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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. shucks, thanks guys :P I actually got a cake in teh shape on an iPod, which looks more like a "20" than a "21". Thanks for the replies guys, raised many smiles and caused a titter or two! Shorty I'll deal with you when I get home.
  2. I did enjoy this game to some extent - but obviously typing in caps one letter per line was.. frustrating. I usually join in with teh conspiricy gossiping but it was too tricky this time. I think there ought to be another game like this some time in the future, and the forum-members idea is cool - but tricky and maybe harsh on those users whose names aren't picked, -but worth a try? I look forward to the next regular version just to see how it compares, to be honest! But again, massive thanks to chairdriver - he had his work cut out in researching the characters and developing their powers. One mafia team instead of two is interesting but from a townie's point of view, very very hard! Enjoyable as ever, and I seemed to get to roughly the same place as usual - like, two nights before the end or something. Was quite a quick game really - only 9 nights or so, compared to the last one which went into double figures.
  3. Oh, so FINALLY i appear in teh write-up and I DIE! ¬_¬ I'm never going to win this game!
  4. I've blacked out, greened out, whited out... Cycled to football practice mega fast - usually takes 20 mins and I was running seriously late, made it in a little under 10. Ran three fast laps of the training circuit, kicked some balls about, then when we came together for the 'huddle', i started losing my vision and had to sit down.. and fainted. Dehydration teh cause. white-out. Anotehr time at the eye hospital I was having this green stuff injected into me so that they could see the veins on my retina better, I passed out after the injecting was done and I was waiting in the hall. Apparently my leg was twitching like crazy. Black out. And many, many times when I smoked weed in a mates room. greened out.
  5. FINISHED MY SHORT STORY FOLDAAAAAAAAAARRRR! man, it weighs in at a whopping 71 pages long. I say this to scare Shorty, and also to point out that I have to send this PLUS my Novel folder, which will probably be 'bout 40 pages in the post... aaaaah fecking weight and size = bye bye money.
  6. Do you mean Sanchez the guy on here? Or like, Dirty Sanchez? or just any old mexican dude who goes by the name?
  7. I think it's internet explorer. Each time i open a link, it says "the page wants you to close this tab OK or NOO?", then just loads the inside frame - no links at teh bottom, none at teh sides. Oh well. Will be back on firefox in a few days *high-fives all*
  8. either eye surgery, or when I smoked something and went insane at reading festival 06... Changed my life foreverrrr..
  9. I've had my lip pierced twice... but on separate occasions :P Wanted a black ring around my weding finger for a while, but tattoo parlour said you have to have 5 tattoos elsewhere on the body before they'll tattoo your hand, let alone finger. Also wanted this twisted eye design my mate drew to be tattooed around my cigarette burn on my wrist, but same problem. I want to have a tattoo, but obviously I'm waiting for the right, timeless ones to come along. Piercings are cool. I have a friend who had 5 lip rings/studs/spikes at once, who also pierced her arm and has like 9 in both ears. It looks muy cool.
  10. aii.. 2-2 draw with Mcoy, a nice start - but been looking at the teams in my league and I swear I've been stuck with teh bottom of the barrel. EVERYONE has better skills than me :'( And that sponsor 'activity'... i just got paid a million and got told "GET VIP, IT'S GREAT:D:D:D:D". Fair enough. Going to lose the next game :/ EDIT: Also I find the website a bit of a nuisance to navigate -- once i'm in mah mailbox there's no direct link to getback to teh site... silly.
  11. My economics lessons at college were legendary. There were never more than 6 of us, and our teacher was the head of department so he was always late. So before each lesson we'd do something to the room -- swap teh bin's contents with teh drawer's; move the desk into the cupboard; put everything from inside teh cupboard against teh door, so when he entered it all fell down; roated all teh furniture so he taught us infront of the window (roffles, he drew on it with pen too); turning the furniture upside down and sitting upside down, writing upside down while he wrote on teh board upside down; moving all teh furniture to the corridor outside the room - and the ultimate! Moving all the furniture so when he entered the room and looked out of the (first floor!) window he saw us all seated behind desks perfectly squared up below him. He taught 5 mins out the window then came down and we had a lesson outside! The teacher was seriously awesome about it all, and he said he really looked forwards to our lessons and what we could come up with. I remember having a homework for a lesson on teh Budget '05, and I made it up in 10 mins over break - it involved dinosaurs and everything! School was full of stuff like this, but economics must've been teh only time all teh students and the teacher found it funny.
  12. So far spent the day running about the shops, photocopying and buying folders and paper and slippery fish, then compiling some folders full of work for my creative writing deadline next tuesday. Been a bit of a headache, but all i have to do is finish the novel thing, print out a bunch of 'dividing' pages and commentaries, and quickly produce some newer versions of a few stories. I must be about, what, 75-80% done on this! It's gonna be tight though, considering I gotta send it off...
  13. I V O T E D J U S T T O G E T T H I N G S G O I N G . N O T S E E I N G M Y B L O C K I N G I N T H E W R I T E U P M E A N S I D O N ' T G E T T O F I N D O U T A N Y T H I N G A T A L L . CHANGEVOTE: ZELL B E C A U S E W H A T E V E R .
  14. Vote: Coolness Bears J A Y S E V E N I S A N N O Y E D T H A T T H E W R I T E U P S S H O W N O B O D Y D O I N G A N Y T H I N G . I T A R G E T T E D E E N U H A N D C L E A R L Y S H E D I D N O T H I N G .
  15. Nice. But we're teh people of Nevo now!
  16. Naw, have at go at Letty's if you want I don't have the time to do a proper one just yet.
  17. Main difference is that the director's cut removed Harrison Ford's narrative. I think the ending's longer, too, and the scene where he interviews that girl is different, as well, I think. Probably other stuff, too.
  18. I've seen all of Buffy and all of Angel. Angel is a bit more 'grown up', but both are perfectly fine programmes to pass the time. Definitely not "crap" like.. I don't know.. like something crap! Like soaps or something. At least there's some brain-power gone into these, and they're not made by students fresh out of media studies. I've not seen much of firefly - saw two episodes? Didn't hook me in.
  19. Alrighty then! So tell me, how can I sell players?
  20. Carnivale Seemingly little-known US show set in the 30s, about a travelling group of freaks and geeks. It's pitched as "the last age of magic in teh dust-bowl of america". The premise is that in each generation there is a man born of evil, and a man born of good. The first episode sees the carnivale pick up a young Ben Hawkins played by Nick Stahl (John Connor in T3, That Yellow Bastard in Sin City), a man shamed by his past. Certain characters have magical abilities, such as the comatose queen of the carnies who is telekinetic, and her daughter (played by Clea DuVall, who was in Faculty, Identity, heroes among many other things) who can hear her mother's voice in her head, and Professor Lodz who is blind but can sense in objects and people's auras many, many things. The show is subtle, eerie and mysterious, posing questions throughout yet building a fantastic sense of relationships between teh characters. Highly, highly recommended viewing. 9/10 There's only two series as far as I can see, and I might be getting the 2nd one for my birthday soon. Go see!
  21. ... Almost works, I think.
  22. Good, good - nice attempt on teh 5-legged thing, but not quite legit :P
  23. just insteadof writing.. likethis with a new paragraph.. ^leave a nice lil' gap Can't give it a go-over right now, got like five minutes to be on PC! Arg!
  24. Aimless: As always, just great. I'm never one to call a cheat on the combination of words - i'm sure that made it trickier :P As for the drinking problems... well shucks, the word "bottle" doesn't help that. But yes, I think I agree there. Ok, here's 5 words from me. I'll do something with your words when I have more than three minutes on the computer, Bard! 1917, ophthalmologist, archbishop, carnival, phonemes... harsh.
  25. I'm always tempted to just put them in as few sentances as possible and see where it goes from there... But I won't this time. I'll also try to do it in teh same scene as before. _ "I can't solve it. Not alone." The silence* was always there, lurking in the shadows of conversation, like those gaps between branches where the sky peeps through; nameless and unnoticed. Yet he had to ignore it, and maintain a facade of rapturous enthusiasm; just nod and smile, return teh attention. He never questioned why nobody else noticed, and was certain that if they could they would not appear so magnanimous about it all. It was his secret, his weight to carry and resolve. The preacher was back, bathed in the urine-soaked glow of an old barrel fire beneath the bridge, unable to cease his babbling on subjects he knew nothing about - unfounded and limitless. The man with the secret knew long ago that it was pointless trying to tell him this, and continued sucking on the teat of a quart of Ol' Mary, gulping it down like water from the garden of Eden, as if each drop was all that was true. "It's too late"
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