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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. You want the MPT deleted? Seriously? Well, im afraid you're going to be disappointed then Conzer. Listening to suggestions doesn't mean executing every single one, after all we can't both delete and restore the MPT (although as far as you are concerned it currently IS deleted).
  2. We are accepting input. Im guessing you're referring to why the MPT is still gone? It is coming back, but that is a few days away. We are still deciding on what exactly we are doing with it, you'll all be notified of the decision when we come to one.
  3. One last point: You guys want you're input? Well then, stop spamming the Suggestions thread with complaints and start coming up with sensible ideas! We are not going to sack any mods/admins. If we are spending our time coming up with sensible ideas instead of saying "lets ban half the board" then you're input has to hinge on sensible ideas too.
  4. Hobbz was banned because of a long time attitude problem, this was one more complaint in a long list against him. Regardless, it was his language and attitude in those PMs that sparked his ban. It's not the first complaint of that type we had against him. Heck, we could almost devote him his own complaints board! Also, getting bored of this now. MPT IS coming back, and always was. We are just sorting out some other crap first, think of it as "closed for refurbishment"
  5. Yup, which is why i dislike the 10/10 rating. If they give Bioshock 10/10 and Halo turns out to be better then what can they give Halo? They have to give it 10/10. If CoD4 then turned out to be better still then they are completely stuffed None of those games are perfect, so it is very possible a better one will arrive
  6. Guys, can't you just wait a bit? Discussion in the mod boards takes quite a lot of time because believe it or not we aren't all on 24/7. It'll take a few days to decide whats going on with the MPT and what changes will be made to the forum. For those of you that dislike the way the forum is at the moment, we know it can't stay how it is and are working on it. Change is coming, and hopefully for the better. Im sure most of you who stick it out will be pleased with what we have planned Serious question: Which boards need more help? This is after all, the suggestions thread. If you believe another board is in need of more moderators then please, bring it to our attention. Gen Chat definitely needs 4 mods, it's the busiest area of the forum. If somewhere else needs more attention it will get it
  7. Im merely doubting the possibility of any game to achieve 10/10, not the merits of CoD4 itself
  8. Sony Ericsson W810i, easily the best sub-£100 PAYG phone. Should be able to track it down for around the £80 mark (i've seen it a few times at this price).
  9. 10/10? Yeah, right....
  10. If i'd read this sooner i might have gone out and bought one today to celebrate...
  11. With the wealth of good PC games coming out this winter and the increasing number of members buying PCs for gaming i figured it was about time one of these was made. So, post up you're forum id and xfire tag like this: McPhee - phee2 and i'll try and keep the list up to date Also, anyone think we should do the same with SteamIDs? Or any other PC games service? I'll add them to the bottom of this post. ______________________________________ Xfire Tag List McPhee - Phee2 Ellmeister - Elsta chrizkerr2 - chrizkerr2 gaggle64 - gaggle64 Dyson - splan160 Ramar - ramar666 MadDog91UK - MadDog91UK
  12. Is it just me or is it pretty much a 50/50 split on here between PC and 360 versions of this?
  13. If i hadn't played it Friday night when i should have been asleep i'd have been rather upset It's the same old amazing UT Only thing im not too keen on is the graphics, they're so grainy it actually hurts to pay attention to the screen! Not so sure i like that walker vehicle thats on the deathmatch level. It's too powerful, took me ages to get a couple of bots out of there! Got to try it online next, will be tuesday evening before i get a proper chance though TBH i can't wait on the full release, I WANT TO PLAY WAR!
  14. What TV show?
  15. nah, didn't see any of that *feels embarrased* Load of crap then, doesn't seem like Ireland at all. It seems the only research they did was finding out that we call "Soccer", Football
  16. TBH if you have a PC good enough to run it then it makes no sense to buy Orange Box on 360. It's £10 more expensive, doesn't run as well, is released later and has half the number of players in TF2. What do you gain against all that? Achievements.
  17. Looks at Caris...
  18. Is it definitely Ireland he's in? I know everyone has an Irish accent but it could be somewhere in America?
  19. Not sure why but i didn't find that clip funny. It was entertaining, but not funny...
  20. Games a yes or a no? I come up with this on the Dell site: AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Vista Home Premium 2GB RAM 160GB Hard Drive Integrated nVidia GeForce 6150 £282.12 If games are going to be played on it (and by that i mean 3D games, rather than Windows games and browser games) then i'd either spend the extra for an 8600GT or install a seperate card when it arrives (a 7600GS would serve you well and can be had for under £60) Then you just need a monitor + speakers. The bundled monitor isn't great, especially at £170 and the speaker choice is pretty crappy. You can get reasonably good 19" monitors for £120 and a set of Logitech X-230 speakers will only set you back £24 (Amazon)
  21. UT3 Demo is now out officially! I could cry, spent since about 4pm trying to get this, i finally download it and it doesn't bloody work
  22. edit: Im probably breaking forum rules posting that. The site i was downloading from just crashed Getting the torrent now, slower but it should be more reliable. Fingers crossed Epic just give up and release the demo officially, not gonna happen though thanks to ruddy File Planet
  23. Same thing i think. The demo is a beta version? Not sure, all i know is i'll be playing UT3 by 10pm tonight EDIT: By Cubes reasoning this is an unfinished version of the demo. Im guessing there'll be a second demo around release time
  24. http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=190275&page=8 Im downloading now, not even getting 40kbps though, gonna take over 5 hours
  25. how big are the downloads on Steam? And can you choose what you download and when? I've got a really slow net connection, could be a while before TF2 downloads, especially if i have to D/L EP1, 2 and Portal first
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