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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. No Battlefield 3 Bad Company 2: Vietnam will do though! Can't wait!
  2. Doesn't impress me that much to be honest. First pic is amazing but the rest? Meh. Doesn't look any better than DiRT 2 on PC.
  3. The thing with Vodafone is they tend to do deals on a per customer basis, I might phone up and be offered one for £400 and then you could phone up 5 minutes later and be told £499. I will say if they offer me anything worthwhile though.
  4. £499 for 16GB? Sorry, no. Too much for me. Even if I was desperate for a new handset right now it'd still be a no, Vodafone offered me a Nexus One for £350. Will wait for Dell to start selling the Streak unlocked or until the end of the year and get the HTC Mondrian (which from the rumoured spec sheet sounds like a beast! Dual-core Snapdragon, 1GB RAM, 800x1280 screen! Windows Phone 7, which I'm not 100% sold on yet).
  5. If it's really that much smaller I'll buy one, short on space under the TV and I'm kinda worried that the 360 is a bit too wedged in. Plus, my warranty ends at the end of the year.
  6. Gonna contact Vodafone at some point this week and see what they can offer me upgrade-wise. Not too fussed though, so if they can't twist my arm then I might pick up a Dell Streak. Don't want to increase my line rental, but I'm happy to shell out for the handset. Not sure they'll bite though tbh.
  7. Smokescreen renders Steve Jobs' stance on Flash pretty irrelevant tbh. When it's released any website will be able to implement it to convert Flash to Javascript on-the-fly. The down-side? It's even more resource heavy than Flash. It barely runs on the iPad, never mind the iPhone 3GS. The only way to stop it? Implement Flash in iOS. Apple are damned if they do and damned if they don't, may as well let the people choose.
  8. UK times I'm guessing? Looking forward to Nintendo's conference for the first time in years, very intrigued about the 3DS.
  9. With Flash I'd pick one up tomorrow. Silly that Apple are being so short-sighted really. At the moment there's every likelihood I'll just sell my iPhone and buy a Dell Streak instead.
  10. Congrats, Flameboy! Bet it's an awesome feeling, knowing the flat is yours! I did the same, moved back "for a few months" 4 years ago and I'm still here. Won't be leaving any time soon either, got enough to do between work, college and work experience without worrying about doing laundry/house work as well. Admittedly very jealous :P Happy Birthday btw
  11. Acoustic Energy Aegis Evo 3 Just the floor-standers for now though, will have to get the rest some other time (not enough monies). Denon AVR-1909 Sky+ HD All from AV Forums' Classifieds, cost me about £400 in total (which is pretty good considering the lot was worth over a grand when new). About another £250-£300 to go to get the rest of the speakers It's taken 3 hours to cable everything up so far and I'm not done yet. Still got 3 speakers to go. Then I've got to configure the amp. A lot of work considering I've no idea if it all sounds any good yet... I'll post up some AV porn when I'm done (and no, ReZ, I don't mean what you're thinking. Dirty, disturbed boy )
  12. You live in London, yeah? Tottenham Court Road. You'll get a decent deal there. Won't be quite as cheap as internet prices, but it'll be reasonable and a lot faster than waiting for a custom build (up to two weeks easily).
  13. Will we see Duke Nukem Forever? :p
  14. I know, was just getting the comment in before one of the Android boys (or ReZ) throws it in there. The iPhone is far from perfect but the new one (HW wise) looks so nice! The Desire looks and feels too plasticy to me.
  15. You could always buy a good phone instead
  16. I can imagine TF2 on Mac working brilliantly! One button mouse Spy (no cloaking), one button mouse Medic (no uber), one button mouse Sniper (no scope), one button mouse Demoman (no sticky detonation). Excellent! Bring on the cannon fodder :p On a serious note, hit up this server Emasher;
  17. I'm only on WiFi at home, the rest of the time is 3G. I use the web a lot, every single day, but it's mainly web sites, email and apps like The Guardian. The only times I've ever come near 500MB have been when tethering to my PC a lot or when I had a Spotify Premium sub and wasn't using the 'Offline Playlists' function much. 500MB/month is some pretty heavy web use, it takes video to go over that really.
  18. Just saw this article up on Giz, thought it might help anyone trying to decide what AV software to install; http://lifehacker.com/5559102/microsoft-security-essentials-finds-unknown-malware-but-avoids-false-positives
  19. I was taking the piss. The hardware on this new iPhone looks amazing, it's just the software side that's letting things down. Personally I found the Froyo and Windows Phone 7 announcements far more interesting with a lot of very good ideas in both. I was hoping Apple would start moving toward the cloud and reduce the amount we need to use iTunes (maybe even wireless sync! ) but no, 'FaceTime' is the 'big' feature.
  20. I've had Freesat since it launched. It's Sky, Virgin and Freeview's retarded younger brother. Channel selection is poor and you miss out on pretty much all interactive content. HD channel selection is also very poor, basically BBC HD (which isn't near as good as it was at launch, they've dropped quality loads). I guess if the World Cup in HD is that important then it's worth having, but I can't recommend it. I've got a Sky HD box on the way.
  21. Which one's the new one?
  22. I'm not blown away; Google's I/O conference was far, far more impressive. However, iPhone 4 does look very nice. The styling is great, beyond any other phone out there (way better than the toy-like Desire). It's kinda Motorola Droid-like but more modern. I might order, will have to give it some thought over the next week because it looks like a very good handset. The only other possibilities are the Dell Streak (if O2 start unlocking them) or the Motorola Milestone XT720 (but I don't really use phone cameras so 8MP w/ Xenon flash would be a waste).
  23. Slightly smaller screen with a higher (960x640) resolution. Better rear camera with flash. Front facing camera. More powerful SoC (same one as in the iPad?). There's also rumours circulating about a (Product)Red iPhone. For more, see here; http://gizmodo.com/5520471/the-tale-of-apples-next-iphone?skyline=true&s=i
  24. Let's not even go down this road. Far, far too messy. That map is horribly misleading and the idea that Palestinians have a right to be pissed off is a dangerous one, something that has been holding up the peace process for years now (Hamas regularly talk of reclaiming lost lands etc.).
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