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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I thought the song was pretty catchy, though I really have no desire to do Donkey Kong. He's not my type.
  2. I like this explanation of the uncanny valley. It has examples! Also, the discussion about non-cartoony animated movies reminded me that I still hadn't watched Tangled, so I decided to change that. I really enjoyed it.
  3. He's probably just in denial. Is that what you tell Claire?
  4. It's like wearing a condom all year round! Just not a very effective one.
  5. It's called phimosis, and it's not a big problem as long as it's not painful during sex and you can still retract your foreskin when your penis is flaccid to keep things clean down there. Though I've heard from several people who've had circumcisions due to phimosis that sex was a lot more pleasurable afterward. Make of that what you will.
  6. We need a tiebreaker.
  7. Death Note is the only anime I've watched from start to finish. I thought it was noticeably weaker/rushed in its second season, and it jumped the shark pretty heavily towards the end. Season one was great, though (and parts of season two).
  8. Mad Men is a slow burner. It definitely takes more than three episodes to realize how brilliant it is.
  9. Hilarious.
  10. Mad Men is awesome. It's just a shame we'll have to wait until next year for season five.
  11. Yes, Happenstance has great taste.
  12. Magnus

    Portal 2

    Kotaku wrote an article about that (... of course they did). They said Nolan North was in too many games because he was in Portal 2. Except they didn't recognize his voice and didn't even realize that he was in the game until they saw the credits. It was a very stupid article.
  13. No, you've got it reversed. It's being gay that makes you watch Eurovision.
  14. Um... Happy birthday, Supergrunch.
  15. You can't miss me if I've never been in a mafia game to begin with. :blank:


    P.S. Thanks.


    P.P.S. I don't know about Digimon. I find a lot of their designs overly complicated/not as good as Pokémon.

  16. Ha! Sure you were.


    I stand by what I said about them being too much work. Maybe I'll feel motivated to join one at some point in the distant future. You seem to be doing just fine without me, though. ;)

  17. That's the comeback you came up with after thinking about it for four months? :blank:

  18. Won't you miss out on Shale if you don't download the free DLC? That's one of the best characters.
  19. Haha, I won't. ;)


    There are days when I barely feel motivated to check the forum to begin with, so I really don't like the thought of feeling like I need to closely follow a thread for several weeks. You say it doesn't take much effort, but we both know that's a lie. :heh:


    The paranoia occasionally makes for good reading, though.

  20. Nah, it seems like waaay too much work. :heh:


    (Plus I'm not a very good liar.)

  21. Because this thread is usually a haven of optimism and positivity! You have to appreciate the irony in what you said.
  22. Joke? Charizard.
  23. Well, did you have to quote me, then?
  24. Tina Fey is awesome and so is 30 Rock (going to watch the season finale later tonight). I have nothing else to add. I haven't read Bossypants or watched Mean Girls.
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