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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Also, the revolution will be fully enveiled on May 9th, so we dont have to wait til may 10th for the info we wanna hear! (Even though its a day after)
  2. Good 'ol Hemel Hempstead, the only reason people know that town is because of the buncefield disaster but ohwell!
  3. Steriotyping. GTA now launches on many platforms, so your theory is pretty much crap Seriously, I knew sony would have something up there sleeves. They are too big of a company to lose, but will they deliver? We still have yet to hear the price, which I dont think is much of a concern for sony since people were paying £1000 no problem for a PS2 when it sold out. Im still clueless about who will win this generation, PS3 and 360 have good cards, and with Nintendo out on its own field, pretty much a 2 way decider.
  4. I saw it at E3 and was thinking wtf, and once i saw the controller i believed it was the censor that picks up the actual position of the controller... But i guess the SD card slots being in there would make sense.
  5. Exactly. But if like the guy said a few posts ago they portrayed muhummed as a suicide bomber, that is an offensive blow. But all this violence and hate is just over-reacting, its stupid. I've seen many worshippers of muhammed chanting death to the west, which wasnt a joke, way before this. Im glad i have no religion, i choose not to. Theres too many stories to believe in, so i believe neither. And it is an advantage because you can see the arguments from every side. Violence doesnt solve anything, well with religion it might do.
  6. Yeah...i cant see how a drawing i really offensive but hey, show em an episode of drawn together and they'l be charging for comedy central..
  7. Yeah i read about that, we have some pretty arrogant people in the world. Personally, religion is becoming bad for us. Its causing problems which are killing innocent people in terrorist attacks and causing anger between us. To those arrogant people, what goes around comes around. Enjoy it or not.
  8. Jesus christ...i actualy thought matches were around me...thats pretty freaky.. im about to try the one bogbas has posted
  9. I've done every thing you guys have done except from logging into the computer...how??
  10. This game is too mind bending..only one guy has gotten to stage three.
  11. Very true fierce link, accesability does make things more appealing. But personally, the overall kiddy look definitly came from the original GBA and the cube. Personally, GameCube is the ugliest peice of work i've ever bought, but i love it. You had the choice of a purple or black cube on the launch, PURPLE?? The black was a good choice, but purple matching with your nice silver or black TV? It doesnt look right when you want your living room to look good. The GBA also contributed by the amount of movie tie-ins it had for kids and the amount of useless crappy games bought out for kids. My younger brothers have bought these titles and admit there crap, kids do know what they want in a game. But sometimes, its just the trend. Thats why we see so many redesigns from Nintendo, the new DS lite will look sleeker than the original DS, so more appealing to those who thought the original is too clunky (which it is to me, very crampy). The SP and Micro also boosted the GBA, changed many opinions too from my friends. The Revolution im yet to predict about the kiddy aspect, i dont think its kiddy. But many people might take the Nintendo name and base it on it. But it does have the look and the completely different way of playing. Cant say its unique because some games are using a similar way on the PS2. The Nintendo kiddy image will soon decrease, and depending on revolution, may dissapear.
  12. Those ad's suck...they dissapointed me with the pen...it would of been so much better if it did have that technology in it. Seriously, can you imagine them owning Nintendo? I guess one thing could come out of it, better internet play. Nintendo definitly wont sell out...
  13. I had that! That was one kewl toy... dont remember any of the other stuff you posted though..
  14. Some games require you to use it, and any ways, i wouldnt like a feature on my console broken. I cant help ya yogi, £130 repair for a fucking analogue stick is rediculous, i think you might wanna attempt to open it...
  15. I want age of empires for revolution...that'd be hella sweet.
  16. Ok something isnt right here... Bush owns quite a slice of the oil industry, and thanks to his status, can conquer countries to get a bigger slice. So he gets money from his job, and from oil. So why does he want to end the oil addiction? That means he would make less money. So he is either going to sell what he owns of the oil industry and screw the dude who buys it over, or he's gonna end major companies that he dont have a cut in and leave the companies he does in the oil war. Something smells like bullshit, and its coming from the west yet again.
  17. I guess thats the problem when importing games of a different language... I'l keep that website in mind uchiha itachi!
  18. I feel the pain of your childhood loss I loved the toy story army men too! Me n my bro used to have wars!
  19. Ah...there was this one toy my mother wouldnt share, she always hid it under her pillow, when i found it and played with it for a while... I be kidding, i guess the power ranger toys drove me mad! I loved the things!
  20. HOLY SHIT! Possesion was my most anticipated next-gen game, but i sank as soon as I heard PS3 only. Then it went to 360 too, and now revolution? Guys, trust me on this, the game looks amazing. It looks incredibly scary too..
  21. Fake. Who the hell is that guy, and also how come there isnt a button on the interface that allows you to play the disc games?
  22. Its like the classic Sonic's, a story is there, but its optional. I wouldnt say that for most Mario's but for some there is definitly a story there. Stories make games good and memorable, Mario is memorable for its popularity and what a classic it was. Mario is a plumber who is going to rescue a princess <- STORY. The only emotion i feel in games is anger, when i realy screw up. Look at games like ICO, nobody wanted it. Then the artistic side and the story made it shine, its the most overlooked game. Im still sticking to Nintendo including death in popular games, for there is no reason not to! Makes things more dramatic.
  23. So? Im sure it'l be there when you get home... If not well, your luck sucks.
  24. Plenty of sites on google can fill you in, but basicly they made a loss on dreamcast and saturn. Thats all i know, I should know more for i was a true sega fanatic as a kid...
  25. Very good, you dont see many good cartoons being posted on these forums, or am I just not looking hard enough? I liked it.
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