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Everything posted by demonmike04

  1. Yeah i guess thats why, im in the south east but im above london and I couldnt possibly see why any foreigner would want to come to this town. Theres another place in the north were your likely to see loads of them, i've heard the name being used so many times.. EDIT: I've just realised im making this sound like im playing foreigner spotting, honestly, im not.
  2. :shock: You havent? Im not sure if I remember it all too well, so could some one else tell this guy? I'l just say the bit i remember in the spoiler for some one to check if i have heard it,
  3. Ok its confirmed there is no episodes, but did any one consider a movie Its what im hearing a hell alot now..
  4. You havent? Its mainly down to were you live, but i live 30 miles from london and ive seen tons of german kids last year and most of them have never spoken english (I know this because many friends work in the town and every german kid they've met cant speak english apart from hello), and not all at once. My town is hardly historic or tourist friendly, so god knows why they were there.
  5. I cant imagine the gaming industry without nintendo, but the last few generations have been going downhill for nintendo, sure they still make a profit, but they arent as big.
  6. Looks great, people have to bear in mind this is a spin off... some retards didnt take notice of that in shadow the hedgehog and said 'Its nothing like sonic!'
  7. Good idea, will give us time to accustom to its new name presuming it has one, revolution seems to be people's favourite.
  8. People are actually comparing revolution to dreamcast? 1up have pretty much proven 360 has the most in common with it.
  9. It is very impolite I must admit, we make the effort when we go abroad so what gives them the exception? Our Culture will always change, no doubt about it. Its shaped by the people in our community, the events in our community and the fact about how close we are with the world now with communications will no doubt shape us differently, we now have a totally different upbringing. Our culture is pretty strong on the different cultures here too, the muslim culture used to be the father is to be the head of the household and he would make every decision. And now that the muslim culture is moving into britain, muslim children and family are rebelling against there favours. Everything will change.
  10. Ah, i guess I have been pretty wrong about the breaking Nintendo thing. And dabookerman, good thinking. I totally forgot about the debt sony are in, sony havent had a good year, im just saying minor things here but playstation has been causing a bit of trouble. Last year, Sony were sued 91 million dollars over the controller i think it was, and now the american government are fining them for their PSP grafiti. Ok lets kinda stick to the topic but think more to the future, what if Nintendo dropped out of the console market?
  11. I think revolutions big secret is announced to be revealed May 9th, also I heard a quote from Nintendo today, i cant remember when they said it but it was this 'The closer they get to E3, the less they want to say', so I think E3 is when we'll hear about new things next, but hey, prove me wrong!
  12. I dont think many people have realised how serious this gen is for Nintendo, it could break them and force them out of the console market. So, although incredibly doubtful it is, what if Revolution were to fail, what would you think Nintendo's path would be? Would you think: Try another console the generation after? Head out of the console market, focus on handheld? Head out of the console market, focus on handheld and software for other consoles? Head out of console and handhled market and make software for other consoles? Remember to give a reason why. My personal opinion is that Nintendo will black out of the console market and continue to dominate the handheld market, because that seems to be were they are getting most revenue from now. They could still stick around in the console market if revolution fails, but what would be the point if they dont make as much profit?
  13. Lucky me, im here that day, 4 days later i'l be in New york browsing Nintendo world! I think it will just be market figures etc, and a recap of what we already know (yes, again). If something does happen, great! I just doubt it alot. Keep my eye of reggie? Kinda hard, when ever he's on the floor its all eyes on him! Most of my friends dont know who shigeru is, but they know Reggie! Well known dude..
  14. Heh, i laughed so hard at that, its very true though. Its a shame there isnt much death in kids games, does it set a bad example? Its a natural part of life, and kids should know about that, theres been death in sonic (Well one), and i think Mario should use death to create more interesting story lines, you cannot have a brilliant story line without sadness in my opinion. You need something to play with your emotions.
  15. I'l wait til its more developed, then play a prank on the hospital.. 'My arm is missing! HA! Fooled ya'...its a pranksters dream an invisibility cloak, except from when people know your using it...
  16. I would like James Blunt, the songs he's written are amazing..but i cant help but find his voice very annoying. Its why I wouldnt consider Blink 182 a great band...that goddam Tom had to sing a few songs... why couldnt they just stick with mark?? (Tom was brilliant in the Tom Mark and Travis show album however) Ok i've been babbling, just gotten news that my friend is going to be giving me a ticket to see the strokes this summer :shock: CANT WAIT!
  17. Havent watched WWE for a while, i'l ask my uncle about the latest in it because the weeks beforehand always make it obvious who's gonna win..
  18. God, i hate those messages. Im pretty sure Microsoft will be able to make a decent handheld, but if it were gaming they would focus on, i'd be even more interested.
  19. I go to see local talent, know a few band members so I hope that counts.. Might be going to see HIM in april down brixton, didnt get tix in time so i gotta go ebay and sell all my possesions for one...its damn expensive...
  20. LMFAO! Good comeback, let that be a lesson to those who think Microsoft ownz every one! It was only a matter of time before Microsoft entered the handheld ring, its a pretty profitable part of gaming, i think the past few years have proved that. Maybe its been proved way back at the original gameboy, so much success because portable games are those people can play constantly, consoles are limited. Maybe it'l be called an Xpack?
  21. Ok, just before I go on, nobody say its pointless. Because the winner donates money to a charity of choice, so therefore it has a point. I just realised, the favourite and most obvious to win is Chantelle. But what was the point of her being there? She doesnt qualify because she is not a celebrity prior to Big Brother, but now she is. This therefore creates an un-even balance because a celebrity is supposed to win this, not some look-alike of Paris Hilton (Is that even a good thing?). It makes no sense, but either way people will benefit through the charity, but I think Michael should also take part of the win because if Chantelle wasnt there, he would have won by now. 2 Charities seem fair. I actually feel sorry for Chantelle if she has any brains, because she surely would realise she is famous for a stupid reason, im suprised no one from big brother has realised this. People only like you because you were in a house and you annoyed people, they dont care who you actualy are as a person. So, what do you think, are people going in Big brother just for attention now? Since you dont have to win it to get cash, you just go in and people like you.
  22. It was only one insult, which I was responsible for. And we were talking about the thread, I didnt agree with what he said so we were expressing our views to each other, so therefore that is a discussion about the current thread.
  23. Ah i can see what you mean, but i think they had listened to him for a while before it was too much to listen to. And thats the point of this, you get attention. Would you argue against Fathers 4 Justice for attention seeking? Thats what they need, the more attention you get the more your point will get noticed. May seem immature, but its the only way to do these things.
  24. I can agree with you to an extent, multiculturalism does abandon our old culture, but does make the country stronger. Also, Multiculturalism is quite a problem when there is a clash between two cultures, it does become a menace. But personally, our country is fine imo. I can live with the differences.
  25. Im not flaming you, im correcting you. The flaming is back in the other topic, so dont carry it on to this.
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