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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. no worries Just can't believe I've played in, like, all the mafia games, hadn't won any and then BLAMMO! Two in a row. Well that's if you discount that fishy one where dyson won as the riddler and we all died. *quickly descends into pained mumbles*
  2. What's wrong with only having tellyn vouch for me? What about ellmeister's podcast the other night that showed I was an admin? well anyway, it's over now! wihpppeee!
  3. actually it's only three...
  4. I think it's to do with the fact that you're staff?
  5. Well tellyn said that Chairdriver was alright before, too.
  6. Why complain? you got Guitar Hero in the end! You must've wanted that, right?
  7. I class disney movies as... Disney movies! The requirements are; songs, talking animals and romance. Meh. Patience! It's coming to the PC
  8. Well Tellyn's gotten word to me that in his last investigation he found Ellmeister to be the last member of the mafia, soo... Vote: Ellmeister
  9. Considering now all he seems to have to do is, like, copy/paste an email, I'd high-five that!
  10. it was awesome, but it was getting insanely tangled after each shower, so I just walked into a barbers and said "hi! Cut my hair! I don't know how. With scissors, maybe" and they were all "BAM BAM *fiddle fiddle*... sorry", but I was like "it's cool. Happens all the time. Sometimes it's "barney!" or "Fred :(" but bam bam's fine." Then he cut it. The End. Blue *points to avatar* is still on the cards. my hair's longer than it was last time I dyed it, but we'll see! Will be having a 'consultation' later. Just ate an awe-inspiring egg n' bacon sandwich. So gorram mucky and sticky to eat, it's lovely.
  11. Ridiculous? *ridicules*
  12. You lied to me. It's been PRACTICALLY ANOTHER WEEK. Srsly if I was an admin I'd... I'd... grr.
  13. Like Island of the Dead? 'Cept I've not seen that movie.
  14. Shit, I should've kept my mouth shut... I GOT HAR CUT! No pix yet. It is surreal. In other news; quite hung over. There's a bottle of mayonnaise next to me and I really, really want to eat it. Not that I know why it's there. Tonight I have another 'date' with That Girl. Dinner at hers followed by two movies followed by sleeping over. I MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE.
  15. I think Flink should get the award for "member most wanted in a zombie attack" when teh 2007 awards are done and the 2008 ones get going.
  16. In response to everyone who was said "I'm ugly"... you're all FOOLS. Using the word seriously is a rarity, and you know it. Quit bitching. I don;t think I'm particularly HOT, but I wouldn't go as far to say I'm ugly. In fact, from all the pictures I've seen of people on this forum, there are only two of you lot that I would say are ugly. Just not to your face. I think if I was ugly and smartsies, I'd be utterly, utterly depressed, so i'll go for the booty.
  17. paj you never sent me your address; if you send it now then I can arrange for you and d-day to swap, or someting. *still feels bad about forgetting d-day*
  18. lol... AWESOME! I GOT A VOTE!!! I personally do not feel that I'd survive that long, so I would pick people tha tI think would not only kick ass but also carry me on their shoulders; Shorty Chris The Great (not just because you voted for me but also because you have SWRDSS!!) Rummy EDIT: OMG GIZMO! so true... I'll substitute myself for YOU in this squadron of awesomeness. very immediate selection, very bad, we'd probably all die.Sorry.
  19. you know what? d-day did indeed send me his address! d-day I feel hollow and saddenned that I did not calculate you into the THING so far. I am deeply. deeply sorry... I do not know how to replay you (literally) So does anyone fel like they are ready to send off a third CD? D-d, as part of my apology I will send you my CD tomorrow. I can't belive I forgot you! I feel so very, very bad about it. I don;t know what to do! how about; i send you my cd, you send me yours, and the first person to send in their OMG ME ME will then also swap with D-Day? again, man, so very fucking sorry... I feel really, really bad about this
  20. what so getting a star destroyer is acceptable?
  21. YOu're right flinky. I am envious that you got three pages for LOLS rather than two or one, which would'v been SHAMEFIL.
  22. it's not really a spanish film, though; it's filmed in spain but that's about it. Not really similar to memento in terms of plot but perhaps in terms of style -- but yeah it's a good little movie, well worth a watch.
  23. D-Day; you never sent me your address you I didn't include you... I've sent my two CDs today; first class. The receivers will know it's me because I've labelled the CD "j7's mixtape", so i figure it's alright with the receivers knowin who the sender is.
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