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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. just to clear any confusion; a roach is a cigarette filter made from cardboard.
  2. You gotta wait until I "open them up", which depends on how well-received the q's are. Not many people online currently so it may be a while :P Eddage - you da man! Correctamundo.
  3. To be honest even if he was in a high-security prison, I'm sure there'd be enough fans there to keep him safe? It's blatantly not going to be 3 years without parole/probation, so I'm sure he'll be out in 12 months or less.
  4. woot a snappy response Good one. Did you google or by some small chance, do you own it?
  5. Ok, since none of you suckers wanted to do it, I'll squeeze some turds out for you. Round 13 1. In Arne and Thompson's index, what folk fairy tale corresponds to the number 'AT 562'? Eddage Stuffs his knows. 2. Post a picture of yourself doing a handstand. Eddage points the get. 3. Type up the blurb from the book World War Z. by Max Brooks. Nintendohnut hits the head on the nail. 4. What did I do on the 6th of January 2008? Fish hits the net of the back! 5. What time is it on the clock in my room? MoogleViper gets the end in there. 6. Write me a sonnet (2pts) Supergrunch Worlded my rocks. 7. Post a movie of you reciting the alphabet, then the alphabet backwards. (later changed to TWO POINTS) Supergrunch awards his deserve. 8. What's an angry monkey? Echodesiato corrects answerly. 9. What's my favourite game character? The Villan [insert sentance here] 10. Complete this lyric; "Gather all the stones..." killthenet balls the pocket. Bonus for funsies (you know how it works) How many roaches do I get out of a single pack of standard blue rizlas? The answer was 27 and the winner was Dyson with his guess of 23. Silly nintendohnut changing his answer. Foo!
  6. I had a dream that my cousin's boyfriend was going around killing people by pricking their hand with a needle, which would make them nauseus and dizzy and unable to fight back, then doing a small slice nect to it dexter-style, which gave them two minutes to live. My cousin was in danger, and I tried to talk to her but he was behind hte door and burst in and pricked my hand. I went all dizzy and couldn't move, then he sliced it... I watched Shallow Grave last night which explains a fair bit. Also what woke me up was a dream where I was trying to pull a pair of headphones out of my throat - it started off as a long hair, and I was tugging on it trying to get a good grip but it kept getting caught on something inside me. I pulled and pulled, but each time I swallowed it got pulled in a bit more - so I YANKED it, and I heard and felt a sort of crunching tear, and it started coming out easily... but it didn't end. I just saw a chunk of red on the what-was-now-headphones wire, and woke up.
  7. feck off, I'm not showing you crazies where I live!
  8. aah I forgot to set my tactics! Lost 2-0 to threezok, next game is against Shore Tea Utd... well 3rd place was fun while it lasted I look set to plop down to 6th after next weekend too! Oh well
  9. I'm sure I've been all of those at one time or another...
  10. queue up at midnight? Fuck that. It's barely worth buying anything on release date, let alone lose sleep over it.
  11. ... ! I spent ages hunting down a Gnarles Barkley/Racontours mix last night. I'll totally have to get a hold of that one Thanks!
  12. Firstly; I also agree with you with your opinion of 30 Days of Nights - but I do think the vampires are to some extent 'scary' (not that they scare me) in that they're not they usual "ooh I wish I was a vampire like that" vampire. The 'fear' comes from the less-humanised, and more monster-like evil. But in general! I'm a fan of horror films. From the fairy-tale 'supernatural' monsters like frankenstein, vampires, werewolves, zombies to the more realistic sociopathic mental-cases like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, where you've got nothing fantastical or mysterious - it's just people that are insane. When you're a kid you're more inclined to believe that such creatures are possible, that things like vampires and the boogiman could actually exist. As you get older you demand more concrete-based shocks - the fear of the real world. I don't think it's truly possible to get phobic with movies because our brain ultimately says "look, it's a movie." I <3 horror movies I really haven't seen enough. Could talk more about the current treatment of supernatural phenomena (tv: X-files, Supernatural, buffy to a smaller extent [in that it's much less realistic] movies; japanese horror, etc) buuut I'm hoping we'll get onto that
  13. SOooo... Next game to commence, then!
  14. SO this game is over? And basically there was a good mafia? So... They were good? What made them 'mafia'? What's the difference? What's the point? No, I'm not just peeved that i never got to use my role properly. Nuh-uh.
  15. haha :P That's probably true. It doesn't even have a uk release yet, but I just know it'll be a laugh watching it with mah flatmates and some other buddies - several 4-packs of them.
  16. Touted as "Rocky Horror meets Blade Runner", new film Repo! The Genetic Opera comes from the writer/director of saw 2, 3 and 4. Looks to be a bit of fun - due in the US in August. Torture-porn-musical. I figure it ought to be gorier than Sweeny Todd, but way more singing. I'm not a fan of musicals but I am a fan of B-movie style bits of nonsense like this. Low-quality trailer Better quality trailer, but is a "behind-the-scenes" clip with commentary. .. And, er, yeah, Paris Hilton is in it She plays a cosmetic-surgery-addict, also addicted to painkillers, so we can hate her. To make up for it Anthony Stewart-Head is in it! So's Emilio Estevez! Woot?
  17. a thousand lifetimes could not explain, if all the forest trees were pens and all the oceans, ink.
  18. just drinking, watching DVDs; wasting mah tiem! That is truly epic! Something I think we could've done by now if we'd save the tins. Had an awesome amount of empty 2ltr cider botles under the sofa, not sure if they're still there - a project in the making!
  19. NOO PIXZ! ^ My legs!!!!!!!! ^My arm up a sleeeeve!!!!!!!!! ...
  20. OMG I DID SOMETHING TODAY! Oh yes. I got up at like 10:30! Woah! Got cleaning; I filled three plastic bags with my can tower (post-crush), which says something about how many cans were there. I took nigh-enough EVERYTHING off my floor with very little excess finding its way to the desk. I hoovered, moved some furniture about to find sick little fag-ends all over the place. I changed my sheets, went to the library (and got a kick-ass book out called Giants, Monsters and Dragons; An Encyclopaedia of Folklore, Legend and Myth), paid my fine of £1.80 (they let me off a penny!), made it home just as it started shitting it down, and got another load of washing on the go (with probably two more to follow..).Heck, I even got around to formatting my poor iPod! Now stuffed with banging all-new tunes that I've got blasting out of my telly. Here begineth a week of reading/writing. I've watched just about every DVD in the house over the last month, so the only distractions I'll have will be the odd episode of X-Files season 3 finishing.
  21. Soag's a Vet now, which means he's skulking around intermissantly. I hear Apple is in the tech boards most often? I'm not sure, I'm far too scared to post anywhere but gen chit-chat.
  22. The night before last night I dreamt that I was in a farm field. My sister was in a white gown crying by a river that ran along the bottom. I turned around and there was a pool table a short distance off, and as if noticing shapes in clouds a whole crowd of people were there too. It was a mix of the neighbours crew, the cast from Deadwood, some superheroes and mythological people. I guess you'd say they were dressed as mormons, or like abe lincoln - some western 19th century sunday dress. Chairs and tables contained them all; three generations of superhero-neighbours cross-breeds, yet somehow there was some sort of time-travel element going on - I kept overhearing the youngest talking about "screwing up the time-space continuum" by meeting the elders, and somehow I worked out that the younger ones were the middle generation 15 years earlier, and the middle generation were the elder generation 15 years earlier -- as in, three sets of the same people, somehow unaware of the memories they should have of having been there before. Clark kent looked like karl kennedy, and there was a real-life buzz-lightyear too. The newspaper writer from Deadwood came over the hill and challenged me to a game of pool. He weilded a shotgun and shot at the balls and he nearly pulled off some sort of trick, and said "looks like I missed" with a conniving sneer on his face, so I threw my rifle at the table, it hit the edge and span in the ear like a hyper version of the bone from 2001: A Space Oddysey, it came hurtling down and narrowly missed this guy's head, leaving the guy sweating. Then I said "I guess I missed too", and turned from him. <I like the idea of this journal - I don't think anyone will really care about anyone elses dreams, but I've been meaning to record mine recently, so why not here? Oh, and I also like these brackets. Go Grunchie!>
  23. Just found an album by The Legion of Doom called Incorporated, and it has a remix of "January 1979" by mewithoutYou with.. some Underoath track to do with the words 'dangerous business'... This album is utter emo magic with A Static Lullaby, Saves the Day, From Autumn to Ashes, Hopesfall, Coheed, Senses Fail, even Dead Poetic! Omg... emo overload. Totally downloading lots and lots D:
  24. *points chairdriver to the lyric of the day thread, where he can post all the useless lyrcs that nobody reads*
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