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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. Reading the title of the thread I too thought to myself that "Feel" or something of that nature would fit perfectly. Looks like I'm not the only one who thought that
  2. I had the same issue with a previous banner, but this one works fine. OS X and FF4
  3. Love the simplistically stylish name-appropriate avatar 10/10 Very nice signature too, again with the reference to your username. Unfortunately there seems to be some distortion on the image. 8/10 Edit: Avatar finished. (I think)
  4. :love: :love:You are absolutely AMAZING :love: :love:
  5. You have no idea how much I am tempted to ask you for one too, but I don't want to waste your time. The quality of the sigs that you create is second to none, and I think all of them are better than any others that I have seen on the internet . If you do manage to squeeze in my small request, and of course there is no rush whatsoever, then I would be so so grateful. What I am thinking of is the same as you have done for the other people with their username in a certain style. Specifically a Professor Layton theme for my name would be amazing Perhaps incorporating such elements as this or this. But as you have proved in numerous instances, you are the expert here, so your artistic judgment trumps mine. If you have time, then you are the best! If not, I fully understand, and you're still the best
  6. Don't forget that they are working on a 3DS Flipnote, which is supposed to have many more features than the old one.
  7. WOW! Now this is the kind of thing that I'm talking about! Nintendo has not disappointed Just as most people have started to finish the puzzles, along comes an awesome free software that also utilises StreetPass. The best part, is that this is not just some cheap thing where it just shows the sprite, but that it actually has a 3D model, and AR is always great! Slightly sad that it only includes Gen V, but the fact that it specifies Unova Pokédex on the bottom left of the top screen has me hopeful that the others will be added as well. Also, it looks like you can look at the gender differences, and as we know, only very few pokémon have differences in Gen V. Both of these points make me quite confident that we will see more sooner or later
  8. On the day it happened I had it in a bag, so I don't think it was counting as much as it should have, but in any case it stopped around 4,000. My record is 26,000 in a day though, but that was when I walked 20km. I really think it depends how you carry it around. Back on topic, that is slightly worrying that something could be wrong with my 3DS, but luckily it doesn't really affect me too much. The worst part is thinking of the StreetPasses that I potentially missed I just hope it never turns off during actual use.
  9. Does anyone else's 3DS inexplicably turn off when in it's in your pocket or a bag? I'm not sure if it's overheating, a certain button combination or some sort of battery saving method, but in any case, on more than one occasion I have found it to be turned off when pulling it out at the end of the day. Judging from the number of steps it seems to have shut down about halfway through the day. Very strange...
  10. It was the same with Metroid Prime Trilogy, where the US got an awesome metal case, while we just got a cardboard sleeve. I can't say I'm really surprised since I'm used to NoE not always being the best at this kind of thing. Oh well, I guess it's the game that we're all interested in anyway, although every bit of extra fan service is appreciated of course.
  11. I was confused at first too, but it's quite simple. Just click on the promotions part, then select the eeveelution message thing. Now at the bottom, in a colorful banner there should be a submit button or something like that. You get taken to a befriending zone, and the apparently very trustworthy Pokémon is instantly your best friend after you find it behind a bush.
  12. I hope there isn't a Zelda 3DS bundle because then I would regret my launch purchase
  13. What I expect to see, and what has probably been said already(I'm going to read the thread afterwards, so that I don't just copy everybody else's good ideas ) is: Paper Mario 3D information and release quarter Mario Kart 3D information and release date Professor Layton information and release quarter More info about the future of the e-shop Promises to imrpove online features for both 3DS and Café Some sort of Café information and teaser of launch game.
  14. Got my first StreetPass!!! I think it was either at the train station, or on the train, but after more than a month of nothing, it certainly is a great feeling. I even got a new puzzle piece because of him
  15. Well hopefully that SpotPass thread will be very busy in the future, at the moment it's depressingly empty, with the only news being that there isn't any SpotPass yet
  16. Did anyone else have the blue spotpass light on today? I just saw it a few minutes ago and was really excited. As I checked to see what it was, I saw the title "Recommended Update" and was filled with joy. Could this be the browser and shop come early, or was it some kind of other update, like a messaging feature? The text itself said that the update included a 3D video, which made me a bit skeptical, seeing as we already had that in the very first update. I went to the settings to check for an update, and alas nothing was found. So for some reason, I now got the message that I should update my system with an update that I already got notified about and installed more than a month ago. I'm almost certain I got the exact message before, so I'm really confused why I got it again. Did this happen to anyone else?
  17. Shame about the delay, I'm quite looking forward to that update. Oh well, at least we have a date now.
  18. Indeed, Face Raiders has always worked fine for me, even while turning around like a maniac. The only downside I see with those controls are that you could only really play it at home. It would be a bit strange to twist around in your seat in a train for instance.
  19. I'm not 100 percent sure if it's the same, but here there is a pre-order bonus too, also for a 3DS case. It would make sense if it's the same one as they are getting in Greece. I'm not sure if it's just my local store that's doing it, or all of Switzerland though. Here's the link.
  20. I find the hate that the prequel trilogy gets to be completely unjustified and over-the-top. For one thing, they are actually pretty good movies that explain the history of Darth Vader etc. quite well. Additionally, even though there might have been a lot of green screening, which angers some people, the backdrops look beuatiful in most scenes, even if it is all digital. Personally I love both the original and the prequel trilogies ( perhaps with the exception of II, it just didn't do much for me). After all, it's more Star Wars! It's a shame that it has become cool to hate on the new movies.
  21. That's the way I see it too. I don't like how so many people are romanticising the war and making Bin Laden into some kind of super-villain. It seems like they think that having killed this villain all the problems will go away, but I fear that anything, Bin Laden will be avenged. All he was, was a crazy man with too much power, just like there have been countless of throughout history, and of which there will be many more to come. Treating him as any more than that is just honouring him.
  22. Honestly I don't see how this solves anything. It isn't as if Bin Laden was the only person capable of organizing terrorist attacks, and I don't think that killing him will persuade al-Qaeda to stop their terrorism. I suppose I can understand why people are relieved, due to a feeling of revenge or something, but realistically it doesn't seem like such an important event. Anyway, that's just my opinion, and maybe I'm too uninformed to be making statements like this, but that's what I think at the moment. Edit: The numbers speak for themselves: 10 years, 2 wars, 919,967 deaths, and $1,188,263,000,000 to kill one person.
  23. Never played any of these games, but I've heard only good things about them. I'm looking forward to more info
  24. I'm pretty sure that Reykjavik holds that title.
  25. How funny, here in Switzerland we were able to choose even the Cantons for location. There are 26 in the country, and most of them are less than 1,000 km^2. The reason is probably that the location info always has two sections: The country and the region. In the UK, this would be UK and then England, Scotland, Wales etc. In the USA it would show the states as the second thing. So it all depends on the political structure of the country, even if one of the regions in Switzerland is only 37 square kilometers, whereas in England you have one region for 130,000 square kilometers
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