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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. I got Splashtop Remote a few days ago and decided to see what it was capable of this evening (what a fund Saturday night! ). Team Fortress 2 running on my PC, streamed over WiFi to my iPad. It kinda works, the game runs and you can move around. Controls are a nightmare though, the on-screen keyboard is useless (covering over half the screen) and touching the screen fires a shot (so if you turn you're constantly shooting). With a bit of tweaking and a Bluetooth keyboard it might actually be playable. Well impressed for 59p!
  2. New JB bored my phone when I was away in London. Ended up picking up a MiFi for the iPad and I think my Jailbreaking days are now over
  3. I've had no trouble with the codes and delivery was fast enough (just over 24 hours). The Jailbreak is out for iPhone 3G and below Got multitasking, wallpapers, battery percentage, MyWi and SBSettings back. Well happy.
  4. Just picked up the iPad versions of both. £2.99 ain't too bad. Grabbed Slice It! (ingenious), Splashtop (OK) and Angry Birds at the same time. Tried out this site after hearing good reports and it seems it works; itunescodes.co.uk I've now got £75 worth of credit (5x£15 vouchers for £37.50) sitting in my account.
  5. Paradiso might actually be the shitest map ever created. Really can't stand it.
  6. Thankfully, no.
  7. I quite like how they've toughened the enemies up a bit, keeps things in perspective. In the main series the point is to feel like Master Chief, the most badass son-of-a-bitch to ever grace humanity. The Grunts were freaking terrified of him because of his reputation. Towards the end of Halo 3 even Hunters didn't feel that scary, they were just another enemy to be killed. Noble Team just ain't that tough or that badass.
  8. I thought you were rubbishing the 360's graphical power, not the power of Bungee's new Halo engine? Reach is far from the best looking 360 game (though I'm not sure the 360 can keep up with the PS3, but I doubt it'll really matter much).
  9. To be frank both consoles are pretty shit in the graphics department. Bit of a moot debate really. Even so, it's an odd argument to take what is basically the best looking PS3 game and compare it to a 360 game that hasn't been particularly noted for it's graphics (it's maybe just not Bungee's strength? They're more like Valve than Crytek).
  10. Mine arrived! Bit disappointed by the customisation though, barely any choices available until you've been playing a while Anyone up for some co-op?
  11. HTC Desire HD will be out in a matter of weeks. It's worth baring in mind if you're looking at the Desire or Galaxy.
  12. Tesco dispatched my copy today! Royal Mail 1st Class delivery, so hopefully that means it ain't being held and with a bit of luck will be with me by Saturday.
  13. I'm up for a few games
  14. After watching that, now I can't wait! The banter brings back memories!
  15. Same here Daft. Only ordered it because it was Halo and £25. There isn't even a summary of the good stuff on the Wiki! Off to Gametrailers to watch some videos and see what all the fuss is about.
  16. Same problem here. Cant see me using it to be honest.
  17. Anybody got Words With Friends? No Game Centre for me, not available on the 3G. Apparently it's too slow to handle it, although the identically spec'd iPod Touch 2G manages just fine. Maybe it'll appear in Cydia at some point?
  18. Saw that earlier and popped an order in. Tesco had better deliver on release day. I've got a bad feeling that they won't The way you're going you ain't gonna make it in to work tomorrow Either that or you'll get there to discover there's been a break-in overnight and a certain game was the only thing stolen
  19. That's the stuff it's missing
  20. They all seem to be pretty similar. Some pull tricks, housing part of the battery outside the unit. Those ones are definitely thinner, but you have to put up with part of the battery jutting out (Dell used to do this. I think Acer still do?). IIRC the best models around at the moment are supposed to be the Toshiba NB350, Samsung N220 (or N210, practically the same machine), the Dell Mini 1012 and an Asus Seashell machine (the model number escapes me right now). Of those the Samsung has the best battery life by far, the Toshiba has the best keyboard, the Asus is a good balance between the two. The Dell is the wild card. It's the only one of the four that's available with a higher res screen (1366x768 instead of 1024x600) and can reliably be found with 3G and Broadcom's CrystalHD card (it comes with the high res screen). The Samsung also carries the Broadcom card, but it's not very well advertised and isn't standard, so it's become a bit of a lottery as to whether or not a machine has the card included. I had it narrowed down to either the Dell or the Samsung. The Sammy is probably the best net book around really, the battery lasts 12 hours, the keyboard is solid, the track pad is OK, build quality is good. The Dell for the reasons mentioned earlier. The base Dell isn't as good as the Samsung, it's just the upgrades that make it a particularly interesting machine. It's also worth mentioning that if battery life isn't a massive issue there's much more powerful 11" and 12" machines for a little bit more money (and they come with Win7 Home Premium insteadnof Starter). Battery life still sits at 4-6 hours on those, which ain't bad. That Dell on Amazon is the standard spec unit btw.
  21. There's some pretty cracking deals on eBay for refurbished Dell Mini 1012s. Was looking at them before I picked up the iPad and you can get one with all the trimmings (HD screen, built in 3G, 2GB RAM, Broadcom HD decoder, Bluetooth etc.) and a 3 year Dell warranty for around £320. Less with each extra you remove (though all of them seem to have the 3 year warranty, I guess the sellers get that as standard from Dell?). Had a play with one, seems like a nice machine (especially with the HD screen upgrade!).
  22. It'd be lacking because it'd still just be a smartphone build of the OS, it'd just have a new UI layered over the top to make it more usable on a 10" screen. To make proper use of the tablet form factor the OS needs to be rebuilt and reworked to utilise the significant amount of extra screen space. Skinning the smartphone build sounds good in theory, but in practice it doesn't really work. It's why there aren't really many Android tablets around at the moment. The Tab is the best of them, but it still feels like using an Android phone. Samsung have pretty much abandoned it, they announced it's successor (this time running Honeycomb a "more specifically optimised" OS) on the same day they launched the Tab. At €750 a unit I'm really not surprised.
  23. Right now it definitely would be the iPad or new Kindle. The Kindle is a fantastic book reader (I'm not convinced that the eInk display is actually necessary, I read just short of 3 books on my iPad while I was on holiday, but it's far cheaper than an iPad and the battery lasts longer) but the iPad does one heck of a lot more and is a far more useful bit of kit to be carrying around. Notion Ink's Adam looks quite interesting. I'm not sure how much people can bank on Android tablets though, it all depends what Google pull out of the hat with Honeycomb (Android 3.0 for Tablets). Right now Android could, in theory, be really good on a tablet, but compared to the iPad and Windows 7 tablets it's a bit lacking.
  24. I'd be happy with the first game + 4 player online co-op tbh. It was awesome, but a pain in the arse that it was split screen all the time. Anyone tried Monday Night Gaming? Looks good, but at 1200 points I'm looking for some opinions.
  25. Well, it arrived! Can't believe how amazing the screen is and how responsive the device is! Quite happy with it so far, though I have come across that "how the hell am I supposed to type on this while lying down?" awkwardness. Still, keyboard is better than expected; I can pretty much touch type on it like I would a normal keyboard (well, semi-touch type, have to glance at the screen every few seconds to check my hands are in the right place. Auto-shift is throwing me out too, keep starting sentences with lower-case letters. Really impressed with Wired magazine and Osmos so far. Deciding what apps to buy is proving tricky though, they're not at disposable prices like the iPhone ones
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