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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Agreed. Saw it last night as well. The first half was pretty cool, and I was expecting something really good. The second half was utter garbage! Sums up my feelings entirely. Hopefully the next one will be on track...
  2. Grabbing my copy tomorrow. Weather has been too good to be gaming the past few days, but I'm back at work 2moz so chilling out with a copy of Read Dead when I get home seems like a sweet idea. Looking forward to it, I hear ace things!
  3. I've got a spare breakaway cable here. PM me your address and I'll get it in the post tomorrow
  4. Seems fair enough to me. Buying second hand you're getting to use the companies servers without contributing to the running of those servers. Paying some money towards that isn't unreasonable. It could be argued that the initial purchaser contributed to the running of the servers, and thus the contribution for that copy has already been made, but personally I don't think that analogy quite works. By selling the game on it gains a new lease of life and will likely be played for longer than the initial purchaser would have played it alone. The used game market is dying anyways, it won't be long before we're all running downloaded copies of games (ala Steam). We'll have nothing to trade in then...
  5. Aria.co.uk - My current shop of choice. They're just beating everyone else on price these days, no two ways about it. I did make a mistake though. The Athlon II X3 is an AM3 processor. Better to go with an AM3 motherboard and DDR3 RAM; http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Motherboards/Socket+AM3+(AMD)/Gigabyte+GA-MA785GM-US2H+AMD785G+(Socket+AM3)+DDR2+PCI-Express+Motherboard+?productId=37519 http://www.aria.co.uk/SuperSpecials/Other+products/G.Skill+RipJaw+4GB+(2x2GB)+DDR3+PC3-10666C9+1333MHz+Dual+Channel+Kit+?productId=37609
  6. WWDC is 7-11 June. The phone will likely be unveiled at that. Nobody knows when it'll launch yet though, but by the middle of July is pretty much certain (probably sooner).
  7. Being happy to build opens doors If you go with slightly older tech you can get something really quite powerful for £400. That would be a good starting point. Gives you £70 to play with, which I'd suggest spending to get an AM3 motherboard, DDR3 RAM and a more powerful CPU. It's also worth shopping around, ATi 4850s have been available cheaper and I suspect it might be possible to get a better price on RAM too.
  8. It's expensive and difficult to chase people for money owed over international borders. That's why nobody wants to give you a loan to work away for a year. You'll just have to save up like most people who do these courses. Maybe take out a loan on the car, save up, pay that off and then start saving for the trip. and sell the car before you go to generate extra income? That's how I'd go about it. Means you could be in excess of a year away from going to NZ, but it'll be worth it.
  9. I think unlimited internet will continue to be part of the goodie bags after that date, the offer seems to be free internet for everyone at the moment. Might be wrong though.
  10. YUV does seem to be the German name for component. It goes by another name, Y Pb Pr, and a search for that on Amazon returns loads of YUV "Komponenten" cables. You don't need the audio though, as the recivier is just passing video. http://www.amazon.de/Home-Theater-HT-400-150-YUV-Komponenten-Kabel/dp/B0013K7FX6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=ce-de&qid=1274201319&sr=1-1 As for surround sound, I'm not sure that Component does surround? Audio is carried over standard stereo RCA cables and I always thought that the only ways to get multichannel sound were through multichannel RCA, optical, coax and HDMI?
  11. Same offer from giffgaff but as PAYG rather than contract It's basically O2, giffgaff are owned by their UK CEO and piggy backs on their network.
  12. Doubt Apple will bother with WiMax or LTE for a while yet, neither are very well established in the US, never mind the UK. Could easily be a generation or two before they see it as worthwhile. I'd rather nobody bothered personally, there's still vast improvements needing made to the existing 3G infrastructure after 8 years!
  13. I believe Applecare gives you a worldwide warranty? If you're dropping £700 on one it's probably a sensible purchase anyway. Was reading on one site about a guy who imported his to have a coke can explode all over it two days later. £600 gone. Gutted.
  14. Pretty much true. The App Store is vastly over-rated. What is it now? 120,000 Apps? I'd wager that 110,000 of those (at least) are utter garbage. I only use a dozen or so on any regular basis and they are definitely all multi-platform. The thing you have to accept with the iPhone is that a lot of the "great" apps that are really successful (for a short time) on the platform are designed to entertain stupid people. Not trying to be mean there, it's just simply true.
  15. It might be worth taking a look at the Sony E-Series on the Sony site. You can configure it yourself and the pricing options are really reasonable.
  16. Imagine if Nokia and HTC's devices got banned from the states. I actually hope it happens, it'd finally bring the flaws of the silly US patent system in to the limelight.
  17. She's just this sort of... bigoted woman.
  18. 'Mr Cameron, what's your favourite joke?' 'Nick Clegg'. Ouch. Funny how some parliamentary seats can make people change their mind :p Not a bad coup for the Lib Dems; Deputy PM, Business Secretary, Chief Secretary of the Treasury, Education Secretary, Energy and Climate Change Secretary and Scottish Secretary. Not too keen on some of the Tory postings though. Theresa May as Home Secretary being a particular dislike of mine, can't stand that woman!
  19. Let us know how you get on with it. Particularly interested in browsing and whether or not you use it as your main browser or whether lack of Flash and other niggles mean you're back at your desk/laptop. I've changed my tune in the past few months, giving serious thought to picking one up instead of a laptop.
  20. Penumbra scared the crap outta me. Then again I'm crap with horror games...
  21. This is what you get for voting tactically I'm happy with the decision personally. The Conservatives seem to be OK with the idea of compromise, which means this government might just succeed. I actually like their combined "manifesto" too, the good points of both parties without many of the bad points of either, it actually reads like it's been created in the public interest. The Deputy PM doesn't inherit any powers from the PM no matter what happens to him. If he's ill or away he assigns someone to be in charge, if he dies there's a leadership election. The position of Deputy PM is practically powerless really, it's a role that oversees others and gives advice, little else.
  22. Omnimo UI for Rainmeter. http://lifehacker.com/5504465/how-to-transform-your-windows-desktop-with-an-amazing-windows-phone-7+style-hud
  23. I can't believe he's still spouting this 'REAL change' and 'big society' shite. Still, congratulations to David Cameron. The final result seems like it will be the best for the country.
  24. Random, but Boris Johnson is backing Mandelson for the new Labour leader :p
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