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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. ok :P it's a deal!
  2. Noope -- Geocaching is still coming this summer. We're going to try and put one somewhere in the centre of brighton
  3. well blowing bubbles = awesome. My mate and I were geohashing, for you geeks out there.
  4. ok, so you just arbitrarily mentioned tha tpeople from both camps look down on each other without meaning to imply neither me nor you? Then why highlight my post! Leave me out of this confusion. But yes, I think we both understand each other's points of view. I just want to say that like smoking weed, taking pills, snorting coke; alcohol gives you a different feeling, so when you're being silly, it feels different. I just want you to acknowledge that there is a difference.
  5. Ok, well we'll agree that both of our points are not universal truths In regards to the prejudice you thinly accuse me of; I personally have nothing against those that don't drink (for I am one of them by default ), but I still don't understand why people who have never drunk seem to think they know all about alcohol, and even may think that they can reach the same effect as drinking without alcohol. I'm using a lot of words for a small point; going over what I said, I suppose it wasn't offense I felt when you said you act drunk when sober, just dismay. Everyone is hyper-fun-crazy with the people they're comfortable with. blah more blah.
  6. So? it's still poo.
  7. Rick-rolling... ¬___¬ O_G; just nick a CD, hand-do the cover (I am going to :P), then beg a quid for postage.
  8. The bugger's never in brighton when I am. BOGGLES THE MIND. The city just cannot handle the pair of us.
  9. Prince Albert up by/under the station Yeah I was in a strange and cynical mood last night - I do like the K&Q in general - the barstaff do seem to prefer talking in threes rather than serving me most of the time though - and it's always brighter outside at night due to their heater lamps... and it's ma-hassiiive! Today I have nothing much planned. Going to phone up the dude about the painting job again, and get nothing/a no out of him, then write a poem about how i hate kevin J and want to Paint.
  10. Alright, alright, I'm sorry :P how about this; Grab some elastic bands, wrap your ring and little finger together, then join up your index and middle. Now you're a Ninja Turtle! But what's the point of it all? Well I was overly harsh with how I said it last night, but the point is that there is no point Grunchie, as always, explained it better than I ever could (I was going to say something like because there's no reason not to have five..). As for relative finger sizes - I've always imagined that there's a sort of range of sizes that ensures the fingers maintain flexibility yet stability between each other. It's a sort of you-need-to-be-drunk-for-me-to-explain thing, so I'll save it for another day.
  11. Probably Monday. Be aware your address will be sent to two other people, and you will also receive two addresses, so make sure y'all make two copies, cover n'all. I've got a few ideas for CD covers... need some pens and shizzle! Man, if only I was in sheffield.
  12. At no point did I say anything about thinking either was better than the other. Just when it comes to things, the people who have a clearer understanding of things is usually someone who actually has some experience with things, and whenever someone claims to know more about things despite never having encountered blah blah blah etc etc.
  13. Yeah; the french (and the portuguese too) are fairly fussy about what you label wines as. The district the wine is grown is in just as important as the grape -- I guess to some extent you can argue that the soil and weather determines teh grape, but still. And danny-boy... You're talking about tipsy, which slots in with similar behaviour to hyper and such. I promise you that I would know if you were drunk or not; not that I would judge you for being one or the other.. I guess I find it mildly offensive that non-drinkers think tehy know what the fuck they're talking about when it comes to alcohol, when they clearly don't.
  14. This is one of the most ludicrous threads ever :P My head keeps formulating 10-page long retorts and explanations, but then I just find myself smirking and realising it's really not worth the effort! Flinky; NO.
  15. Moogle; I did consider it, but honestly my own pen/paper outcome will be way better. Olympic_gamer; regarding DPI you should look at my first post/Dan's suggestion. Very handy link for PS covers. had about 17 addresses now. Will send them out on MONDAY - two per person, so please be aware of this!
  16. I'd just like to point out Gears of War and halo 3 one is indeed a 3rd person shooter, but both are exclusive, and both utterly sexy killer apps. Bioshock and F.E.A.R are also first person shooters... but I think you're being a bit silly saying that this is some sort of flaw. If Wii only has cash-pullers due to a mass-demographic-friendly facade that nintendo now has, then I'sd say a string of top-quality FPS beats that.
  17. exchange works is down near sheff hallam uni, near the station. They've been doing it up the last 6 months, iirc. Not sure about teh other place - might be the digs near dev green. My night? went to an awesome-trendy pub where I was the only one that fitted in, then to another seriously lame pub (king and queen in brighton, for those who know the area) -- lame mostly because they call last orders at 11 and kick everyone out asap. Real surprising considering the number of people left there. if they applied for extended hours they'd get a shitload more money. bought a burger and chips on teh way home, and am currently watching Robert Redford in sneakers. Hoo-rah.
  18. esequiel; you didn't explain my role... I was batman. Each night I could either protect someone, follow someone or kill someone. I killed one person, followed another person and other nights I either followed someone who died, or got my PM in far too late.
  19. sign me up, dewd
  20. I was batman. My role was AWESOMESO!
  21. Still. Worst mafia ever.
  22. ... that's just gay. So much potential GONE.
  23. well done on the confirmationajig! See you at the sheff meet up, then. NO EXCUSES. So I had fish, fish and mash for tea and have decided not to involve myself in teh arranging of doing some sort of social activity tonight. It's meant that it's been 3 hours and nobody knows what is going on. Silly buggers!
  24. I gotta say, weighing up nostalgia, novelty, enjoyment and time... Xbox360 strikes me as the one that has offered the most for me. Deadrising, katamari, gears of war, halo 3, skate, then the arcade games like metal slug, rez, geometry wars, streets of rage (though I do think including the games is slightly cheating...) -- not forgetting guitar hero 3 and rock band, I've had some of the best multi/co-op gaming experiences with this console. For me, GC will always have the largest library of overlooked games, the N64 will be my first proper experience with multiplayer joys, and the master system 2 was my first console, so hearts are always tied to that. But if anything, i think consoles/games are getting better, so we can do nothing but smile!
  25. I'm pretty sure I voted for chairdriver a couple of times. I liek to pretend that this crazy tactic totally helped us win...
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