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Everything posted by Adthegreat

  1. The update is completely unrelated to OoT. It's just a normal update like last time.
  2. OoT get! Even though the store was technically not allowed to sell it to me yet
  3. Very nice review as usual! : peace: Only a couple of hours until I get my hands on it myself!
  4. Yeah, it was just for bug and optimization fixes. Hopefully the charger light is included in the bug fixes, that was annoying.
  5. It certainly is, and so is his beard. In other news I just got an email saying that I can go and pick up my reserved copy tomorrow
  6. I am 99.938% certain that this is not a limited release. Considering how this is the game that most 3DS owners have been waiting for, and that Nintendo seems to have put quite some work into, I am fairly optimistic that they will try to sell as many copies and keep selling it for a long time.
  7. And here I thought that I was the only one who loved Melee Ganondorf :P
  8. I'll believe it when I see it!
  9. If anything Ganondorf needs his Melee moves back. He is my favorite Smash Bros. character and having him nerfed for Brawl hurt a lot. Although I suppose it might be more balanced now
  10. I see, that could be a lot of fun. In fact, thinking of that reminds me of Minish Cap. A 3DS version of that kind of game would be very nice
  11. Not the best track, but the gameplay looks smooth, solid and quite pretty. I think this will be quite a good rendition of Mario Kart.
  12. Couldn't you classify the 2 DS Zelda games as semi-top-down already? I would prefer either a full 2D sprited game that makes clever use of the 3D, or another fully 3D game like OoT. A Wind Waker style 3DS game would be pretty amazing for instance.
  13. Using a still picture to judge the animation style? That makes so much sense
  14. Excellent, from the previous info I was worried that it would be exclusively Gen. V. Not that there's anything wrong with that generation, but having more Pokémon seriously extends the replayability of a game like this. This title is looking very tempting, I think I'll pick it up. Any idea when we'll see it over here?
  15. You aren't exactly making the wait any more bearable
  16. I have a question. Before this latest update I would always turn off my 3DS and put it in the cradle before going to bed. All as to be expected. Now however, while I follow the exact same procedure, the orange charging light is still lit in the morning. It does charge, I'm just wondering why it doesn't make the light go out anymore. Has anyone else had something similar?
  17. But as you said, it isn't really "losing" them, since you can just switch regions again and they should still be there.
  18. I don't think it's supposed to have a system blue light, since it doesn't appear in your notifications either. Instead, as you said, the only blue light is on the app icon itself.
  19. So the only thing lost would be the actual funds and not any downloaded apps? That doesn't sound too bad at all!
  20. Doing that now, will post back with results. Edit: Well would you look at that! Not only does it let me change the region and access the shop, but the trailer is there too. (along with reduced prices on all the games I might add) Are there any downsides for me if I use the UK shop instead of the Swiss one? Will it suddenly block me or something and make me lose my potential purchases?
  21. A few of our very own have been playing too you know :p Only one week to go for us mortals
  22. Nice to hear that you guys have a new trailer. I wonder how long it will take for them to send it my way Not to mention that your "over-priced" games are still much cheaper than they are for me. I don't understand why they can't just update the eshop with the same stuff all at once in the whole continent, or even the world!
  23. I liked Pictochat! It was a lot of fun to make games and turn based battles. You just have to use your imagination
  24. Could it be that Nintendo of Europe is so lazy compared to NoA because there are much fewer customers here? I would have thought that there are just as many European Nintendo gamers as there are American ones, but it would be interesting to see the statistics. If the numbers are even anywhere near close then NoE really has no excuse. Indeed, and the things that we do get, cost much more than everywhere else.
  25. At least most of Europe even has a Club Nintendo, but of course Switzerland doesn't Whenever you think that you're getting the short end in terms of fan service, just remember us poor souls who have even less
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