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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. I can't believe how long some apps are taking over updates though. When did iOS 4 get released to developers? April? The new APIs are a few hours work at most and yet very few got it done in time for launch and there's still rather a lot that haven't implemented it (and maybe never will). I guess it's the lack of financial incentive to add new features...
  2. Happy Birthday for yesterday Raining!
  3. Cheers guys Awesome topic title btw! Feel so, so crap today. Far too many shots last night
  4. Q3 2012 is the expected release, so 3 years after Windows 7. Should be in public beta by the end of next year.
  5. I just bought Day of Defeat: Source. My Source collection is now complete! Seems a bargain at £1.75. Not bothering with anything else though. Got a good 100GB+ of games on my account from previous sales that I've not downloaded yet. They may be bargains, but they aren't if I never play em.
  6. Not quite. It's the networks' fault for having low signal zones
  7. Not difficult what they're sold out everywhere :p Still, I get your point. Some people have been waiting a long time to see Apple fuck things up royally, so it's hardly surprising that those people are now milking it. Let them have their 5 minutes :p
  8. Tis a joke, shouldn't really be over-analysed. Anyhow, given the number of issues they clearly didn't test it very thoroughly. Bad quality control in the yellow glue spots on some screens, lack of stress testing on the rear-panel glass, lack of rigorous testing for signal issues. It's either that or they knew about the problems and just decided to release it anyway. Either way at this rate there'll be a good few thousand people suing them stateside.
  9. Never. Gets. Old.
  10. The most interesting bit is the cloud stuff. They plan to have it tightly integrated with the cloud and with the marketplace, so you can log in to any Windows 8 PC and you'll get your Windows 8 user account with all of your files and all of your Marketplace applications (which I guess would download and run on-demand?). Also, the reset idea apparently is slightly different to that. It gives you a fresh Windows install and downloads all of your marketplace applications again, gives you a list of non-marketplace applications that were installed on your system and grabs all of your files from the cloud. Sounds incredibly useful for when things go wrong, potentially easier than troubleshooting most problems. Still, seems to be more of an early brainstorm than actual concrete features. Could be cut down from that quite a bit by the time it hits the market.
  11. I'd be happy with £199, £249 is pushing it and £299 would be a flat 'no'. Still want to see what people make of it as a way to learn to play a real guitar first, once bitten twice shy after the drums thing.
  12. Because the bumper mutes the signal a little, thus killing the point of running the antenna on the surface in the first place. Haha love it! There's no right or wrong way to hold the iPad, it fits you. The iPhone? Ohhh well that's a different story. You're doing it wrong.
  13. Is it just HD video playback (MKV?) that you want? No fancy post-processing, no TV tuners, no gaming or high-quality sound card? And how do you want to load content to it? Straight from a hard drive or over the network from a server/NAS? Oh, and last question, low-maintenance or long-term tweaking project? Makes a big difference on the software choice.
  14. Memo to self: kidnap ReZ the day before Iron Man 3/The Avengers (whichever comes first) is released, then film the next day's insanity and make a killing selling the footage and back-story to You've Been Framed.
  15. Anyone on here having problems with the antenna? I know Caris won't be, but anyone else? Sounds like it could be a big issue... Sync your touch with iTunes (and just to make sure, right click on your iPod Touch in iTunes and select 'Transfer Purchases') then just sync your iPhone, it should sync everything that your Touch had on it.
  16. Spoke to Vodafone today, no deals. They want me to sign up for two years, double my line rental up from £15/month to £30/month and give them £169 in order to get the handset. Two out of the three and I'd probably agree, but that's too much, better off going SIM-Free or PAYG (or not bothering, I'll only wind up selling it in a few months for the next handset that catches my eye instead...).
  17. Am I the only N-Eer that's not lost a 360 yet? Three and a half years without issue (Bar one scare last summer, but everything was overheating then. I had to spend £80 on extra cooling for my brand new PC )
  18. Rotation lock is native. Double tap the home button, swipe left to right in the task switcher. Brings up iPod controls and the rotation lock button Cheers for the heads up on SBSettings, seems they fixed it today!
  19. It chugs a bit on the 3G with custom backgrounds and multitasking. Still worth it though imo. 4.0 is a good upgrade, sorted quite a few niggles with the OS. Oh and... Rotation Lock! Finally!
  20. My ePenis feels soul-destroyingly small now. Must resist urge to spend monies on computer gear. Or a dodgy op.
  21. Nice! No need to ask who has the most powerful rig on this site then...
  22. Redsn0w beta. iPhone 3G and 2nd Gen iPod Touch only at the moment and it's only really good for getting background wallpapers/multitasking because the majority of JB apps haven't been ported to iOS4 yet. SBSettings doesn't work Windows: http://sites.google.com/a/iphone-dev.com/files/home/redsn0w_win_0.9.5b5-3.zip?attredirects=0 Mac: http://sites.google.com/a/iphone-dev.com/files/home/redsn0w_mac_0.9.5b5-3.zip
  23. Oooh, shiny. Installed. Jailbreaking now
  24. Cool. One other question, are you certain you can get 3G on UK networks? I've not seen any reports confirming or denying that it works, but IFixIt's breakdown mentioned it only runs on 850, 1900 and 2100MHz bands, UK networks run on 900 and 1800MHz (the same as T-Mobile USA). If IFixIt are right then it'll only do Edge.
  25. Figured it'd be something like that. One of my mates is off to Florida in July so I'll get him to pick one up for me I think, can't turn down a £100 saving (16GB 3G).
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