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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. To be fair, he did sound pretty drunk.
  2. I don't know... I think a year without Pikmin is a year wasted.
  3. Magnus


    What. Also, I'm really liking Debra this season. And I'm hating the Masuka/not really Masuka's storyline. SO AWFUL.
  4. Women, amirite?
  5. That sucks, Ine.
  6. Sorry to hear that, Serebii.
  7. Sounds like a step up from the people you usually find in the chat room.
  8. Maybe she's dressed up for a date.
  9. Just tell him you have a headache.
  10. This bump is useless without pictures.
  11. You probably shouldn't venture into the chat room, then. Diageo spoils indiscriminately. He doesn't really. You could always quit your job and ask them to rehire you after you've finished the game. I'm sure they'd understand. It is Zelda, after all.
  12. You'll all be happy to know that I have finished Skyward Sword. Sadly, Diageo hasn't, so he's not being very talkative. It's okay, Diageo. I begrudgingly accept your existence anyway!
  13. I liked the little cat sanctuary in Skyloft. There didn't seem to be a point to it - just a bunch of cats relaxing in a flowerbed. I thought that was cute.
  14. It was an ironic statement on Serebii's lack of game.
  15. Do I get to choose what we compete in? Because then I choose picking up girls.
  16. Great, Cube. The one thing Serebii was the best at, and you had to go and take it away from him.
  17. Time since Serebii couldn't get it up: 1790 days
  18. We should just rename this thread Time since Serebii last had sex: 1802 days and update it accordingly.
  19. I'm so glad you said that. I thought it was just me.
  20. Those will look great on you.
  21. If you're not a fan of the genre, I'm not sure anyone can really recommend anything you'd like.
  22. Remind me not to enter the chat room again until after I've finished Skyward Sword.
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