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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. That's me propping up our very own 'Jesus' Daniel, sporting my very own hobo hoodie in Leed's Hyde Park yester... monday. Wish we'd gotten more pics of the day to show how gosh-darned fun we all are.
  2. Is that some sort of memory aid? As that's an awesome dream sequence there Just been on facebook and noticed pretty much everyone on my course is either a) still working on their quotation sheets or b) just generally giving up. I've decided to have a spliff before the exam tomorrow in a vain attempt to recreate a couple of previous successes when faced with impeding doooom... Good luck again to all for the exams tomorrow!
  3. y'know, there's no reason why nobody else can't arrange anything at some other place on some other day, or whatever! I'm going to arrange a gathering of whomever wishes to come to sheffield in august/september. Why? Because I live here.
  4. jayseven - Friday, saturday, maybe sunday night. Letty - Friday, Saturday nights Stefkov - Friday, Saturday nights. The Bard - Friday, Saturday nights McPhee - Friday, Saturday, maybe sunday night. Thirtynine does that mean you're staying friday, or is this some sort of wit?
  5. So there's a lot of screaming involved in exams these days? Back in my day you'd be slapped for that nonsense, then your paper'd be ripped up. Tsh.
  6. Chairdriver said he was "no Lynch" not "nobody" so, uh, I really don't think this is going to work. We're wasting tonight doing this because if it doesn't work then tomorrow all we'll be doing is repeating today. *keeps vote*
  7. What were your english questions, may I ask, out of curiousity?
  8. Just out of interest, did you know Fugazi before or after the Chilis covered that track?
  9. I thought Chairdriver told us someone was bad, and we lynched them and -oh- they were good... No? I'm sorry i'm not my usual detecting self, but two games at once and revision on my plate = not putting in the effort I normally do. I promise to do better in future games...
  10. SO yeah - gimme your gorram quotes. I've resigned myself to doing really badly, and am trying to focus on the formal style of realism, and the representation of "in here" vs "out there", in that hopefully I'll spurt enough crap that it'll be clear my knowledge of the characters/plot/whatever is next-to-zero. They don't want story-telling anyway... So long as I get more than 40 marks I really don't care. I just totally don't want to come back and do a resit in the middle of summer.
  11. So chairdriver's so far been right once, and wrong once that we know of - could that person have been a miller? Do we have those in this version of the game? I'm suspicious of... ooh, pretty much everyone in this thread so far? But I have found it odd how certain people have been quick to jump on the bandwagon so long as it's an 'appropriate' one. I don't think getting rid of chairdriver is the smarts. Naive or not, he seems to be the only one left to be able to investigate, so it figures we're better off leaving him do his businesss --that is, unless you're afraid he might discover something about you.
  12. jayseven - Friday, saturday, maybe sunday night. Letty - Friday, Saturday nights Stefkov - Friday, Saturday nights. The Bard - Friday, Saturday nights
  13. ok! jayseven - Friday, saturday, maybe sunday night. Letty - Saturday night
  14. Well it'll be nice to know who is where and when, but I guess I specifically do want to know the hostelees
  15. Just made an awesome double-decker sandwich. Bread, pesto, roast chicken, mayo, bread, mustard, ham, cheese, bread. It could do with the crunch of lettuce, and the spice of some jalapenos - but overall I am rather pleased. I think I'm not feeling stressed enough about the exam tomorrow, so I'll watch an episode of Lost.
  16. When the current two are finished, Rokhed.
  17. Blast Corps wins at everything. Beyond Good & Evil was surprising, too... can't really think of much else at the mo.
  18. Dead pets ain't nice. When I was like 8 or 10 one of my rabbits was attacked by a fox. Head bitten off and guts strewn around. Not a pleasant sight...
  19. Fuel bond should be a one-off. There'll be a deposit to pay as well and you better get used to the idea of not getting it all back, especially if you live with utter *****!
  20. You're right McPhee. Can everyone inform me of their plans asap plzplz? Chuck what do you mean stranded? Here or there?
  21. nightwolf; you read 1000 pages a day?! I average a page a minute. Either says something about the stuff you read or... Yesterday was pretty damn neat. Daniel summed it up rather nicely! I tried to upload the only two pictures I took - one is of Daniel wearing my awesome-o riverboat-owner/hobo hoodie. Films were good, but for the first time in over ten years i had to leave to go to the loo. I am shocked. Drank lots! Had funs! Shall do it again someday.
  22. nightwolf; Exchange works is pricey, but you get a lot of bang for your buck. It's practically within sight of the city campus, too. I'm not sure if I know anyone who lives there but it's one of the preferred places for students to live, I'm sure. There's a fair amount of building work going on around/on that building, I think, but that area's meant to be done in time for uni to start, I think.
  23. Were Dom/Maase good?
  24. Yah, I was going to say... I've been through two of those in one day without trying. Ash; that is your best attempt at hobo? I am extremely dissapointed. EXTREEE! MULLY!
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