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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. I was expecting more, sounds good. Hopefully not many people in my group are Zelda fans
  2. How many people were there per time slot?
  3. I'm pretty sure that normal glasses don't affect the 3D, and the blue glasses shouldn't really make a difference. It might be worth it to take them anyway, since I don't wear glasses and I also haven't tried a 3DS yet, so I don't really know what I am talking about
  4. It's true, I also have absolutely no information about the game yet. I know nothing about the region or even any of the new features. All I know is how the starters and some of the others look, and even though I am not a huge fan of what they look like, I am sure there is something in there for everyone. My apologies to you Serebii, I usually check your site a lot, but recently I have been avoiding it for spoiler reasons.
  5. It would be a bit strange to put so much focus on the cards and then never do anything with them ever again. I eagerly anticipate hearing from the people who go to the 3DS events this weekend, just so I know what is in stock for me next week.
  6. I'll get there between 9:00 and 9:30 and will walk from the station. It doesn't look that hard to find. I don't yet know how long I'll stay though.
  7. Even though I am going, I do have something for you to find out for me. When is Paper Mario coming out? That, along with OoT are my most anticipated games. Although the old gameboy games are right up there as well. Oh, I look forward to replay my favorite game of all time, Link's Awakening. For this "virtual console" are they just direct ports, or are the games "enhanced"?
  8. It will be interesting to see all the opinions and comments regarding the 3DS in the coming weeks as more and more people get to try it out first-hand. It seems that Nintendo really is focusing on getting as many people to try it as they can, which I think is a great thing, since pictures and video, for pretty much the first time in gaming history, are inadequate to show off the product.
  9. Yes, I did. It seems like they sent all of the tickets at around 19:30. Maybe it is because I am signed up for 10:00 on Saturday, so they sent it earlier
  10. I just got my ticket as well, and luckily the event doesn't seem too far away from Temple Meads Station, about 15 minutes by foot.
  11. Once I experience the 3DS with my own eyes at the event I will make the choice if it is: Worth getting at launch (albeit without any 3DS games). Worth getting once there is a 3DS game that I actually want. Worth waiting for the 3DS version 2. Ocarina of Time does look very tempting but so far that is the only title that has really interested me, and it will be a while until it is available.
  12. I have signed up for the Bristol event at 10:00 AM, hopefully it won't be too far from the train station.
  13. Savor it while it still goes so quickly soon enough it will take hours and hours to level up even one level.
  14. Yes, depending on the difficulty there are more objectives to complete.
  15. Yes, when you fail to complete the additional objectives in a level and then continue, it will lower the difficulty. You have to complete the previous level at Agent, for instance, in order to unlock the next level at agent. I have to say though, finding that list was pretty tricky, especially since it's quite dark in there.
  16. Even if that is the only thing that is updated I would be very very happy.
  17. Cool! That is great news, I wonder what the patch will include. Before Black Ops, I didn't even know that Wii games could be updated, but this sounds very promising. Hopefully there will be some multiplayer fixes. (better lobby, host migration etc.)
  18. It's funny, just like a lot of you I haven't touched it since I beat it back in 2007 or so. I do, however, think that even if it isn't the best Zelda game of all time (Link's Awakening) it was still very enjoyable and and I the whole world had a very nice charm to it I think. I still think that Wind Waker was better, but all in all I do not regret the ~40 hours I put into it. I look forward to Skyward Sword, although I do so apprehensively.
  19. By far one of my favorite Bond intros. The silence as he jumps off the cliff, and then as the parachute opens the music starts playing. Very cool. I quite like the reloading effect as it really makes you use cover and strategically take down enemies.
  20. Oh yes, I would love to see a Goldfinger game with as much attention to detail as this one.
  21. I just finished the first three missions (Dam, Facility and Airfield) and boy am I having a good time! In fact I had to redo facility because I missed one of the additional objectives the first time. The great thing is that redoing the missions is in no way a chore. Every time you can play through it differently and take slightly different routes. The first time I was taking it slow and stealthy, but on my second attempt I adopted a more "run and gun" attitude, and it almost feels like a completely different level depending how you play it. I also tried some multiplayer which I enjoyed quite a lot. Even though I get eliminated much more than I kill, it is still very fun. I am on level six now I think, so I just unlocked some fun things to play with. So far I have been playing with the Wiimote and Nunchuck setup. By following the settings that welsh_gamer posted I think I have found my optimal control settings. Overall I am enjoying this game a lot, and it really has a great cinematic quality to it.
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