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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Oh, my fucking god. What kind of disturbed wierdo would actually want to talk about this with other people?
  2. Hahaha, Penis. Such a funnay word
  3. Set me back 100 quid altogether.
  4. Just started listening to Necrophagist again, and oh my fucking god, they are one of the most immense Death/ Thrash bands I've ever come across, such blistering musicianship, and some pretty amazing songs to boot. Nothing stands out as particularly classic would be my only criticism, still, 9/10. Deicide. (Dude, us metalheads are stealing this thread )
  5. Yeah man, I'm down with that .
  6. Ooh, this is gonna turn into a bitch fight.
  7. Friday night, I'm gonna be online all night, playing something or another, so when you wanna play just message me .
  8. Don't worry bout it bro, connections can be temperamental sometimes, we'll try again on friday .
  9. Ah right, I thought it was . And yeah, it's definately a lot more fun, we should totally do it more often . I like Gears a lot more than the Halo series though, so I'm not as hyped for H3 as some people.
  10. Nah, demo's nowhere near as good as the full game. I'm gonna get CSS when it comes out for 360, I wonder if it'll work with the PC version.
  11. I think so. There weren't any connection errors when you left . I think your connection might have been having a bad day, we'll try again on friday . You're a freaking maniac with that chainsaw though Oh, you know what you'd like? FEAR, man that game kicks Counter Strikes ass, got an amazing online mode aswell. Get it!!
  12. Sorry dudes . Still, Had a fun time blowing McMad up Had a good 2 on 2 match .
  13. Me and Tellyn are having a Gears match, join mah game!! It's one on 1 right now, so we got space for 6 people!! If you wanna add me, it's Teh Bard.
  14. I've got R6:V. Had it for 3 weeks. Not actually started it yet o_0. I'm gonna give it a go once I complete Prey on Cherokee difficulty. Thus far, I have completed Gears on Hardcore, Fear on Hard and doing them both on the highest difficulty. I have this wierd compulsive thing where I don't concede a game to be completed unless I've done it on the highest difficulty. So yeah: Gears forum match(es) next friday!! Come prepared, or I might chainsaw you up the ass.
  15. That is very, very meh. So you good for a HAUGE match this friday?
  16. Woah, McMad sounds a lot older than he is We had a pretty amusing 1 on 1 match a little while ago. Damn you all for not being online!!
  17. Well, get on now, and I'll add some peeps off my friends list aswell.
  18. Oh that's ok. I'm thinking of going and setting up a game now infact, you guys wanna come join? I've got an hour to play as much as I want, so tell me if I should set up a game now.
  19. That actually looks pretty horrid.
  20. Hehe, I totally used to do that with my cube, go out and buy 3 or 4 new games, and not play them for about 9 months by which time they'd gone down to half price
  21. I've got a headcold , so I didn't sound as awesome as I usually do .
  22. Why, 15's a great age . Seriously.
  23. Actually, know what, I'll download the demo! Gotta love ma 360.
  24. Is Splinter Cell: DA worth getting? I had and completed The Orignal and Pandora Tomorrow, but never played Chaos Theory.
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