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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. I got a Pass Orb in the dreamworld, does anyone know what that does? It says that it contains the power of the Unova region or something.
  2. I'm still missing about 20 out of 49, so not too bad. I suppose there isn't any rush, since we don't have anything to do with the Friend Codes yet anyway.
  3. My favorite Zelda cover: It seems like only the German version had the black background for some reason, but I think it makes it look so much better :awesome: Of course, it was my first Nintendo game, and still one of my all time favorites, so I might be a bit biased. Unfortunately the only picture I could fin was this damaged one, and I'm not sure if I still have the original box
  4. Well now that the Global Link seems to be working properly, does anyone want to exchange friend codes or whatever it takes to be "pals" on the GL? Also, the people I have added before have been reset as I am now playing with my 3DS, and for some reason that messes up some of the WiFi settings. Edit: Does anyone know how long it takes for berries to grow? In my infinite wisdom I planted all of them, and now I can't make any wishes I would have had a Farfecht'd too
  5. Just connected to the GL, it sure is a bit baffling right at first.
  6. They're just RAR files and should be no problem at all to open. What OS are you on? If Windows try WinRAR and on OS X you can use The Unarchiver.
  7. Oops, well in that case I was mistaken. So I suppose it works all the time, as long as you aren't in DS mode.
  8. I am of the opinion that it only works in sleep mode, even if you are playing a game (although probably only 3DS games, since you can't go to the home screen without quitting DS games for instance). I still haven't gotten any hits though, so I might not be the most informed source
  9. Indeed, seeing these screenshots has really given me a lot of hope for what to expect on the 3DS. Before these shots, I was admittedly slightly skeptical about how 3D would look like in a proper game (I didn't buy any 3DS games yet, nor have I seen any in action) but now I can see how amazing games look and how much of a difference it makes. While looking at them in glorious 3D I decided to see how much of a difference it would make if I set it to 2D, and the difference is like day and night. The 3D effect is so subtle and flawless that once you put it back in boring 2D it is really shocking how much of a difference there really is. The Super Mario Galaxy and Wind Waker ones were by far my favorites of the ones I downloaded, and I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing stuff like that in motion
  10. Well Chandelure can't even learn Mean Look Even though I never really liked grass type, I must admit that Ferrothorn is pretty cool.
  11. Mean Look + Flamethrower
  12. Awesome! I can have Paper Mario on my 3DS now! Edit: The rest is really cool too!
  13. I see, so it is delayed again? Interesting idea, I wonder which one will win.
  14. I don't know if anyone has heard this already, but the Global Link looks like it will be up on April 13th. This was announced in a story at pokemon.com, but has since been removed for some reason.
  15. :p Wrong thread
  16. I don't know if anyone has heard this already, but the Global Link looks like it will be up on April 13th. This was announced in a story at pokemon.com, but has since been removed for some reason. Ignore this, I wasn't paying attention
  17. I want Nintendo to get as much money as possible so they can keep making amazing products
  18. I haven't had that problem myself Fused, because my Pokémon never faint but it seems that it is actually really easy to fix. Basically the confusion comes from what you have to do. What you must do is choose a Pokémon to switch in, and then choose which of your fainted Pokémon to replace with the new one. A lot of people seem to get stuck here, but it makes sense if you think about it.
  19. An excellent review that I wholeheartedly agree with, as I have come to appreciate at N-Europe.com My only critique is that it seems to me that that fisherman only has Basculins because it is only fish Pokémon up to that point.
  20. I wonder if this all this bad press that the 3DS is unjustly getting is going to contained in the UK, because everyone abroad knows not to listen to the Sun seriously, or if it will get picked up by other media across the globe. I certainly hope that this unfortunate stigma will die out soon, before spreading across the world. So far I haven't heard anything about it over here, but then again our media very rarely focus on gaming.
  21. It would be cool if you could get things from the shop for coins. That would at least give them an extra use, even if it is just to download some small bonus content.
  22. How can anyone take that seriously? That cross-eyed picture is so awkward and embarrassing for the Sun, but unfortunately it seems that the people who read that will think that playing the 3DS makes you look like that or something! That article looks like it was put together by a twelve year old Sony fanboy, who just wants to paint a completely one-sided picture of the 3DS. I just hope that these uninformed advocates can somehow have their minds changed, but I don't see that happening anytime soon
  23. Added everyone up to this point, but does anyone know how to remove provisional friends? For instance, Odwin's old one, or Hero_of_Time's? Both of those will never get added as they have new friend codes, or none at all anymore. So far I haven't found an option to remove them, but perhaps someone knows a trick.
  24. I can see where you're coming from, but in a way they are already making them more valuable by limiting the amount per day. After all, 10 coins aren't going to help you that much in the puzzle or the quest. If you're lucky you might get one or two new pieces, or advance one room. So I think it's good like this, even if I don't have any problems getting my daily ten. Unfortunately there probably are a lot of people who walk less than 1000 steps per day, so I suppose Nintendo might have reduced the steps required for that reason too.
  25. So what probably happened is that some Sony or xbox fanboy working for the Sun mentioned that the 3DS is causing problems and wrote an unjustified exaggerated article which is now getting picked up by the TV news. The worst part is that 99% of the people hearing about this will just believe it to be true, without questioning it one bit. Something like this has the potential to really hurt sales, and I find it completely undeserved for what I would call one of Nintendo's best products yet.
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