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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. You know how Germans are. War is how they greet people.
  2. Well, it's not a real person either, so you can't expect him to speak it very well.
  3. It's German, Diageo. Don't be rude to our newest member. He seems nice.
  4. I've learned all I know about relationships from television. My advice to anyone needing relationship advice is: you can never sleep with someone too soon and there is no reason too arbitrary not to break up with someone.
  5. These are pretty great. I approve.
  6. Sheesh, you can't even put 'Invincible' and 'terrible' in the same post without ReZ freaking out. :p What I actually meant was "ReZ loves anything with superheroes in it so The Cape has to be really terrible if it has a superhero in it and ReZ still didn't like it". For the record, I have never read Invincible, but would consider checking it out if I had the money.
  7. Oh. I just remembered that he likes Invincible and Green Lantern and No Ordinary Family and... Man, this has to be really terrible if ReZ didn't like it.
  8. Oh, I don't know... You did seem to like the Zelda magnets I posted in another thread, so obviously you have some taste. I think you're mostly just disappointed because you want your superheroes to have real superpowers. :p
  9. HOW BAD WAS IT? Oh, staggeringly. Never mind, then. I'm glad I didn't watch it if it's as bad as people say it is.
  10. Aww. And bunnies are so cute too. But you can't pet tortoises. Well, I guess you can, but who would want to?
  11. It's not, but at least you'd go into the game knowing what to expect.
  12. I too was obsessed with Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers until they stopped airing it over here because it was too violent. It made me want to hurt someone. I really wanted some of the toys, but the most I ever got were a couple of cheap knock-offs of the red and black rangers. When you took their helmets off, their faces were painted silver. Fake edit: Actually, thinking about it, my brother and I did get Goldar and that blue monster, whatever his name was. Goldar was awesome and worked great as a bad guy no matter what toys I was playing it.
  13. It was still disastrous and it still sucked. :p Why not Paper Mario humor? The Paper Mario series has always been at least as funny as the Mario & Luigi games, in my opinion.
  14. 4 is Superfrog, based on the hint.
  15. I second this. I loved the beginning with the murder with mystical undertones, then it turned into dead guys running on walls and computer gods and God knows what.
  16. She just wanted to have a friendly conversation about porn. There was no need to be rude.
  17. I really like this idea. I'm going to go for it.
  18. Six Feet Under had probably the best series finale of any TV show. Years later, I still get choked up when I watch the last five minutes. Awesome stuff.
  19. Haha, aww. :3
  20. I have been considering checking out Disgaea once I've finished my current games, but now that I know that ReZ likes the series, I kind of don't want to anymore just to bug him. Oh, what a dilemma.
  21. Well, I'm convinced. :p
  22. "Pretty much"? Oh, I think we get it. The PSP is indeed awesome. I got one for Christmas and have really been enjoying it so far.
  23. This is my most anticipated game on the 3DS. It looks like a return to form after the disastrous Super Paper Mario. If anything's going to get me to buy a 3DS, it's this.
  24. I agree with this, but strictly comparing Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to each other (which was what I was doing in my post), I definitely preferred the plot in the first game. I'm sure playing through the entire trilogy, the second game will work a lot better.
  25. My brother will quote jokes five seconds before they happen when we're watching old episodes of The Simpsons, Futurama or Scrubs. It's really annoying. I mean, I've watched these episodes before too, but unlike him I don't have them memorized and hearing jokes before they happen ruins any chance I have of being surprised and getting any enjoyment out of them on a second/third/fourth viewing. I've never had any bad cinema experiences, though (that weren't caused by bad movies, anyway), but that might be because I only go to the movies about once a year and generally towards the end of a movie's run.
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