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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Not sure what I'm buying this Christmas yet. Reach and Fable 3 are a given, but undecided on the rest. Yet to play Fallout 3, so I'll have to give that a go before buying Vegas. Battlefield 3 and BC2: Vietnam are good bets though (whenever they're released). If it was going to be like Bad Company they'd just call it Bad Company 3 surely? I also seriously doubt they'd be making Bad Company 2: Vietnam. Battlefield 3 will be traditional Battlefield. Would kinda void the point in making it otherwise.
  2. http://www.sammywiki.com/wiki/Samsung_Netbook_Games_List_(N-Series) The Sam & Max games and remastered Monkey Island games are worth a shout too.
  3. Yup. It's just too much for the 3G, despite doing very little more than 3.2.1. I'm just gonna replace it, loads of good devices due around October time.
  4. Bumping a dead thread much?
  5. Thought this was quite funny; His 3G works one hell of a lot better than mine though. I'd have missed the call at the end, the iPhone doesn't register the press in time. Get the music skipping though, a lot.
  6. That's what he said. It's an Android alternative :p
  7. GPU-Z isn't really telling you much that's going to help, it's just system info. You need something that will stress test your PC and check that it's stable. Had a read up on why ATi Tool isn't working and it turns out it's been replaced by GPUTool. Downloaded it, tried it, works fine on Win7 64-bit.
  8. Hellsing's Fire is brilliant. Anyone tried that new Star Wars game? Defence of Hoth or something?
  9. Might need to run it as an administrator. If not then ATi Tray Tools is another option. Video card sounds likely right now.
  10. GPU temp might be a bit high. Download ATi Tool, install, run, and click 'Scan for Artifacts'. Let it run for an hour. It shouldn't find any and if it doesn't then the GPU is 100% stable. If it finds loads then GPU instability is probably causing your problems either due to it being too hot or it being faulty.
  11. Good to hear! Saw it on Giz on Thursday, looked good so I bought it. Not got around to trying it yet tho.
  12. Blown out of proportion, maybe, but there's still a design flaw in the way they built the handset. The only difference after the 4.1 update will be that the phone will stop lying to you about how much signal you have and start telling you the truth. If you have a very weak signal it'll display one bar (or maybe even no bars?) instead of four, so when you hold your phone wrongly the drop won't seem so severe. Still, it seems a fairly moot problem that will rarely affect people so they're being fair with the offer of a free case. It's not really serious enough for a full product recall, it's not like everyone is loosing signal even in strong signal areas.
  13. I didn't like it much either. Runs horribly on the 3G.
  14. http://www.mobilefun.co.uk/blog/information/free-iphone-4-case-for-death-grip-sufferers/ Seems like a decent offer, £2.50 inc. P&P for an iPhone 4 case.
  15. Never tired it. The iPad version of Movies Now was on one of Gizmodo's Apps of the Week lists recently and it sounded cool so I picked up the iPhone version.
  16. eBay bought RedLaser at the end of June. RedLaser was last updated on the 30th March. It's exactly the same as it was back then. The reviewer is obviously a complete and utter dolt.
  17. National Rail Urbanspoon RedLaser Tapatalk (there's a free Read Only version to try) MoviesNow DC Comics Marvel Comics Dropbox LandFormer Oddy Smog Can definitely recommend that lot.
  18. McPhee


    There's an Oyster Card vending machine. Make sure you have the right change (£5 I think?), pop the money in, out comes your card, top it up and you're off! Personally I love the City. I'm off down there again next weekend to visit some mates and just generally chill out. Best times I've had down there have just been hopping off at random tube stops that none of us have been to before (well, not that random really, tend to stay away from ones that might be in dodgy areas and go for the ones in posh areas instead) and wandering around. There's usually something interesting going on. Depends on the mood really though, different areas of the city are very different. In a Camden mood at the moment, but that might have changed by Friday.
  19. It's an iPhone, the signal's always been dodgy on em :p Order these and use em to test the signal; http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/shop/free-pay-as-you-go-sim-cards/ http://freesim.orange.co.uk/ https://www.three.co.uk/Pay_As_You_Go/Free_SIM/Order_a_free_SIM http://shop.vodafone.co.uk/pay-as-you-go/hub/vodafone/ Might need to get O2 to unlock your iPhone first though; https://www.o2.co.uk/apps/help/help?qid=1&q1=2&route=unlocking&case=Handset%20Unlocking%20Form
  20. Nah, not seen a golden wrench yet. Play on the same server most of the time though so it's unlikely. Looking forward to the novelty wearing off now. Play Engie a lot so it's kinda irritating at the moment, most games I put up a dispenser at the start and then every single other Engineer on my team proceeds to steal metal out of it because they're all desperately trying to build their own sentries, all in a cluster. Round starts, we have a level one dispenser built and about a trillion level one sentries (which sucks, big time). I've taken to abusing admin privileges and burning/drugging/freezing the fools, they get the message quick (or they leave, either one).
  21. I just did, so I guess that's a yes (unless iPhone 4 is different to the 3G). Heck, install the right program and you can download everything over 3G if you feel like it.
  22. We helped Hitler in to power because he hated Communism, hated the Russians and was capable of uniting Germany. Without him the Red Revolution would have spread in to central Europe (and maybe beyond). It all went wrong because Hitler knew he was being used, Germany was supposed to be the sacrificial lamb in an upcoming war between Britain with her allies against Russia. We'd have been allied with Hitler's Germany and the majority of the war would have been fought on German soil with majority German blood being spilled. What I'm getting at there is that we wouldn't have stopped Hitler even knowing what we know now. Communist revolutions in central Europe would have been far too damaging to British power. At most we'd have massively cut the funding we gave him to build his armed forces. That's the thing about our actions in the world, we won't lift a finger to stop even the most destructive of wars if the cons outweigh the pros. As Communism itself being evil, that's a rather silly notion. Communist revolution tends to be born out of great oppression and tyranny. The people have to become so fed up with being treated like dirt that they are willing to throw away their lives to bring down the establishment and take the power themselves. While the Revolution breeds evil acts it isn't in itself evil. OK, ninja edit. That is just plain wrong. I'm assuming you're referring to Stalin's Russia there? Don't tar an entire movement with the acts of a paranoid Dictator. Stalin did what he did because he believed it to be the only way to keep Russia strong enough to see off any direct attack by the US. He was probably right. Communism itself doesn't remove people's freedom. Maybe read up on the birth of communist Russia and compare people's liberties before and after the revolution? I seriously doubt you'll find that the people were better off under the Tsars.
  23. http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/ It's out
  24. The Guardian is the one that's annoying me the most. If it's money that's the problem then I wouldn't even mind if they charged for the update, I've got more than my money's worth from that app anyway. Guess they're busy building the iPad app at the moment though...
  25. Change the WiFi channel. Odds on it's interference from other wireless devices/the neighbours' wireless connections. Which channel is the right one is trial and error, all depends what the neighbours are running. Sounds odd. I'd probably go with buying a new router tbh, they ain't all that expensive and this sounds like one of those problems that'll probably never be solved.
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