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Everything posted by ArtMediocre

  1. I wondered about this myself, so I contacted Nintendo Customer Chat. They said, even though they do not have this information themselves, that the game most likely would be unlocked at midnight in each time zone instead of having a unified drop. I suppose we'll see tomorrow night anyways.
  2. Embargo lifts the 6th, so we'll have to wait a bit more. Sweet @Glen-i, I'll join you for a couple of rounds. I've gotta go to work the next day, so I can't stay up for too long. I live in Norway, will the game be available for us at the same time even though you're in a different time zone?
  3. So, is anybody gonna stay up until midnight and play this as soon as it drops? I think I will, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna bother playing online first, or if I just wanna head straight into Subspa.. I mean World of Light. *starts humming the tune* Man, that song is really catchy!
  4. I played 3 on PC, and that was fine except for the horrible load times. I'm gonna give 4 a go, but it'll have to wait until next year. Too many games releasing now, so I think Smash and Gris will be the last games for me for a couple of months. ...but THEN it's Just Cause time!
  5. It is an amazing game to play in VR, but I just don't have the time to sink into it. I might have to boot it up again, but I only own the game up until the Horizons content. Is Beyond a brand new DLC?
  6. Not so much. They have a few buttons missing, so you won't be able to use them in newer Switch games (you need the L-button, home-button and +/-), so you should really invest in a Pro-controller if you have plans of playing a lot in docked mode. And it's a really, really good controller too.
  7. Got this for a cheap price at Black Friday. It's going up into the top floor we're currently making into a second floor for our apartment (it'll be ready in about four months, with a big bathroom, balcony and loads more)
  8. ....i'm just gonna buy it for the volleyballs. Don't judge me.
  9. .....that's over 9000, right?
  10. So yeah, I kept telling me I would wait for next years core pokemon, but you guys (minus Glen-i) just had to keep on praising this game...
  11. When you thougt the Switch couldn't have any other big reveals coming this year, but Tecmo Koei brings you the game of the year... DEAD OR ALIVE: XTREME 3 SCARLETT Dead or Alive Xtreme on the Nintendo Switch, for the first time on a Nintendo console in history! But(t) in all seriousness, this game was announched for the Switch and PS4 yesterday, and the PS4 edition has already been censored. I recon that the Switch will gain a few weebs from PS4 now that their new censoring rules hit every big game, while, ironically enough, Nintendo let's everything go as long as it's no nudity. Switch version censoring? None. The game will release in Japan on March 20th 2019, will feature the incredible Soft 4D engine (which is DoA:X3's Soft engine 2.0, but with added HD Rumble for... reasons), and will feature two new characters, if not more. The game will probably get english language judging by how Tecmo Koei have treated these games previously, but the Switch version might get localized. There will be a Free-2-Play version at a later date, but for now, please enjoy the full, Soft 4D experience next year <3. And just a heads up: Preorder now, and you'll get the “Forbidden Swimsuit” costumes (two costumes) download code. Naughty you . For more detailes, please click this link. For a rundown on the censoring, click here!
  12. Maybe these designs are Game Freak and Nintendo's way of warming us up for the next mainline pokemon game with REALISTIC GRAPHICS, releasing in 2019 . I actually think it looks awesome! This reminds me of gremlings, turtles and other 90's movies, and this is probably the best way of presenting Pokemon in a live action way. Props to the guy who had the balls to suggest this. 2018 will be the year people will remember that Nintendo killed their entire cast of characters (minus Kriby) and made pokemon terrifying
  13. @Ronnie, I wanted to give you a "Like" for that post, but seeing as Nintendo put out this monstrosity during the Wii U lanch ... you'll have to settle for a "Haha".
  14. That is one hell of an ad! Nintendo knows how to market their games!! Sorry. On a serious note: Looks kinda like it could be the intro for the game, and I wouldn't mind that one bit! Man, the animations of Smash trailers and cut scenes just keep on getting better and better.
  15. So, is it still possible to play Smash Bros Wii U online, or did that die when the shut down miiverse? It would be cool if we could do a couple of final fights online with the other N-europe smashers before Ultimate hits.
  16. I fired up Super Smash Bros Wii U last night, and had a blast going head to head with random characters and bots. I didn't have batteries in any other controllers, so I ended up having to use the Wii U Gamepad. I ended up getting a cramp after about 20 minutes, god that controller is horrible... Really looking forward to this game now December can't come soon enough!
  17. Well, thanks for clearing that up. Then I might get this game after all
  18. I really want this game, but if it can't be played handheld with the controllers attached, then it's a no buy for me. I'll mainly be gaming this on my daily bus commute, so that settles it.
  19. Aw shoot, that's right. Now I understand what Dcubed meant with the surprise that Rex didn't make the cut! But seeing as this is Sakurai we're talking about, I'm sure there will rather be a weird choice of character from the series anyway, like the Ardanian Soldiers or something. ....to be honest, why isn't that an assist trophy?? Imagine a bunch of those on the field yelling "Don't forget me!" "Think you can take me?!" "You're done!!" while being super weak. Sakurai need to stay more with the times.
  20. I think it's cool that Nintendo has already chosen the characters to be added in the DLC next year, and I'm glad that they are keeping the list secret. As much as I enjoy the reveals of Smash Characters, there is something special about not knowing everything about a game before it's even released. Some speculation is always good, but surprises are always better :D. The Smash Dojo killed all my hype for Brawl to be honest, but with the big reveals and cut scenes Nintendo are making they have learned the secret of revealing a character AND building hype. Really looking forward to seeing who made the cut! And I don't think Rex is out of the question yet. I mean, even if Nintendo has made the list, they might still want to build relationships with other publishers and developers. I think this is the only logical choice, to be honest:
  21. Yeah, it's a double AA battery in it. But it's surprisingly solid with around 30 hour battery life. Probably because it doesn't have rumble feature. I'm gonna get a purple one, if not gold. I'll post my impressions when I have it.
  22. Yes, I'm actually bumping this bad girl. I finally managed to get the time to beat the first of these two games. Finally. Just took a couple of years. The story took some time to get into, and I just played it on easy because I wanted to breeze through it. If I thought the game was bizarre at the beginning, my mind kinda melted after I got near the end. Jesus, it took some proper crazy japanese turns with the space battles and everything. Truly a joy to play, and the controls felt really, really good. I ended up loving the katana + foot-guns combo. Made for a varied and powerful fighting style. Not sure if I'd get through the game on hard (I highly doubt it), but easy was a good entry point. Now that I've had a couple of weeks away from Bayonetta, I think it's time to get into the second game. I wanna try to go through and collect a lot of platinum awards in that game, and take some more time playing it as I understand it is the better game of the two. This will pump me up to playing the third game when it launches in the future too :D.
  23. Have anyone any experience with the PowerA controllers? They're gonna release a wireless Gamecube-style controller in november, and it is pretty much a Switch Pro controller, but without rumble and Amiibo-support. It has gyro sensors included, and comes in Jet, Purple, Grey and also Gold and Silver as GameStop exclusive colors. It looks pretty slick, and I've seen some reviews on youtube, and some even gives it better score than the original. And also, if it has bluetooth 5.0 it can connect to my PC. Thoughts? https://www.powera.com/us/gamecube/
  24. I'll be sure to check it out! And I have to try out Undertale one day too... Like @Vileplume2000 posted in the Destiny 2 thread, Destiny 2 is free until November 18 if you log into your PC Battle.net client. Just claim your gift and it's yours. Just be ready for a hefty download, seeing as it is about 80 GB.
  25. No, I'm talking about November 15th, 2018, in about two weeks time :P. Preordereing this game ;D.
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