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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I am using a router... Any ideas?
  2. Maybe, like coolness, he was just suddenly struck with the notion of hands, and simply could not prevent his outburst?
  3. ... Yes Moogle ¬_¬ I'm just having curiously odd internet issues where I can't get onto certain sites, can't post certain new threads or posts or edit old ones -- but I can post other things. I can't seem to quote too many posts in one reply because if I do the page that will eventually load will be an error 400 page with n-e's server basically not understanding my simple "i want to edit this fucking post" request, or "i want to post this fucking fairytale thread" request. Whatever. I can't check my emails, x11, upload images, and facebook only works in IE. I don't know what the problem is... but BASICALLY I can't save the edited version of my post :P
  4. indeed thanks for doing that nintendohnut. I don't know why but I can't edit my first post, so I'm unable to update it at all...
  5. Sooo... today I discovered that half of the stuff I've ever creatively written seems to fall under the category 'Flarf'. Great.
  6. What, you only have to learn a single poem? A single play? A single short story? Man, I forgot how easy pre-uni stuff was *looks at his 1500-page romantic poetry anthology, the 4 novels combining to 2000-pages...* You lot; when you've done your english exams, if you can bare to remember, could you post your questions on here?
  7. Sure Just to mention I don't get back to Brighton 'til around June 16th, but I'll get a picture when I do!
  8. my issue #1 gamesTM signed by Shigeru Miyamoto is probably my most treasured gaming-related item. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who can attain to owning such an item. I rox. Pix when I get back to brighton, ifanyonecaresenoughthattheywantsomesortofprooforsomething.
  9. Brilliant. Love the poking devise! *goes to sleep*
  10. I FAILED at replying to this thread about a million times today. Ashley, Bagic Muttons, ReZ, Tom; I had lots of words to say to you all but they appear to be jinxed and cannot get pass the "Post quick reply" or even "submit post" button. Curses. WHY DID THAT WORK STRAIGHT AWAY WHY WHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
  11. Vote: Strider for reasons ditto
  12. I think Shorty's made lots of good points - Neutrals sometimes unbalance the game, and there is a necessity for everyone to be content with their roles. My favourite mafia game was where me, rokhed and darksnowman were 'neighbours' who could communicate for teh good of the town, but they didn't know I was a psycho serial killer! Loved that role. I think the themed games are good because you instantly get a (supposedly) recognisable character assigned to you, and the write-ups are easier to meander through and pick at. As for silent people playing the games, or people not sending in their PMs, I think the gamesmaster(s) are the ones who should root people out - which we've seen increasingly more of recently, which is good
  13. Jamba and Nintendohnut speak sense. One game at a time would certainly make me more interested and alert -- I keep getting confused between games, and whereas normally I'd be up for reading 50 pages of the thread to recap what's happening, I just can't be bothered to do it with two lots of 20 pages. Because nowadays when you sign up for a mafia game you're saying yes to something months down the line, when you don't know if you'll be able to commit or not - due to both the nature of having two games running at once, and also the number of people per game. If/when I do my mafia game(s) it'll be first-come, first-serve with limited numbers.
  14. British Poetry 1740-1850 on friday, then Experiments in Realism [novel] next wednesday. Bricking it.
  15. Jsut went to tescos with shorty and his better half, and now I'm going out to get a bit pissed for no real reason whatsoever besides avoiding work. Should be good. That's not a bad read - certainly the sort of article n-e should promote and encourage. There's a lot of characters out there whom conjure such questions - as mentioned in the comments there's Tingle for sure. What about Samus for stereotype-breaking? You got a lot of these lined up? Any chance we can have a gander at your stuff?
  16. ALso, flinky, word going around; I hear you liek mudkips?
  17. Lazyboy and Gizmo both have double votes, for sure. Also I like the theory that hellfire is the pyro - with cube as a role-blocker it would make sense if they're the trio. I'm talking about character names, not the mafia players of course!
  18. I've just got... 5 hours of exams? I should probably look into how long they'll be. And where they are. Yes. Panic is starting a primative civilisation in my gall bladder, and each successive day appears to be host to another blood-curdling ceremony where my sanity is slowly roasted, and my wits sacrificed. Fuck Don Juan. Right in the shoes.
  19. All your base are belong to us, too.
  20. But both of these are well known! Pretty big in the 90's too. I'd say mewithoutYou are vastly overlooked, underappreciated and misunderstood.
  21. What on earth are you on about, ReZ? Yesterday I revised a wee spec; convinced flatmates to go sit in the park next door and do some reading, then I went to a pub to meet with a mate, and we drank about 5 pints each, talked shit, and before we left I got talking to some germans who were fairly attractive, who were doing PhD's at my uni. Fun times. Today I've woken up early. I had a dream about some sort of Battle Royale-type forum game which could either be seriously good or seriously bad. I must try and spend my day pumping myself full of romantic poets. Oo-er.
  22. I'd be the Steve Buscemi of the zombie/horror world.
  23. ... SO are all microscopes secretly bongs? It explains a lot about my science friends, actually.
  24. Aeris died, Aerosmith made Bruce Willis kill himself, Superman rode a kryptonite horse and can't fly anymore, the Green Giant came out and openly admitted he's actually really small.
  25. So your double vote means you're either head of the mafia, or the mayor?
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