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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. What? I was kidding.... Tom Jones looks like a male version of that woman who used to do Blind Date. Don't ask me how or why I made that comparison.
  2. I only ever used the Red 9 in one play through, the exclusive on the Blacktail made the power gauge up to 3.7 (I think) can't remember what the Red 9's power was. My favourite weapon was Krauser's bow :p.
  3. Pfft, Aladdin is so much better. Lion King is only good because it totally ripped off Hamlet. Bastards.
  4. What would you describe as too technical though? There is one Dream Theater song I totally love (actually, I don't even know if it's by them ) It's called Acid Rain. You can be technical and have soul...Paul Gilbert did some great stuff, Cacophony...etc What I can't stand though is bands trying to be technical and not having the skill to pull it off, it ruins the music. Chimaira and MH come to mind. I need to send you some Yasunori Mitsuda stuff like Radical Dreamers...I think you'd like it.
  5. I've been exposed to it as long as I can remember dude, seriously, I'm a stubborn bastard, my music tastes haven't changed as far back as I can remember being into music so I doubt it. Fair enough on the Mathcore point. I donno, Laiho (aka God, Allah, Krishna etc) once said "It's gotten to the point where it's not music anymore, it's sport" talking about dream theater, and I agree; being excessively calculating is a bad idea in my opinion. It's great when used well (ie. SiKth). I'm not as deep into the metal scene as I used to be though...you don't strike me as the Metalcore kinda guy (Metalcore is totally underrated), you into that shit? We've totally hijacked this thread dude :p.
  6. Snuff community? Jesus, I knew you were fucked up but I never actually expected to hear you say that kinda shit. ()
  7. Of course I've heard them, I meant that I haven't heard anything after OH lol. How could I call myself a Decapitated fan after having listened to just OH? I do have a problem with cacophony in music; I don't like it, it doesn't appeal to my ear and it mostly sounds like poo. Dischords can be good when used tastefully and not in excess though. Napalm Death annoy me, but all I've got is Scum. Barney has a fucking brutal voice though. Ah! I've got Alaska (but I haven't heard anything else), great album, has it's dodgy moments, but overall, great musicianship, can sound a little bland sometimes though. Not heard The Red Chord. At least I don't think I have. May have heard of them. Also: Mesuggah are hugely mathcore! Wtf? Guitarist converts machine code into riffs ffs! .
  8. I was downloading this music video from Limewire once, except it wasn't a music video at all, it was some woman strapped to a chair, crying and then a guy with a mask shot her in the head. I was nauseous and depressed the whole day...don't know why I'm forcing myself to remember that.
  9. Are you gay? On another note, no, Tom Jones in my opinion is a useless waste of organic matter and should be killed, homogenised and used as fertiliser.
  10. Dillinger Escape also blow reasonably hard. Can't stand them, pretentious Jazzcore shits. Takes months for the discordance to sound right? Well, that's odd because I don't think discordance ever sounds right...isn't that somewhere in the definition? I don't like grind. If you want well calculated music, listen to Mesuggah. As for Decapitated, I liked Organic Halucinosis, I haven't heard anything from them since that so I don't know if they've turned crappy. Then again, I tend to judge a band according to their best work. After all, Metallica were only good for the first 10 years of their career, and they've been around for about 25 years now. Pfft, next you're gonna be telling me that Deicide suck because they're too melodic for a death band :p.
  11. Really? The first time I played Wii Sports I got so ridiculously excited, you could describe it as a mild euphoria . But yeah, it does get boring after a while. Ironic that the best game on the system is a port of a 2 year old Cube game.
  12. Nile and Behemoth are amazing beyond words. I don't like CC, they're not brilliant musicians, they don't write good music and most of what they play is just random discordant crap. Meh, that's my opinion. Oh, and thats Nile, Behemoth and Decapitated!
  13. Cephaliac Carnage are fucking annoying, saw them a while ago on Metal Injection. I can't stand them, they wouldn't know a good riff if it came and fucked them up the ass. Also, Trivium; New album was disappointing because I was expecting something seriously killer, but they kinda fucked up. It's not all bad though a couple of decent songs on there. Title track was brilliant. Still, that's what happens when you completely change your personality as a band. I don't know what they were thinking when writing stuff like Ignition...hilariously bad. At least Dying In Your Arms has a good solo.
  14. Yeah, but it was wicked fun to use. Blacktail is the best because it's the most powerful. The starting handgun is awesome for headshots though when it's fully powered.
  15. Nah the Matilda was better :p. It was just like a massively overpowered machine pistol. I want to get this game, but my wallet says no.
  16. She's the only member of the royal family that has ever been worth a damn. My mom liked her, there was a whole "Diana Week" on TV, meaning that I didn't get to watch power rangers for a week. Bastards. I think I was about 8.
  17. Talim's awesome when she's used well... eg The second match is better though because the Maxi user is actually God. Seriously though, that shit is unholy.
  18. Man that was a great film. Hardly anyone's seen it though.
  19. I think a Cricket game would be awesome on Wii, if they put any effort into it.
  20. Shimmin, you're an absolute man slut.
  21. Started listening to Ascendancy by Trivium again. Forgot how gosh darn awesome it is. So many ridiculously classic songs on that album. 10/10
  22. Finding Nemo was ace. Incredibles was really really dull. Rotten Tomotoes sucks balls.
  23. It's made by the same people that did The Incredibles, and I thought that sucked, so I'm not optimistic. Haven't gone to see a Disney movie at the cinema since Finding Nemo.
  24. Thafe. Cheers dude, I've not been online recently, cause I moved my 360 to my room, no router there.
  25. I'm not reading the article, but if I'm supposed to take this seriously, I can only say, thank fuck, and good riddance to that pestilent little rat.
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