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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. I've been around in one form or another since the day i saw an advertisememnt for N64-Europe.com on a cheat website (a now defunct one, cant remember it's name). That must be 8 years ago? Holy crap! Im not sure if i remember Pesten, Lammie i do though. Im buggered if i can remember my username though...
  2. 8 Months? Return it to the shop you bought it from, instant free repair :p My 360 might be having an accident soon, once the 65nm chips and HDMI ports are out there. I wonder if Game will let me trade up to an Elite?
  3. Overclock the CPU, that'll round off you're spec
  4. Possibly the best RTS i've played. EVER. Get the PC version and the free expansion, the PS1 version was poor! I was really disappointed when Pumpkin Studios went bust Just stumbled upon this: http://wz2100.net/ Sounds interesting to me
  5. My fans are plugged straight in to my PSU, the mobo manual and case manual didn't tell me where to put them so i guessed. Luckily i guessed right, its all working fine You should be ok with cables, most good motherboards and psus come with basic cabling (i.e. 1 IDE, 2 SATA etc.). It might be worth asking people who already own you're kit though, or email the manufacturer
  6. Sudo is a command used in unix/linux, it basically says "Linux, do this now"
  7. if this is right then WOOHOO! i should be able to get everything fairly high once i overclock my cpu
  8. : peace:
  9. I zone out all the time, really annoys the people at work and tbh i never realise ive done it! I've been serving a customer befrore, drifted off and still been stood there 10 mins later! Maybe i should go see a shrink...
  10. I use forums, a lot of my stuff goes in the trading forums at avforums.com You get similar prices to eBay, but no fees Only downside is you can't advertise them anywhere else, it's one of they're rules
  11. I did wonder what happened...
  12. Im gonna give it a shot anyway, but AFAIK the x1950 series of cards is only supported in 2D at the moment, thanks to rubbish drivers from ATi. I might get Ubuntu running but theres no way Beryl is gonna happen
  13. I was seriously considering going with Ubuntu on my new computer, but the ATi driver problems are kind of putting my off
  14. wasn't just me then, i blamed my computer....
  15. I can imagine they're reasoning. Most retailers will bundle this with Halo 3, probably for the same price so why would Microsoft want to foot the bill for the game? This way you can choose the version of Halo 3 you get too Doesn't make it right, but it seems a likely reason. At the end of the day it's a good value pack, £30 extra and you get Halo 3 themed 360 and peripherals, gamerpics, dashboard theme, play + charge kit and you are guaranteed a HDMI port.
  16. Good news I might consider one after all, depends how well people get on with hacking 3rd party apps on to the phone
  17. I doubt its the motherboard, the computer does run sometimes, right? Im not sure what noise mine made, it's been confined to a desk for the last year so it's had little chance to overheat. I might wrap it in a towel and see tomorrow
  18. An ISO is the image of a CD or DVD. Mounting it is either making a CD or DVD from that image, or putting it on a virtual drive. Basically in order to access an ISO file you need to either mount it or extract it
  19. I really, really can't wait! Not had a chance to try Medieval II yet though (tomorrow ) EDIT: Why are the image tags not working?
  20. Vegas GRAW GRAW2 Gears of War Fight Night: Round 3 CoD2 CoD3 Burnout: Revenge imo Vegas is the best, or Fight Night if its offline multiplayer Nah, CoD4 is going to rip all over Halo
  21. It's not necessary, just a little ritual of mine. Nothing removes crap like a drive format
  22. My local games shop is selling the 120GB HDD for £67.99! Shame im skint...
  23. Reinstall windows? I know it's a pain in the arse but it should be done every 3-6 months anyway and it's pretty much guaranteed to work
  24. Mine does that if it overheats, is it still busted?
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