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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. I could, but if Shorty said he'd show you then thats up to him. I'd have to cut + paste everything (no quote buttons because the thread is locked) and i really cba to do that
  2. It isn't my decision, but im almost 100% certain that will never happen. You'll have to ask Shorty why you can't see the posts he promised you.
  3. Would you guys stop forwarding messages from Harribo and Ant? The whole point in being banned is that they can't post, not that they can ask other users to post for them. They have the right to appeal to they're ban, either via PM or email but posting is definitely not allowed and certainly won't help any appeal.
  4. This is currently under consideration. Good minds think alike, eh?
  5. Theres nowt in em. Most of the talk was in the MPT thread, the thread GTFO_Moria made were only a few posts long and basically consisted of: "Y'ALL SHOULD GIVE ME TITS OR GTFO" A Poll: "TITS OR GTFO?" 2 votes for GTFO one for TITS "REOPEN 'TITS OR GTFO' OR GTFO" Poll: "BIGGEST COCK" Hitler or Moria, 4 votes for Hitler none for Moria "TITS OR GTFO 2" Trust me, you ain't missing anything. Im sure you can guess the sort of replies the threads had
  6. 1440x900 version of that wallpaper
  7. 1440x900 version
  8. we need some better smileys...
  9. The Underpants Gnomes from South Park? So far my first online UT3 game has laster over 2 hours, it's a complete stale mate lol! It won't end until someone captures a flag either!
  10. I can't wait for next weeks episode! Nightmare, Kristen Bell's character and maybe a few answers? Or at least some questions?
  11. yup just type some crap in the email slot, it doesn't check and isn't needed
  12. My day was ok, can't believe i've spent all evening on here though! Why can't this place just hurry up and go back to being a forum of love :p (awaits someone to post dodgy porn site name) Work is interesting, i nearly got my supervisor sacked last week and now she's out for revenge! So starts a game where both of us are trying to dig up dirt on the other, it seems certain that one of us is going to end up sacked. But which one! (im actually excited, is that wrong?) The great thing is, neither of us has mentioned anything about it to the other (other than the odd little hint, plus some rumour spreading). We are getting on just like normal, but we are both waiting to stab each other in the back lol
  13. Is this where you post up arguments with DynastyGirl though? That was off topic, and that was one of 2 things i asked people to stop. As for the rest of the discussion, carry on. Im not criticising anything thats on-topic Also, theres no need to back down. As long as you aren't offensive towards me or other members i don't mind discussion. Keep it on-topic and it's all good If you disagree with me then i want to know, just be polite about it
  14. That brakes any of those things, how? You guys are moaning
  15. Did you miss this post Motion? The argument is over, PM the members if you want to discuss any of this with them And as for Ant and Harribo's reinstatement, neither me nor Supergrunch can answer that and im pretty sure none of the Admins will answer it.
  16. Cannon A570 IS Has some cracking reviews and has a very good rep as a camera for those who want to learn more about photography. Although it's quite big too, so maybe someone knows of a good slimline camera?
  17. Maybe it didn't reboot :p Wouldn't surprise me if some important Windows files got deleted by accident lol
  18. I've only played bot-matches so far, and unfortunately that doesn't happen. The bots just try to take the bloody thing down with whatever weapon they have equipped lol. I've come close to loosing a game because the bots kept charging at it and dying!
  19. And you're suggestion has been turned down i believe. Im pretty sure theres a post a few pages back saying that it's not a good idea. Theres barely any post count elitism on this forum already, so moving threads to yet another board wouldn't really change anything Also, what did i say about carrying on that argument with DynastyGirl and spamming this thread? You should really be getting an infraction for that post, as thats what i said would happen if people carried on like that in here. Count this as a warning.
  20. TBH i think the Admins are probably playing games right now :p
  21. I don't think it's ever been set. It was a kind of combination of number of infractions and the seriousness of them. The whole system is currently under review though, so expect that to change to something more black + white.
  22. I said i'd put forth suggestions posted in here, and i have. Im pretty much of the same opinion as you guys, unless it's to give a warning or some sort of forum announcement.
  23. No, he won't. Any more spam in here and i start handing out infractions. Is that sufficient warning? It's not something i want to do, because i think most of you are OK but im trying to get some input on how you guys want the forum improving and certain members are making it really difficult. As of 9pm i start infracting (just in case anyone is already writing a post, would be unfair to infract them without them seeing this post) BTW, im glad some people are posting up suggestions. Keep em coming
  24. Oh, and guys, please stop spamming this thread. Posts will start getting deleted because it's getting hard to follow. DynastyGal, if you have nothing to contribute to Forum Suggestions then get out of this thread (i mean that in the nicest possible way). Same goes for whoever it is she's talking to. Ash; No more posts from Harribo or Ant. If they are banned then we don't want to hear from them until such a time that they may become unbanned (im not saying they will, or even might. They probably won't).
  25. Sorry, i did read you're post. It's not really my place to tell you guys everything thats going on and tbh theres a lot of stuff that isn't final yet so it'd be pointless to go telling everyone something that might well change by tomorrow. I've said what i know to be true, this forum is getting a shake-up and the MPT will be coming back. As for Ant + Harribo; I know Ant had a few infractions, not sure about Harribo.
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