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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Got my HTC Trophy yesterday. Really like it! Working on a proper review now and I'll post it here when I'm done.
  2. May be better asking on an American forum, the US Market is quite different from the UK one.
  3. http://android.modaco.com/content/zte-blade-blade-modaco-com/318726/sim-unlock-s4-card-payments-p4-99-paypal-friendly-alternative-unlock-hd-video-now-online/ giffgaff.com Buy the San Fran, unlock it for $4, go with GiffGaff. Not sure that can be beaten. Can I refer you tho? Points means prizes (or free credit rather).
  4. Orange San Fransisco on PAYG. A beast of a handset for a hundred quid! Some say it's better than the Wildfire (it's certainly spec'd better, just lacks SenseUI).
  5. Ouch. They missed out on the Desire HD and Samsung Omnia 7 just to get the HD7? It's getting absolutely slated in the tech press as being a pretty poor handset (badly made, bad screen, bad camera, poor battery life).
  6. Am I the only one who thinks Angry Birds is a bit shit? Own both the iPhone and iPad games but I really don't 'get' it. To be fair I am shockingly bad at it, which might be why.
  7. I'm still on the fence. Will be until I see a list of launch apps and those that will hit the platform soon. There's a few apps that I don't want to do without and if they're not there it's going to put me off buying in to the platform until they arrive (none are games, mostly just apps for when I'm out and about).
  8. Good game. Found it a bit easy up to Gift Box, Level 15 though. I'm now stuck solid. I know what I have to do, but it's proving to be hard to do it.
  9. I think I heard that O2 aren't getting it. Will check though.
  10. Audio Technica ATH-M50? A little over your budget at £130-£140 but they sound like they're bang on what you're after. Closed back, good isolation, coiled cable (replaceable, can always swap it for a shorter one if needed) and they fold down. I've no idea what they sound like but the above features make them sound like near-perfect portable cans. http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=audio+technica+ath-m50&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=14094438021096303502&ei=8IijTKaWO8PO4AaWuLGTAw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDAQ8wIwAg#ps-sellers Might get a pair myself, seem to have lost my ear buds at some point this week
  11. Another 555 owner here. Fantastic cans! Just a shame that they're open back. Goldring NS1000? Not as good as the 555s, SR60 or SR801 for sure but a steal at £49.99! If you're not in a massive rush then it might also be worth keeping an eye on Play.com, they've had some real bargains in the past (HD595s were £150 at one point, came so close to upgrading my 555s!).
  12. I don't actually plan on playing it, just cool that it's possible. Means I can do pretty much anything on my PC while sat in the living room (the PC is on 24/7 these days anyway, being used as a media server). Installed iOS 4.2 last night. A really good upgrade, a few optimisations making the OS run better along with multitasking, folders, etc. Oh, and Safari reloads tabs less often now Only downside is the stupid decision to change the lock switch to a mute switch.
  13. I got Splashtop Remote a few days ago and decided to see what it was capable of this evening (what a fund Saturday night! ). Team Fortress 2 running on my PC, streamed over WiFi to my iPad. It kinda works, the game runs and you can move around. Controls are a nightmare though, the on-screen keyboard is useless (covering over half the screen) and touching the screen fires a shot (so if you turn you're constantly shooting). With a bit of tweaking and a Bluetooth keyboard it might actually be playable. Well impressed for 59p!
  14. New JB bored my phone when I was away in London. Ended up picking up a MiFi for the iPad and I think my Jailbreaking days are now over
  15. I've had no trouble with the codes and delivery was fast enough (just over 24 hours). The Jailbreak is out for iPhone 3G and below Got multitasking, wallpapers, battery percentage, MyWi and SBSettings back. Well happy.
  16. Just picked up the iPad versions of both. £2.99 ain't too bad. Grabbed Slice It! (ingenious), Splashtop (OK) and Angry Birds at the same time. Tried out this site after hearing good reports and it seems it works; itunescodes.co.uk I've now got £75 worth of credit (5x£15 vouchers for £37.50) sitting in my account.
  17. Paradiso might actually be the shitest map ever created. Really can't stand it.
  18. Thankfully, no.
  19. I quite like how they've toughened the enemies up a bit, keeps things in perspective. In the main series the point is to feel like Master Chief, the most badass son-of-a-bitch to ever grace humanity. The Grunts were freaking terrified of him because of his reputation. Towards the end of Halo 3 even Hunters didn't feel that scary, they were just another enemy to be killed. Noble Team just ain't that tough or that badass.
  20. I thought you were rubbishing the 360's graphical power, not the power of Bungee's new Halo engine? Reach is far from the best looking 360 game (though I'm not sure the 360 can keep up with the PS3, but I doubt it'll really matter much).
  21. To be frank both consoles are pretty shit in the graphics department. Bit of a moot debate really. Even so, it's an odd argument to take what is basically the best looking PS3 game and compare it to a 360 game that hasn't been particularly noted for it's graphics (it's maybe just not Bungee's strength? They're more like Valve than Crytek).
  22. Mine arrived! Bit disappointed by the customisation though, barely any choices available until you've been playing a while Anyone up for some co-op?
  23. HTC Desire HD will be out in a matter of weeks. It's worth baring in mind if you're looking at the Desire or Galaxy.
  24. Tesco dispatched my copy today! Royal Mail 1st Class delivery, so hopefully that means it ain't being held and with a bit of luck will be with me by Saturday.
  25. I'm up for a few games
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