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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Your comment was moronic because you totally skipped the point of action and its power on people. They made they're opinon known, so what they wanted to do was achieved. No failure, not childish what so ever. Personally, I agree with George bush. Saddam was indeed a threat and what he was doing to the people of Iraq was not right. The only factors that made this war awful was the US soldiers involved, they thought they were out on a killing spree. Of course most of them didnt, but others did. Thats why people did not agree with George bush, although he only commanded the army to go to war, not to kill every fucking iraqi that was in their eyesight. The only way the war became unjustified was the amount of lies feeding through to England. The only person i can officialy argue against the war is Mr.Blair, for his reason to join the war was weapons of mass destruction, which none was found. The war was justified by capturing saddam. Thats a big threat gone, and you and so should every one else agree the war was worth it. But not many people should of been killed. Im still sticking with my moron comment, so either prove your not or get lost.
  2. The point he is trying to make is that we have all this foreign stuff in our lives to improve living, yet most of us hate foreigners. Well thats the point i got from it, since it does make sense. I think you read the first bit, but not the last sentance. Read the whole topic before you make your comment. It does help.
  3. Childish? Your a moron dude, answering questions at the end of a speech is not the way to argue, if you see something you dont agree with, you dont wait. You act.
  4. Boy...this looks grim if any other newcomers wanna step up and sell gaming hardware..
  5. Just shut up, please? Thats very brave! I am infact proud of them :awesome:
  6. Lmfao! You've said alot of crap before dude, but thats the first post from you thats ever made me laugh.
  7. This country is multi-cultural, what are you to expect? All these different cultures shape our country. But hey, its true. We do contradict ourselves, we trust all these things and suspicious about anything foreign.
  8. LMAO! I totally forgot that box, i was in tears when they announced the name touch dic... the box is truely legendary because it perfectly displays the west has dirtier minds than the east.
  9. Well i think its pretty much proven that the theory is complete bull. Funny topic however!
  10. "we're preparing more than you could possibly ever, ever, ever expect...." Souped up Ganon and hot coffee mod any one?
  11. So, let me get this straight...the way for Nintendo to win is to overprice or make an expensive console? Please think that over...
  12. Going job hunting in late feb, and know too little about the console. I'l save at a maximum of £600 for revolution, might get a new TV, mines pretty small
  13. :| An actualy video gaming museum NEAR me, might go check it out when it comes, good job Nintendo! Advertising and pleasing me, 2 great things in one
  14. I've been saying this in many PS3 threads, and there has been proof about the conceptual design not being the real console. What I just said may seem obvious, but listen to a few developers interviews. You'l notice the ACTUAL console is non-exsistant. Well, non-exsistant is strong words, but nobody not even developers have seen it, although they wouldnt realy need to know what the console looks like. But hey, aint there something going on with sony in march or may?
  15. Dude, your in year 9 and puberty has only started striking them? I grew my titties back in year four! (Heh jk, me got no man boobs!) Seriously, whats with the late puberty? THAT SHOULD BE YOUR THEORY! Also, its prejudice to think the size of one girls boobs has something to do with their intelligence. But just for the record, i've noticed a few friends of mine with big boobs have moments of being a retard.
  16. Maybe you shouldn't live in a house next to a donut shop? (Heh, sorry for being stereotypical)
  17. The sun is an evil news paper, so is the times. It only writes what it wants you to read about, it gives into bribery. There's been cases of bribery in all sorts of Media, and with the sun as britains top selling newspaper, it wouldnt suprise me if its seen some. Its all to benefit the owner and managers of the paper, it writes as if its aimed at the gullible nation, its not open minded. Its pretty much all narrow minded, the only bit that shed's light is the opinion sections sometimes. The only thing evil about the times is that it reinforces what the sun says, because its owned by the sun. It forces in any opinion to those willing to be a chav and follow the fucking crowd with what ever it says. Example : The last elections, the times and the sun both wanted labour to be the party in control, why? The labour party pretty much was for the rich, it benefited the rich alot having them in control, and the owner being rich wants to be benefited. So the Times wants labour, thats the upper class convinced that labour should be in control. Half done. So along comes the sun, also convinces we should go with labour, how? Girls have there titties out with vote labour signs! The lower class is convinced. (Im not accusing you of being lower class if you read the sun, but its the lower class that the paper is aimed at) See? Drilling in opinions no matter what you read. Evil paper. But hey, the media isnt nice. I doubt we'l ever see a paper that isnt a bunch of corrupt writers taking bribes to advertise opinions.
  18. Im very happy with all of what was being said, but i cant believe the amount of whiners on here! Top quality games, 100% WORKING (Hey, they wont put a faulty copy online) and slight improvements. Remember, we are getting wi-fi free, so why whine? You dont have to buy these games! Im happy with all of that, now all im hoping is that its true, but from the NOE forums... doubt it. All i hear on there is shit.
  19. Wow, that totally blew my theory about the sun right out the water and out on the bloody moon. Atleast its showing you've got a good variety in the console wars, instead of 'Teh PS3 fricken 0wns, it cooks le pasta'
  20. Any one consider the fact this 360 may be stolen? Thats why it could be selling for so low, i know a few cases on ebay when things get sold far less and turn out the item was stolen or fake(which i incredibly doubt for a games console). I hope it does get to you.
  21. Yeah, that Sonic 10th anniversary set is fricken brilliant, i got mine couple of years after release, but in perfect condition. Same with you though, havent bothered with the game but the music CD is excellent, but i refuse to let any one see me listen to green hill zone on a hi-fi system, i'd be totally embarressed.
  22. I totally forgot about the blueray players. But remember, sony is a company that is known for its success. They wont under price the PS3, they'l get some profit most definitly. No killer apps at the launch could be a problem at the start, but remember, a hell lot of revenue in the west is the movies. In the east, it will definitly have problems with the killer apps. Also, i wont be worrying. Sony are slowly killing off the industry, its made many minds think that graphics make a game, when it doesnt. What brought so many new players in, will push so many out.
  23. PS3 wont fail, sony has a plan and i've realised it. They have the brand. They have the multimedia hub. They have the features. They have the HD-DVD player. They have the big games. They have the huge fan base. With all those, how can they fail? They've got multimedia functions built into a gaming system, so that justifies the price. You have all that built into a game console, and no doubt you'l make a saving if you bought a PS3 other than those things individually. Then the fanbase comes in, they'l buy it at whatever price (PS2 was easily sold at 1000 quid on ebay when it became sold out, so will £400-500 make a difference? (I think not) The only thing disheartening to Sony fans is that the actual console does NOT exsist. All they've got is dev kits and conceptual models, with no technology inside them, just plastic coating. I really wonder how Sony can launch this thing in may, but theres a few months to manufacture it, who knows what they have up their sleeves?
  24. Thats huge, i've never seen a peach collection. It must be rare to find peach merchandise, i didnt know most of that stuff even exsisted. My friend also has a peach kart, those things are damn awesome! Good luck with your collecting!
  25. Looks like a parachute with the black being its shadow.. Flying cars? What would be the point.. might as well have a plane.
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