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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. No, don't think so. It'd be cool to actually see you guys. I remember we were gonna do one about a year ago, and it never actually happened. So many people have gotten banned since then. Shit. I can't believe I haven't gotten banned o_0. Anyway, how about we meet up at Download festival! A bunch of you seem to be thinking about going anyway. Perfect time to headbang and drink beer. Woooop. Or...this. It's a kickass idea. Fo sho.
  2. For sure, Ember to Inferno robbed a ridiculous amounts of riffs, but was still great, Ascendancy was one of the best albums of the year, but there was only one song that I found listenable on The Crusade; the title track. They're a promising band though. You realise they're at the age now, that Metallica were at when they released Kill 'Em All. I'd be cool with them not playing though, already seen them three times. Now what would be awesome would be Opeth...hell yeah.
  3. Yeah, I don't think Offspring should be headlining at Donnington tbh. Still...it's a fuckload better than My Chemical Romance. I'm pretty sure we're gonna get the usual lot this year though: Mastodon Megadeth Metallica Trivium Machine Head Slayer Lamb of God Killswitch Engage I'll be surprised if most of these don't play this year.
  4. I can't stand Telecasters. Neck single coil = least versatile instrument in existence, and it's ugly as fuck too. SG's are much better. My guitar is £1000, and the last time I saw a Gibson SG for sale it was 1300 quid. Totally not worth it imo. Rickenbackers are cool.
  5. Hahahahaha. They suck. Like you've no idea... Huge. Even more than Bon Jovi. Or Motley Crue. *Shudder*
  6. I'm gonna be sticking with Pit, Snake and Marth, I think...
  7. I don't mind the Offspring, remind me of days camping out in arcades playing Crazy Taxi for hours on end. I'd go see Priest, because, well, they're Priest, but Lost Prophets and HIM suck large amounts of dick. If Lamb of God and Killswitch play again this year, I may have to go.
  8. Beardyman is crazy. Anyway, music can make it really awkward, especially if a shit track comes on and you have to shuffle over to change it...for example, never try doing it to AC/DC. Just way way too corny.
  9. Same here. I wouldn't have a problem with pointless competition, but when it escalates to the point where the players are getting paid more in a week than people who actually contribute something to society get paid in a year or more, it's becomes more than slightly farcical. I guess people just need something to fill their time with, something that takes very little effort.
  10. It's worst when you're newly single, everything just depresses you. Man I fucking hate happy couples. Shit, I hate couples period. Gets better with time though.
  11. We need a musician/ instrument thread. SG's play quite nice, but I don't like the look of em, and the neck is ridiculously fat. You must be loaded if you can afford a Gibson SG...they cost more than my guitar. Not cool.
  12. Mate, I remember you telling me that you didn't play. You started playing now? Cool. My guitar is better than god.
  13. You haven't seen control yet? Unbelievable dude, gtfo and see it, like, now. Fave film of last year...
  14. Jackson's are a cliche . Hmm...not a floyd rose, so it can't be a soloist or a randy rhoads, cause it doesn't have the gold hardware either. I'm stumped.
  15. There was no Arnie. A flaw in any film, but especially Predator. Anyway AVP2 was highfuckinlarious. Story was pretty laughable, but the way the Alien/Predator whatever it was laid those eggs, pornstar style in those women was just the funniest thing I've ever seen. I don't remember the ending, was too drunk.
  16. I like the Chemical Brothers. I really don't know why, but they're addictive as fuck.
  17. Ugh, can we do it after the 13th? Ya see, I have an interview to prepare for . I'd love to play though, but I need some practice, not a big Halo player. Yet...
  18. That wasn't Joe Satriani, I think it was Steve Vai. Isn't it on the start up screen on Halo 3? More than slightly cheesy. Annoying wailing ftl.
  19. No. It's my thing. You're just jealous you don't have a thing. Maybe you should go for blue eh? .
  20. Woah, sexy. Much love, like the fact that it matches your sig. 9/10.
  21. Don't worry, if they're under twelve, they're fair game. I would bury it. To the hilt. In the face. Twice.
  22. Yeah, it's coming out for Wii. I'll still be getting it for 360 though.
  23. Can't wait til I have DMC4 in my hands. Does you lot still play Halo 3 on a regular basis? I'm gonna try and get into it again, need some peeps to play with...
  24. Sleeping in the spare room while your best mate has loud sex with a girl he met three hours ago, and whose phone won't stop going off every thirty seconds is not good for self esteem.
  25. Well, looks like I've got an interview at Queen Marys on the 13th. If anyone else does too, maybe I'll see ya there .
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