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Everything posted by McPhee
I'm not so sure it's a matter of success, more one of life fulfillment. If bringing up a family helps you achieve a full life then that's the important thing. It's actually quite a scary thing to think about. I haven't planned to get married or have kids, but then if I think forward to when I'm 50 do I really want to be alone? If I compare my dad's life to his sister' then is certainly looks a lot warmer and more appealing (she never got married or had kids). I'm in no position to think seriously about either right now though, my life is unlikely to settle until I'm past 30 and building my own restaurant/deli.
Had a similar issue with T-Mobile, except there were outstanding charges that caused them to put a black mark on my credit rating. CS wouldn't speak to me as I didn't have an active T-Mobile phone number, and as such I couldn't settle the balance. Managed to get an email address for someone quite high up the company by asking around mobile phone related sites (think it was the CS director or some such) and he got it sorted pretty quicj, waving all charges as an apology. I'd try MSE and What Mobile forums for a start.
FUUUUUUK YEAH! Can't wait. Been after a new Elder Scrolls game since Oblivion, never really got in to Morrowind. Please give us some sort of co-op this time tho... Please!
Oh it ain't easy. The opposite in fact, I was almost constantly out of ammo until I managed to afford the Rock-It Launcher. Now I'm just out-gunned. I might just start again. I tired to balance stats across a number of different skills, but now I'm thinking going all-in on combat would have been more sensible?
Picked up Fallout 3 this week. I'm not sure if I'm missing something or not, but it feels very 'meh'. Even after two years it's still buggy/glitchy with performance issues, the story ain't really grabbing me (not far in tho, just left Vault 112), the gunplay doesn't really stand up to today's shooters and the weapons feel crap. It has given me a desire to go out and buy Borderlands again though, a game which I enjoyed far more than this one on account of the co-op, awesome guns, awesome gunplay and vehicles (no trekking across sparse landscape for 15 minutes to get to the objective!).
I hadn't really given it any thought, it looks good on my TV regardless. However, now I'm looking more closely I'd wager it's still 720p scaled up to 1080p. It's missing that overall sharpness that I see on Blu-Ray disks. I've been quite disappointed by the latest dashboard update tbh. I was expecting Zune, Facebook, Twitter etc. to be fully integrated in to the dashboard instead of being separate programs. Would be wicked to be able to play Zune Music tracks while playing a game. Hopefully it'll be in next year's update along with Zune Marketplace (i.e. apps), a web browser and IPTV (I can dream lol).
You actually are getting an 8GB iPod Touch though, there is no con. The confusion comes from the dawn of computing, when it was deemed acceptable to term binary values with decimal names. As such, 1KB was 1024B, not 1000B as the name would suggest. This caused a problem where 1KB could be two different values, either 1000B or 1024B depending on which scale you are using. This was put right in 2005, the binary KB was renamed KiB (or kibibyte), MB became MiB or Mibibyte, and so on upwards. Now, 1000B is 1KB and 1024B is 1KiB. So, when you are sold an 8GB iPod Touch what you get is 8 Billion bytes. What the OS sees is 7.45GiB (with the unit shown as GB), still 8 Billion bytes. The problem is the use of KB, MB, GB etc. as binary values is so engrained in society now that they can't really be dropped from common usage. While KiB, MiB, GiB etc. will become the norm in the world of computer science they are very unlikely to ever replace the old units; to do so would cause even more confusion.
Part of it is the difference between GB and GiB. Storage is sold in GB, Operating Systems work in GiB, the difference between the two being about 7% (or roughly half of your "missing" storage). The rest has gone to formatting and the OS.
Any room for a late entry? Or wait on a new tourney?
Naw, projectors are where it's at. GT5 ain't the same until the car you see on screen is bigger than it is in real life and your £200 Logitech racing wheel looks comically undersized :p Seriously, do eet! In regret only going with a 42"er...
I guess the idea is to allow maximum exposure for each topic in the press - releasing the whole lot at once would keep a lot of big things out of the headlines. TBH I've found the US reaction more interesting than the leaks themselves. Since they started the government has been running a fine line between limiting damage, protecting security and tearing up human rights, the first amendment and various national and international laws. It could be very embarrassing if the next bout of leaks focuses on the US governments actions in November/December 2010, there's definitely been some foul play at hand.
Allegedly Move is selling "better than expected" so there'll be a stock shortage over Christmas. Either that means sales picked up, Sony never expected it to sell well, or they're trying the old marketing trick of "it's out of stock therefore it must be popular". I think I'll pick up a Kinect in time for Christmas, could be a good laugh with all the family round.
His voice seems too dry for that robot, it feels odd.
I'm happy with the French Revolution as long as they don't start being stupid with it. As soon as we have stupid shit like Napoleon being a Templar and Arthur Wellesley being an Assassin I think I'll give up on the series, just a shitty black and white view for such a colourful period of history. I'd still like to see them remake London circa 1890 though. Perching on Tower Bridge, looking out across the Thames would be absolutely awesome. Maybe too difficult/large in scope for Assassin's Creed III but I'm sure it'll happen eventually.
Thats... your mum? *says nothing*
I know someone who can't afford to eat for the next month after shelling out £500 to get a ticket to see Take That. That's got to be the biggest idiot I know. Oh, and the sad fact is the eBay seller had 0 feedback and could barely string together two words of English so there's a good chance it's a scam, a fact I'm reluctant to point out. Oh, and I know a lad who used to fetch trollies for a supermarket who got sacked because he was caught in the pub while clocked in. The dolt accidentally chose the pub where the management were having their Christmas do. Credit due though, he'd been getting away with it for a good 10 hours a week every week for 2 years!
It matters enough to me that I'll Jailbreak just to fix it. Double tapping the home button, scrolling left, hitting the lock button and then tapping back on to the app is just awkward and long winded for something that's used regularly and that used to be simple. It turns out the switch ain't actually a mute switch. Found out today when I tried using it as one. All it does is turn off the non-existent ringer and audible alerts (push, email), all other audio will continue to play. Useful. Really useful. Thanks Apple.
At this rate the thread will be heading back to 'Other Consoles' lol. Maybe we should just bounce it around a bit. Wii board next?
They also changed the lock switch on the iPad to a mute switch. Apple have lost the plot with this one...
The guy should take up high-stakes gambling, at least something can be gained from that Isnt this a General thread really? Got more in common with idiocy than FIFA 2011.
My Xbox just deleted all my saves. Not too upset about most of them; another play through Fable III and Assassin's Creed: BC ain't the end of the world, but it's gonna be a bitch to play through Mass Effect 1 and 2 again in prep for the third.
Just completed it. Got confusing towards the end, but the story has turned out very intriguing. As others have said, overall probably the best of the series. Still wish they'd bring back city-wide alarms though, it's too easy to kill a bunch of guards and walk away. Multiplayer is amazing.
Each to their own I guess. I thought MW2's multiplayer was awful. Really badly balanced, over-powered killstreak rewards and some really crappy maps mixed in with a few really good ones. Admittedly there's no real stand-out maps in BlOps but there's no really crappy ones either and the game is balanced much better. It feels more like an FPS to me than MW2 ever did.
I'd take the Milestone 2 over the Desire Z personally, though I don't think the Milestone is out yet.
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It's odd, everyone seems to love Nuketown but I hate it immensely. Keep thinking there's something I just don't get about it.