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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. He's looking very happy about it.
  2. 3 is Left 4 Dead. Thanks for getting me on the right track, Jonnas.
  3. The Uncharted series (obviously). Infamous 1/2, if you're into superhero open world games. Valkyria Chronicles, if you like SRPGs. The Ratchet & Clank games, if you like action-platformers with a lot of humor. If you haven't played them already on the PS2, check out Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. LittleBigPlanet, Heavy Rain and Bioshock are all good games, so you could do a lot worse.
  4. 5 is Pitfall.
  5. Nintendo whore. :p
  6. What's all this talk about "suddenly" hating Ashley? I do suddenly find myself very attracted to Serebii, though.
  7. You say that now, but Nintendo had better hurry up and release the Wii U before they lose you as a fan forever!
  8. N-E may yet become Sony Europe. The PS3 has some great games, though, especially if you don't own an Xbox 360/good gaming PC. Don't cancel your order!
  9. The unlinkable image. Edit: Actually, here you go. ________________________ That Super Mario Bros. video is awful, Mokong. Him: "Blah blah blah the toads are bricks everyone on the internet already knows this and my jokes about it aren't funny." Me: "Ugh, I bet he's going to bring up how the clouds and bushes use the same sp-" Him: "Okay, some of you might already know this..." Me: *Groan*
  10. It is not. *Party pooper*
  11. Sprout should post more. Until then, I'm keeping his birthday wishes hostage.
  12. Well, would you pay for it?
  13. Don't forget that you promised us a duckface.
  14. Okay, now you're just showing off.
  15. Are you an assassin, Wesley? Because that would be pretty cool. I think you'd make a good assassin, anyway. No one would suspect you, and then the last thing they'd see before they died would be your wide grin.
  16. Didn't we already vote on this? You need to honor the Forum Pair of the Year award, Nightwolf. N-E has spoken.
  17. That part felt so silly after playing Uncharted 3 just a few weeks earlier. As out of place in the story as the boat chapters in Uncharted 3 were, they sure were intense and a lot of fun to play!
  18. You look way too happy about holding a rifle. I'm sure Gandalf was ready to take you down if the need arose, though.
  19. So basically you only dislike piracy because you're bad at it. :p You're probably already aware of this, but Chrono Cross is available on the American PSN now.
  20. I was going to make a post about how I thought this thread would be about my list of people I wanted to do it with, but I'll do it some other time.
  21. Don't do it. It's a trap.
  22. I smell a spin-off!
  23. I too am caught up now. I feel kind of bad for Casey, though...
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