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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I could see Nightwolf proposing a bikini contest around the end of 2011 in a desperate bid to finally win an award. And then she'd end up losing to ReZ.
  2. You'll have to write about Deadly Premonition once you've played it. It seems utterly bizarre and strangely interesting.
  3. After all this hype, this had better be the most legendary episode ever, or I'm going to be very disappointed later tonight. Don't let me down, N-Europe forum members!
  4. He had a pretty awesome final year, at least: Inception and that movie ReZ liked.
  5. I forgot about How to Train Your Dragon. That film was surprisingly good! Probably my favorite of DreamWorks' animated efforts.
  6. One small step for a man, one giant leap for Mike. Well, one day, anyway. Happy birthday.
  7. Haha, thanks. Dude. ;)

  8. That's unfortunate, but isn't an excuse for a sucky webcomic. Especially when it has been so bad for so long.
  9. Can't you just turn off hardcore mode if you're not enjoying it?
  10. Magnus

    Fable III

    I don't miss the expression wheel, but that's probably because I've always hated interacting with the non-plot-essential NPCs in the Fable games. *Patty-cake* "Get this item for me" "Yay, now we're friends!" *Cluck like a chicken* "Lead me by the hand to that place over there" *Kiss* "I have never loved anyone like I love you" I feel like I'm taking advantage of mentally handicapped people.
  11. The original writer left the webcomic. I guess that might explain it?
  12. No, it's when you stop getting older that you die. Duh.
  13. Haha, what a terrible thing to say to someone who's going to try to quit smoking. "It never gets better." :p
  14. Happy birthday, Scoop. ... And those other guys, I guess. Whatever.
  15. It's not going to feel like a real cigarette unless people are treating you like a pariah and you're standing outside in the cold with it, anyway.
  16. Scoop posted about how much he hates MegaTokyo (apparently more than Ctrl+Alt+Del, but that's surely just an exaggeration!) at the beginning of this page. It's seems pretty terrible, but luckily I've always had the good sense to stay away from it. Enjoy reading Ctrl+Alt+Del! Other awesome webcomics: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and The Non-Adventures of Wonderella.
  17. I second Scoop's recommendation of Shortpacked! for anyone who's into toy collecting. Or even if you're not, because David Willis is just that good a writer. I really need to read Gunnerkrigg Court. I remember checking it out when it was new, and now I keep hearing great things about it, so I kind of regret not bookmarking it back then. No one likes archive trawling.
  18. "People you would most like to get stuck in a stairwell with." Hm, doesn't have the same ring to it.
  19. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, huh?
  20. That Demon's Souls guy is pretty rude and needs to stop comparing apples and oranges. D:
  21. So he owes you, then. Fair enough. He should have known that there's no such thing as a free meal.
  22. Is it "Hi, I'm a completely different game and while I'm focused on strategic combat, Dragon Age is focused on story and characters"? Because if so, I agree.
  23. Yes, but unless you're paying him, I assume he's doing it because he gets some sort of enjoyment out of it. Or maybe he just really, really likes you. Or you've got something on him. Whichever.
  24. If this place feels like work, he's doing it wrong.
  25. Unless one of us has been personally involved in any of the drama surrounding Tim Buckley (anyone here Jackie?), the best you're going to get is secondhand accounts. Anyway, you're free to read whatever webcomic you want. Even if Ctrl+Alt+Del is objectively bad. Denmark and Norway are sleeping with each other. Confirm/deny?
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