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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Oh...I didn't know that :p. They're a bastard to find.
  2. It gets better with time . I'm trying to get all the achievements. I can't find the last 8 cog tags for the life of me. I was playing Co Op with a mate, and I think he stole them.
  3. Completed Gears of War on Hardcore again from start to finish today . That game just keeps getting better and better.
  4. If you say something is good, you should be able to defend it and say why it's good, with real tangible reasons. What does it do for you!? You can't simply say that because you like it, it's good. If you think your music taste is the shit, prove it, defend it in argument. All you guys are doing right now is clinging to the futile and rather fucking immature notion that everything everyone listens to is great, just because they like it. There's always going to be someone liking something, fuck, there are people who like 50 Cent and Aiden, does that mean that he's good? No, all it means is that they've got a neurological problem. Get over yourselves, and this masturbatory idea that your opinions are immortal, you're only doing it so you can be satisfied, and not have to think about what you like, or why, and that, is the saddest thing of all.
  5. Your tastes in art are a direct reflection of who you are as a person. You like cheap music, really, it's cheap because no thought goes into it and it's easy for the average, musically immature mind to understand and enjoy. There is no depth to Avril Lavigne, everything that her music consists of is apparent on the surface, there's nothing that will make you think, no signs that any heart or attention went into the music. I don't mean any offense by it, I'm just saying what I think. I say it because I'm guessing that music is nothing more than a casual distraction for you.
  6. He gets the best dialogue by far. But the idea of a "good" character in Harry Potter is kinda insane. Will and Lyra are awesome characters (for example), everyone in HP is predictable to the point where it doesn't seem that they've changed at all over the course of 6 years. Dear Jesus, I'm reading the 6th book again. Just so I'll have a talking point.
  7. Cause he's an asshole. Nobody's that much of an asshole and gets away with it so often.
  8. Oh...I remember reading that a couple of years ago... Right...they can't let Voldemort know that Snape killed Dumbledore because wouldn't he kill that other kid who was supposed to do it? Ugh, the story's so retarded, you know she's gonna find some stupid way of making Snape the good guy yet again.
  9. Halo 3 trailer looks sexy.
  10. Think of it as cleansing the gene pool.
  11. This guy is a fucking idiot. I'm guessing you're about 13 years old, in which case Nintendo wouldn't give you a job anyway. Actually, he kinda reminds me of THE Ganondorf...with his inability to write anything even remotely intelligent.
  12. GoodFellas. Better than expected, but I've never been one for the whole gangster film thang, most of the characters were either insane or thoroughly dislikeable and lacking any conscience, which I suppose was the point, this being a mob film and all... Probably the best gangster film I've seen though. 8/10...
  13. Lost In Translation: Loved it... 10/10 (I seem to be dishing out a lot of those lately) Next up: Goodfellas.
  14. I can beat them with a knife ...You can do it easily with a shotgun/ TMP/ grenades too.
  15. Was a joke, hence the ":heh:"
  16. Of course you do. You're an idiot. It makes sense.
  17. You're not enjoying yourselves cause you don't have me shouting down your ears anymore . I'll be back soon though...maybe in a couple of weeks. Don't do Vegas...It's a bit dull in deathmatch...Terrorist hunt is good though , PDZ blows... I say we stick with Gears .
  18. Smash Bros shits all over Mario Kart. There's not even remotely any competition.
  19. Daddy would you like some sausage? Single most humorous moment in film history. Along with: You can't hurt me! Not with my Cheese helmet!
  20. Mitsurugi is awesome dude. Unfortunately, there were some balancing issues with the Damascus sword .
  21. ^ Same. I got really good with Maxi. To Mcj: Cervantes is still a pretty difficult character, he's a very hard match up for Talim.
  22. Thafe...Now if only I can remember the email address. Man, it's gonna be awesome.
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