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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. The human mind is incapable of fathoming this kind of energy, and it certainly is extremely humbling. It makes, me at least, realize that we are not the masters of this planet, but merely tiny little ants. It's a horrible thing that happened, and I wish everybody who was affected all the best of luck.
  2. Oh yes, I certainly agree with that, especially the snow level was really great looking. ---------------------------------- Anyway, my vote for best visuals goes to: Endless Ocean 2 [spoiler= Here are some screenshots I took with the in-game camera:]
  3. Probably Bulbapedia. As it has all the sprites and artwork of every Pokémon.
  4. Oh certainly! Of course, I might not be the most unbiased person there is, but this really is a great game, especially if you haven't played since Yellow You will be amazed at all the new features, such as online trading and battling, four-way video chat, much more dynamic battles and of course slightly better graphics than its Gameboy counterpart. The best part though, is that at its core, this game is still the one we know and love.
  5. You have until the 22nd of April.
  6. Do you mean like the Trainer ID raffle thing? I really liked that in Gen. IV, so it would be a shame if it didn't make a return. Not that I won anything especially good, but it was a nice incentive to trade a lot.
  7. Interesting, all the comments that I read prior to the release pointed towards Black being more popular. I also never realised how popular Professor Layton was
  8. With a DSi or better it does.
  9. One thing that has bothered me ever since the GTS was implemented is the amount of people who are just being plain stupid when it comes to trades If I want so search for, say a Petilil, then it is very annoying when all the people ask for Reshiram lv. 100, Zekrom lv.100, Reshiram lv.100, Zekrom lv.100 etc. Why do they do this, do they honestly expect to get that, or are they doing some sort of cloning trick? Most of the time I can't find a normal trade partner. For that reason I always ask for reasonable Pokémon when depositing mine.
  10. About ten hours I think, and I just arrived in the first real city I wasn't expecting something so big. As I have mentioned previously, I am trying to take my time and not rush through it.
  11. I have such a bad case of button pressing at the wrong time while talking to people. There are almost too many instances to count where I was pressing away when suddenly I see a quick flash of what used to be a reply choice One of the times this happened was in the city where there is a man who gives you a stone for the monkey of your choice. It is too easy to accidentally select something:mad:
  12. There is a NPC who tells you that there are fighting type pokémon to the west Although I don't blame you, since usually you aren't expected, or are unable, to continue past the town if you haven't beaten the gym.
  13. Added, mine is 1463 5423 4380
  14. I have to congratulate this new iteration on its unprecedented online features. The GTS has some cool new features, although I am still a bit too early in the game to use the negotiation mode and get a trade out of it . I find it a bit strange that you can only choose levels 1-49, 50 or 51-100, because now you never really now what to expect. I did make my first normal GTS trade though, where I traded an Audino for a Panpour, since I don't really like my grass-type Pansage. In any case, I'm having a real blast playing this, and I can see what you mean Serebii, when you say that these games are the best ones in the series. I'm also happy that I kept myself relatively spoiler-free, so every step I take is a surprise
  15. It's certainly possible, as I have the same language/dsi combination, and it only happens from time to time.
  16. I had that at the start, and I really thought that my attack had missed, but since then I never noticed it ever again. Either I got used to it, or the lag went away, but I do know what you mean.
  17. It's always hard for me, because I try to take my time with these games, but it's so tempting to rush ahead:hehe:
  18. Use a DSi In other news, I started playing this and I'm having a great time. So much nostalgia when starting out in Pokémon games
  19. Well I picked this up about half an hour ago, now I just have to wait until today afternoon so that I can play it with no distractions : peace: Looking forward to playing it together with all the rest of you, especially the trades/battles that we may (inevitably) have
  20. Wow, this thread sure was inactive for a long time. How exactly do the friend vouchers work? I would gladly help, and as I understand they let you unlock a lot of things. Do I have to beat any specific games before this option becomes available?
  21. I don't quite understand how that works, can you elaborate?
  22. For me Reshiram is the preferred one for a couple of reasons. For one, I prefer the type combination, and like you said it does look more majestic and more unique, whereas Zekrom is a bit generic. On another note, I just read this about the mascots:
  23. I always start with the fire-type although I haven't been a big fan of the fire starters since generation two Possibly because they have always been fire/fighting since then. Having said that, I keep choosing them to continue the tradition.
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