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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Im ill, but i accidentally had my window wide open last night so i woke up, put my school uniform on and tried eating cereal but couldnt... Got a blocked nose, a sore throat and felt like crap. So no school for me today, i think im back tommorow.
  2. Smell is very much linked to taste, ever noticed things taste different when your sinuses are blocked?
  3. Personally i think this is a fake. Why on earth would you have a nintendo logo in the bottom left at the settings? They dont even have a Nintendo logo in the DS or Gamecube start up menu... Do you have to be reminded that your playing a Nintendo in the settings menu? I think not.
  4. On that page, it classed concept images as fakes... Concept is an estimate...not a fake! No fakes for me to post unfortunately.
  5. Wow Enigma, that forum sounds interesting. I hate stuck up ass holes like those...
  6. I took a glimpse at the bottom of your post and decided not to read the whole thing for one perfect reason, it was a prediction and has no facts. But i took one look at the top, i incredibly doubt PS3 will decline in sales because of a marketing campaign by Nintendo. Maybe in japan, a slight chance in america, and definitly not in europe. But atm, it is a quiet revolution, hardly any one knows anything about the revolution (well any of us).
  7. Heh, i loved the simpsons joke towards the futurama cancellation (Atleast matt doesnt mind joking about his other creation): 'We're here at geezers rock, mainly used by teenagers to make out under or geeks to commit suicide on!' *A shadow appears on the rock* 'I cant believe they cancelled futurama!' *Jumps* I liked futurama, not the best of things, but it was amusing.
  8. Yeah, thats the problem with IGN, it cant possibly moderate everything. Still annoys me how it calls itself a community when the definition doesnt describe IGN one bit. But if it called itself a hate community, i'd agree.
  9. Im kinda happy and sad. A few of the members I thought we're realy cool, but some were not. For the reviews though, absolutely rubbish. It mainly writes about one or two features and thats it, and the out of 10 rating for each feature certainly isnt very accurate. I know its a nintendo magazine, but it realy boils me up when they obviously slip in extra points for mario games. Sure, they advertise which is understandable, but it does annoy me that a game gets extra credit for being a nintendo franchise.
  10. I hardly see any moderation, you have to report things yourself i think. The only trouble i've seen dealt with was a racist comment that was used when some one had lost mario kart to guy with different skin colour, that realy is pathetic.
  11. I feel more luckier than ever comparing communities the other day, but one stuck out like a sore thumb. I was on IGN forums, and I couldnt believe how narrow-minded and incredibly stupid the people are on the forums. The way they treat each other is absolutely pathetic. One step out of line, and you get insulted. And by one step out of line, its the small mistakes (an argument actualy started over a spelling mistake). What makes it worse is that they even mis-use the word noob. Any one unfamiliar with the word, heres were it came from. It was a different way of spelling newb, which is a shortened version of the word newbie which describes some one new to a certain activity. Also, its very common fanboys to argue on there, but rarely here. Some idiots decide to go start a meaningless post on a rival board just to try prove a point which is non-exsistant. So what if Halo beats Mario, in the end its all down to opinion, there is no fact. I realy hope IGN is full of kids, if its grown people doing this crap its totally whacked and wait til the generation learns from there actions and treat the real world like this. Please note i am not basing this on all of IGN's members, but just mentioning how it is no longer a community.
  12. Im starting to think you started off this rumour now Back on topic, theres been a few valid points already here to prove this is fake. The most obvious is the picture of its menu is so cheap and can be easily done, theres no detail. I officialy am becoming sick of blogs, so full of crap...
  13. Personally, although revolution is a bit on the arrogant side of names, they should keep it. Nearly every one i know is accustom to the name, why change it?
  14. Im not sure whats worse..Horizon or Nintendo Futurna...
  15. I want this album, i love the song juicebox and have been a bit of a fan of the strokes for a while now... Might pick it up this weekend.
  16. I prefer Cinnamon grahams personally...
  17. And they both are made from plastic.
  18. Ok, just read that Tayto have only bought out the Pringle Mini brand, but other companies are showing interest in golden wonder, so dont give up hope just yet!
  19. Yes if your Hannibal Lecter(sp?).
  20. Ha, i love that joke, heard it years back. Another ending to it is this: The Scottish man wishes for loads of haggis(sp?), the genie grants the wish, he gets alot of haggis. The english man wishes for loads of beer, the genie grants the wish, he gets alot of beer. The irish man wishes for a car door, the genie says "Erm..ok heres you car door", The irish man gets a car door. The english man and the scottish man say to the irish man "Why did you wish for a car door mate?" The irish man replies "So when it gets hot, i can undo the window!"
  21. I hardly ever have a big and greasy breakfast, i usualy have it once a month if i feel like having a lazy day. I used to have Toast and chocolate spread when i was a kid, i always loved nutella, then my mum went for this crazy milkybar crap... Big and greasy breakfasts dont get me up very well, so like i say, only on lazy days (Which is usualy all the time for me, but meh).
  22. Ha! Nice about the packets, i better wait until they confirm they wont be making them any more, another company might buy them out...
  23. 2 sausages are lying in a frying pan, one of them says "Ow its hot! the other one says "Ahhh! A talking sausage!" This joke isnt for the faint hearted... Whats a pork pie got in common with an old ladies vagina?
  24. My friend has simpsons on his, he has a few episodes on there. 2 of them have perfect quality, and the other few sometimes lose perfect picture at times. Never seen anything with subtitles im afraid, but im sure ipod's shrink the video picture so its alrite, it does it for photo's on my nano.
  25. CompSci you obviously didnt watch the first Pokemon movie i swear i was 10 but i cried my eyes out! But im sure crying at the Pokemon movie is kinda embarresing.. Best movies: Godfather Trilogy Scarface Dude were's my car
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