that respect, it won't work if you're too far away. The possibilities are huge for it. The reason why this actually excites me when the Wii doesn't is simply because all the way up until Motion Plus the Wii wasn't really doing anything special (from a technical point of view). It was well thought out, well marketed, but there was a lot of false promise there. Motion Plus righted that, but it's essentially tracking the position of a stick in 3D space. Natal can track that stick, the rest of your body and your pet dog if you want it to, all at the same time. It's also much more flexible, a developer could use the camera along with the control pad to (as an example) create an FPS where you can lean and peer around corners through body movements. They could essentially integrate this in to the next CoD game;
  10. It's possible, though i doubt Natal will be that sensitive. They have to draw the line somewhere otherwise costs would be silly high. MS are likely trying to find the right trade-off between cost and effectiveness, when that comes about they'll release it.
  11. It see's everything. One of the intended purposes for this tech is to replace green screen technology in film making, does that give you an idea for how effective it is? If you imagine your hand as a few thousand pixels and turn it, is the brightness of those pixels changing? That is how this tech works, it picks up variances in brightness. I look at my hand in front of me and the base of my thumb and the tips of my fingers are all brighter than my palm due to them being closer to the light source above my head. From this image one of these cameras would be able to tell how far (proportionately) my finger tips are from my hand in all three dimensions. It can do this for every single "pixel" on my hand, creating a 3D image of that hand. I can turn the hand and the brightnesses change, creating a new image. I change light source and the brightnesses are different but the image (as it's a comparison between the brightnesses on my hand) will be the same. Have i explaimed it ok? If there's anything i can reword then ask away
  12. That's exactly what this technology is, 1:1 mapping in a 3D space. To what extent Natal will be able to manage this remains to be seen. It does seem that at the very least it's able to discern hand jestures, maybe not sensitive enough for fingers? Theoretically the tech could see and recreate the movement of individual hair strands if it was sensitive enough.
  13. Hate to say this, but having owned both i actually prefered L4D on the 360. Really wish i didn't swap it for the PC version, it just doesn't seem as good
  14. Hit the Windows Key + R, type DXDiag and click on display. Tell us what it says. Graphics cards have moved on quite rapidly lately, you might find a new card as cheap (and more power efficient) than replacing the cooler.
  15. What does he actually want to use this machine for? That's usually the best starting point for deciding on a build, you can build a better gaming rig for much cheaper. Same goes for a workstation (Photoshop, 3DS Max etc.). If it's a balance he's after then get him to name a firm budget otherwise it turns in to a "sky's the limit" sort of affair, throwing money at the problem.
  16. McPhee

    Crysis 2

    Cry Engine 3? Awesome! Cry Engine 2 is already really, really stunning and they're away a raise the bar even higher. Looking forward to this! The first game was pretty average, but really, really beautiful to look at. Thought Warhead was a bit better all round though and lower on the system requirements.
  17. You should, i've missed everything since a couple of weeks before the Scout update I know what the weapons are but i'm yet to use them. Just to add insult to injury... PEOPLE KEEP SENDING ME STEAM INVITES!
  18. Vodafone. They're only charging 20p/minute for voice calls and 10p per text, regardless of the network the person you're calling is on. They're also doing 'Freedom Packs' where you can get £50 worth of calls/texts (100 mins, 300 texts) for £10 and they've dropped roaming charges throughout Europe for the whole summer. Not certain that it's the best, but it seems to be a pretty competitive deal to me.
  19. If it was my money; Intel Core i7 920 - £225 Asus P6T SE - £160 6GB Patriot Viper PC3-12800 RAM - £68.99 @ Overclockers (only lasts til Tuesday, new offers on Wednesday) Sapphire ATi 4870 - £103.49 @ Novatech Samsung 64GB MLC SSD - £91.99 @ Novatech Western Digital 1TB Caviar Green - £67.99 @ Overclockers (til Tuesday) Samsung DVD-RW - £15 Corsair HX-520 - £80 Coolermaster Storm 'Scout' Case - £76.99 @ Overclockers (til Tuesday) Xigmatek HDT-S1283 "Dark Knight" CPU Cooler - £35 Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keybord 4000 - £17.99 @ Play.com £942.44 Might be worth getting a quieter cooler for the graphics card though, it's a very quiet system other than that. The SSD is an odd one, but it's there because it makes a HUGE difference to desktop performance. Apps load a lot quicker and don't 'lag' as much because the drive can find the data a lot quicker than on a mechanical drive. Well worth the money on this sort of budget. A mechanical Hard Drive is still needed for data though, both due to capacity and the low transfer speed of SSDs when they're handling large files. Spec'd with a energy efficient 1TB drive but if the space isn't needed a 500GB drive might be worth the saving. Use the Windows 7 Release Candidate instead of buying Vista, the RC isn't set to expire til next year. Just spend the money intended for Vista on Win7 Retail on release day instead, cheaper in the long-run and you get to use a better OS. For Office, try here; http://www.microsoft.com/student/discounts/theultimatesteal-uk/default.aspx MS Office Ultimate £38.95.
  20. I miss TF2. The sooner my net connection gets sorted out the better
  21. The point of this much bandwidth is as a simple demo, he's trying to demonstrate that his technology allows for a single line to carry that much data. If ISPs were actually installing this tech they'd likely split that 40Gb/s connection across your whole street or something rather than give it all to a single household. Still, it's not gonna happen. The lines might be able to carry that much data but the ISP's servers wouldn't be able to handle a lot of people with 1Gb/s+ connections, all ISPs would need to vastly upgrade their servers which would result in silly prices for the consumer.
  22. You'll be less happy to hear that they've abandoned the Elder Scrolls series for the forseeable future then. New projects can't be bad, but i'm not too happy about that news
  23. I've tried it, prefer the buttons on Noia 2.0 Extreme though. If you could import buttons from other themes then i'd probably use it.
  24. That site is why i trained myself off of Southpaw controls. Got used to them in the N64 days but it severely restricts your games choice. While i don't find conventional as accurate in terms of aiming i do find movement a lot faster. Same goes for PC, i've always used my right hand for the mouse because when i was young i only had access to mice moulded for the right hand. Apparently it's obvious when people watch me play FPS games, i can't aim to save my life but i dance around like a breakdancing hobo desperate for a "coffee"!
  25. If a BD player is Blu-Ray Live compatable then you can upgrade the firmware over the internet. I believe that's what you're asking? BD Live isn't anything to do with these updates, but having it means the player has the necessary hardware in place to do the update. BD Live itself is extra content, special features etc.
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