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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Im sure USB 3.0 PCI-E x1 cards would be viable, can't see it only being on new computers (and PCI is being phased out anyway)
  2. I love Americans! Just been accused of being high on crack (got 2 or 3 people singing queen songs) and being "one of those creepy old hairy guys who wanders around Walmart looking at little kids moms" I was creasing up laughing
  3. Ultimate isn't worth much over Home Premium. You basically get Bit Locker, a Poker game and video wallpapers, other than that i've not noticed anything more
  4. Well nearly everyone who uses it swears by it, it's mainly people that don't use it that hate it. Tells you something eh? TBH though Vista isn't much better/different to XP. It's just a more complete package
  5. Same here. I don't dislike Halo but it's not got me hyped. The Beta just felt like a generic shooter to me, it killed any enthusiasm i had Thats not to say it won't be good and that i won't buy it, just that it's sat quite low down my must-buy list at the moment. Anyhow, i hope you lot all enjoy the game. Im guessing all other Live games are going to dry up so, as of next Friday it's back to the PC until COD4 arrives
  6. UT3 Call Of Duty 4 (prob buy it on 360 though) Quake Wars Orange Box (only really interested in TF2) Crysis In that order. The CoD4 beta handily expires on the same day as ET: Quake Wars is released http://www.play.com/Games/PC/4-/3360129/Enemy-Territory-Quake-Wars/Product.html Was trying to decide between this, World In Conflict, Halo 3 and that TF2 beta thingy. At £18 my decision has just been made for me
  7. Holy Smokes, Batman!
  8. Maybe the "humanoid female alien" is of a female-only race therefore forcing the gender choice?
  9. Im not getting Halo 3 at launch, got too many other games to play. World in Conflict and Oblivion: GOTY Edition are out on Friday, need to pick them up on PC and i've got the Medieval 2: Total War expansion and the next Guild Wars chapter to catch up on!
  10. Im really, really tempted by the TF:2 Beta. Any good? Im put off by the whole having to order the game thing, i was gonna get it on 360
  11. With so many big PC releases coming up over the next few months i figured it needs it's own thread. So discuss away! [/tired enthusiasm] EDIT: Now includes gaming hardware discussion
  12. Hang on, this is out in November? Is it just me or is November kind of packed? Mass Effect Assassin's Creed Call Of Duty 4 UT3 (for those with PCs/PS3s) In a single month? Some sources are saying Orange Box is November too, making it even more silly
  13. Currently im missing neon Media Centre, uTorrent and Paint icons. Anyone know of any that would fit in? EDIT: The pic is crappy, photobucket seem to have decided to compress it
  14. What card have you got at the moment? If you go with the 8800GTS then buy the card first, no point buying a new PSU if you don't need it. If its a shop bought unit then you likely will need a new PSU, if its a custom build with a good quality 450W PSU that has a PCI-E power connector then you should be able to get away with it and upgrade the PSU later On the power supply front i'd recommend the Corsair HX, OCZ StealthXStream/GameXStream Antec NeoHe
  15. Wheres the cheapest place to order the standard edition? I might just pop in to town on release day and trade some games for it, im not massively excited about H3
  16. Netgear router?
  17. it had better make it this year...
  18. Im online now, somebody host? I would but my internet connection isn't fast enough, it can handle a few of us in gears but beyond that...
  19. CoD4 tonight for me! YAYNESS!!!
  20. w00t! i've got my key! got no bloody time to play it though, i've hardly had a chance to sit down all week and next week doesn't look good either
  21. Ah bugger, not much hope then
  22. I applied for the Gamespot key last night + got the code to enter at cod4beta.co.uk That site haven't sent me the code though Eurogamer have run out of codes now too
  23. Anyone got a spare key? I've not had the Gamespot or Eurogamer keys through yet, applied for them days ago PM me if you've got one plz
  24. SORT YOU'RE FREAKING ROUTER OUT DAN!!!!!!! Here's an idea, instead of everyone else making they're NATs moderate why don't we just stop inviting Dan until he gets it sorted? AFAIK it's his router thats causing all the bloomin problems in the first place
  25. Thats bull crap. There are some great ATI cards, always have been. It's all about what you can get for the money, you can't just say "NVidia is better" because that is utter shite. NVidia's DX10 cards are generally better, but ATI out did them last generation. The 8400M should be a really good card, but Nvidia stripped too many features out of it. Theres nothing wrong with the table, it clearly lables estimated performance for loads of laptop and desktop cards and shows the performance difference between them. For laptops there aren't many good comparrisons, find me a better one
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