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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. Switzerland! Land of cheese, chocolate, watches and mountains
  2. I will be really disappointed with Nintendo if they slack around with the online on this. Especially after they claim to want to do it better this time.
  3. To be perfectly honest, so did I : peace:. Although I can understand people not liking, hence me using it as an example/joke.
  4. Oh yeah, like that Baby Park
  5. My screen has had a slight wobble ever since I played the fishing game and was a bit too enthusiastic when reeling in my catch It doesn't really bother me though, since it isn't noticeable unless you move the 3DS around, which you don't do that much while playing anyway.
  6. Yes, the forest dungeon for me too. Disregard the fact that I only ever completed the first two dungeons...
  7. I'm really looking forward to the late may update, which is supposed to contain the browser and the shop. The browser will be a nice thing to have, but what's even more exciting is of course the shop. As was also recently announced, Excitebike 3D will be available for free, and I sincerely hope that this won't only be a Japanese-only deal. There are some excellent titles that have been announced on the shop, some of them which I am really anxious to play, such as the new Flipnote and Link's Awakening. In any case, there is roughly a month left to wait for this super-update
  8. You might not have noticed many differences yet, but you will, mark my words, you will.
  9. Very very good news. With so many excellent titles coming so relatively soon, nobody will be able to complain about the available software for very long. Even though I don't have any 3DS games right now, I have a feeling that that will change in about one and a half months with OoT, from which point on I will probably be playing amazing 3DS games for a long time to come. All these other titles should also make the wait for MK3D a bit more bearable which I'm certainly not complaining about. My biggest hope for this one is that they really make the online functional and feature-rich. The universal friend codes were a step in the right direction, and I hope they keep going that way.
  10. I have to admit that just seeing the OoT 3D intro by itself, I wasn't very impressed, but then seeing both playing side-by-side was a very different story. Somehow when I think of the N64 version in my head, I improve the graphics and everything, thinking that that's what it really looked like. In fact, the way the 3DS version looks like is what I see when I think of the N64 version in my head So, yeah, seeing them next to each other has certainly kept me excited about this remake.
  11. Aren't movies at 24 fps? As far as I can tell, they look perfectly smooth to me, since the human eye can't even process images much faster than that anyway. I don't see what difference 30 or 60 would make.
  12. To clarify my previous statements, I by no means mean that I think this new look, or even the game, is bad at all. Especially when in motion and in 3D I think it will look absolutely amazing. Even if there is an area or two where I prefer the original, I'm sure there will be many many other things that this new rendition does better.
  13. Why does the stone look like metal it's the same thing as with the stairs on the other picture. It looks much too clean and shiny like this.
  14. Yeah, I'm going to have to agree that in this instance the original looks better, perhaps because it has more charm. Those fixed camera areas always looked like paintings a bit, which I really enjoyed, but the 3DS version seems to lose some of that magic. I mean, look at those stairs, are they made of metal or something? Nevertheless, I'm sure the game will be great and faithful to the original in terms of visual style, and this particular scene will look much better in person in motion.
  15. According to rumors it will support Flash, and I really do hope so, since watching streaming videos on it, potentially in 3D, would be pretty awesome.
  16. Well I certainly hope that the browser will be a serious affair, and not just a silly gimmick. The DSi browser wasn't bad, but I do hope this one is much better. With more RAM and better screens I don't see why not to expect a fully fledged mobile browser, except that it's Nintendo after all
  17. If I were a fighting game fan I would be quite pleased with the lineup that is Street Fighter, Dead or Alive and this, but unfortunately the only fighting game that I am interested in is Super Smash Bros. I wonder why there is such emphasis on fighters at launch?
  18. I got the Zelda one here too, which I have finished. It really does look very good in 3D, but now I want the other ones too. The only problem is that I still haven't met anyone with Streetpass, so who knows when I'll get the next one.
  19. The first time I didn't realize that I had the Dream Ball in my bag, so I was starting to worry how many Pokéballs I would go through before catching it at full health
  20. Hmm, two months to go, and I'm starting to get quite interested in this. It's about time that I too complete this game considered as a right of passage in the gaming world. I do hope that there is a lot of extra content, since it doesn't seem that hard to do, but knowing Nintendo I'm not getting my hopes up It always seems like there are so many great things that they could do, that would make so many fans happy, but in the past they haven't really done much of that. Mertoid Prime Trilogy was the first game where I really sensed fan service, and I want more of that!
  21. Yes, they are remakes, but I enjoyed them more than Diamond and Pearl, even though I did play Gold and Crystal back in the day. You can't really go wrong with any of them, but if you do go for one of the new Gen IV games, then get Platinum instead of Diamond or Pearl.
  22. I highly recommend HeartGold or SoulSilver, and indeed even more-so than Diamond and Pearl. It may also be personal preference, but it is irrefutable that HG and SS have much more content. Of course, Platinum does have some extra stuff that Diamond and Pearl don't have, but I don't know if it's worth it. If you are interested in Gen IV then I suggest HG/SS over D/P. Not that D/P are bad games, I enjoyed them as much as all the other Pokémon games, but for some reason it didn't do as much for me as HG and Black now.
  23. Alright then, I guess I won't continue the Virtual Console version, and instead be blown away by the 3DS version which will be full of surprises. In a way, for me the 3DS version will be like the N64 version was for most of you, in that it is the first time playing through this game which has been numerously stated as the best game of all time. Or at least the second half will be. The only thing I think might be a downside, is that there might be parts where an intricate OoT knowledge is needed to understand an insider joke, and of course that I won't be as amazed at the graphical difference, since I don't know what most things looked like back then. But, I'm sure it will still be very enjoyable.
  24. I too must admit that I too have never finished OoT Although I have played through about half of it, and enjoyed it very much. Instead of finishing it on the Virtual Console, I think I might just get this 3DS remake when it comes out. Or is it worth finishing the N64 version?
  25. And I was ecstatic that I finished my LoZ puzzle yesterday Is the only way to get more puzzles by streetpassing people?
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