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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Wii on ebay Im starting to consider selling mine =|
  2. Ring em yourself you lazy bum :wink:
  3. They said in one of the emails it requires a signature like all next day deliveries.
  4. Time to start panicing folks if you've had no word about your wii! But good luck to all for getting it tommorow.
  5. HELL YEAH. Is everybody playing Wii sports first when they get theres?
  6. Game phoned and confirmed launch title wii for mii! Already have games pre-ordered so I didnt bother, WE BE PLAYING WII IN 2 DAY!
  7. Is the Wii as loud as they say it is when playing Zelda/Redsteel? =S
  8. Whats every one moaning at Gameplay for? They dispatch their orders on thursday =S
  9. Staff members have all the fun, taken any pics yet?
  10. Could be worse scuba, you could get cancer. Nice to know your Wii's confirmed though, mine better be confirmed tommorow..
  11. Despite it being wrong, I applaud game. They know business all too well, the Wii's scarce every were in the country and they know people will be willing to pay anything. Hence the higher RRP and the bundles with no saving what so ever.
  12. I hope GAME ring me tommorow, otherwise im gonna be one paranoid little customer. (If I saved up my money for that long without getting a job for nothing im gonna go crackers)
  13. I phoned, my local Game hasnt received their allocation so they will call when they get it. Hoping for tommorow to receive a phone call.
  14. Im calling my local Game tonight if I still havent received a call before I get home, sure call me impatient but i'd rather know for definite as soon as I can rather than wait for them, as if it does turn out that I wont be getting one (doubtful, but you never know), I could easily go around checking some of the low key stores that will be stocking the Wii.
  15. Havent received a phone call from Game, The3rd's in the next town over and he hasnt received one either. Hmmm...im thinking my local Game are lazy.
  16. Nintendo went DOAX2 on us with real girl with ample sized tits! She makes me spurt out sex wii.
  17. They've dispatched your order already? Whats the estimated delivery date?
  18. After a while, this phone's battery will most likely die and therefore need to be sent back due to Apple not supplying batteries you can change yourself. Imagine if your in a heated battle of rape, you break out the phone, OH NOES, battery dead for good. I wont be buying one, but I love the image at the top =P
  19. Hmm I havent gotten a phone call from GAME, but I did get one of those letters saying i'l have a Wii at launch. Not sure what to think =S theres no way I could miss out when I was number 4..
  20. Chrono trigger, I've always wanted to play that game and i've only been able to play the first 10 minutes via emulation. I'l have all the Final Fantasy titles on handheld soon enough so to put them on VC is a waste of time for many people, but would still have a market. Streets of rage is a definite wish, the trilogy is amazing, best game on genesis. Also, if they could, i'd like to see Knuckles Chaotix.
  21. Well I guess thats my fault for pre-ordering at Game, they've always been the most expensive option and now they've slapped their customers with 'bundles' that shouldnt be allowed to be on a poster. Seriously, im slightly dissapointed that theres no good deals, but its fucking terrible to advertise them. Wii + 2 Games for £260, bargain! No, your wrong. You've advertised that exact ammount you'd pay when not in a bundle. The idea of a bundle is to save money, not to pay the exact same ammount! Viva la Gamestation. But on a side note, Game were more reliable when it came to confirmations. Im expecting an update about the bundles at some point next week, no fucking way can these be final.
  22. I tried many ways to get my DS online, AOL aint having fucking any of it.
  23. Im anti-social, I hate socializing. I've refused every offer to go out in the past 3 weeks except from last night which was a fund raiser. Awesome.
  24. I saw those bout an hour ago on goNintendo, couldnt find this thread so I didnt bother =P It looks awesome, first Naruto game post time skip I believe.
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