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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. I thought you were kidding about setting up his own team, but he says he's interested in ownership and the article ends highlighting an element of his contract where he is able to set up an expansion to the MLS franchise?! Mad.
  2. I thought tablets/touchscreens were just seen as another intermediary (though more intuitive than gaming controllers) step down the User Interface path? Perhaps because the current generation of consoles is stretching the 'normal' console lifespan it is easy to assume the next leap will attain a similar longevity - for sure selling your console at a loss per unit suggests you want to play a long game where you recoup your losses with game sales, and perhaps reduced manufacturing costs down the line? I'm quite apprehensive about the shift, largely for personal reasons. I have a reduced field of vision and it can take me a moment to find focus, so the thought of having two screens at different distances is worrisome (considering there are QTEs on one screen that I find difficult to keep up with). I'm perhaps not all that interested in altering the way I play games - for sure, new technology and innovations drive things forwards, but there's no guarentee it'll be a direction everyone will like. The move towards family-friendly, living-room friendly means the devices will be created with what is essentially faff that I have no interest in using currently. Of course, I'm sure that a console manufacturer will cater in some way for someone like me. I also think there's plenty of interesting avenues left to pursue, particularly with the advent of augmented reality. And lastly, that feeling that comes with every generation of consoles - from rumour mill to E3 details to leaked tidbits, it's exciting!
  3. I think you're a bit sensitive because my post is after yours -- it was directed at the tone of Jimbob's, though not directly aimed at anyone. Everyone is making a jump everywhere, if it pleases you.
  4. If they are instilling virtues, or moral beliefs that aim to strengthen the humanity in the person, then honestly I see nothing wrong with passing on religion as if it's a hereditary gift. If someone is publically visible to the extent which you can pass comments about them and their religious choices then surely it is feasibly certain that they are not sheltered and drilled with falsitudes. I think it's a vast step to assume something akin to child abuse when you see jehovas witnesses door-to-dooring with their children. Especially because the only Jehovas Witness kid I knew grew up to be an extremely reliable weed dealer, who renamed himself Ganesh.
  5. I think that Adama and Roslin (that's 'Woman' to you) fairly obviously represent the parents, with the knowledge and experience of death itself shaping their forms of responsibility, versus not only the crew's necessation for guidance but also polarised by the childish nature of the cylons, whom are both literally Man's Children but also, for a long period of time, utterly defiant of the idea and purpose of Death itself. Her cancer is teh reason she is able to rise above petty politics, because it gives her the basis for her nurturing instincts to take over, rather than seek self-gain. That's how I've read it, anyway. I forgot that happened so soon, as well! The smoking doctor is such a dick.
  6. You gotta admit, she does pretty good as a leader considering she was like the vice-vice-vice-vice-vice-vice-vice-vice president when shit went down. She kept her priorities in check and understood the gravity of the situation more than Tom... IforgethisnamebutheplayedApollointheoriginalseries.. Zarek?, who seems to forget that this is the last 50,000 of the species (at the time of the episode), and the rest of the population are crying about water shortages whereas she's keenly aware that this is the remainder of the population... Iunno. I was never struck with a strong sense that any particular character was the bad guy. Except Zarek. But I need to continue re-watching as I can't remember how his story unfolds well.
  7. I think my time posted was without the online stuff. I think I did all the online stuff in 5-7 hours and I was fairly slow (in case you ever get gold in future -- it's a fairly easy game to get all online achievements on, for future reference )
  8. @Sexual Chocolate that is a pretty sweet deal - will pass it on to some chappies!
  9. I remember Leeds had street preachers a few times for one summer. Sheffield very, very rarely. Brighton has this one dude who hangs out on a corner (cranbourne street and West street) and just ask people basic spiritual questions. I had a phase where I'd stop and talk to strangers and had a lengthy chat with him. He was peaceful and didn't push anything. It's the quieter ones that gain my respect. The ones who are all "THE END IS NIGH!" are clearly missing something - be it merely the ability to argue with pathos.
  10. Yup. Definitely going to keep my eye on this guy.
  11. Video shop has a rep for their disc qualities. Just that ep on that disc, which is pretty good considering the main DVD player couldn't even recognise it as a DVD (watching it on laptop). I'm not sure I ever saw the Razor stuff, y'know. I'll have to look into that.
  12. Yeah, it's just that I consider the 'mini series' to be an unmissable start to the show Up to ep 7 - 6 Degrees of Separation - I;d forgotten how much comedy Balthar's character produces. It's really great trying to imagine how he is perceived by everyone else. There's an awkward toilet scene with Gaeta which had me snorting. I suppose that is something the show did well to avoid - just having a character or two exclusively for comic relief... Balthar is the closest we have yet the whole 6-in-the-head thing in itself gives the show as a whole a lot more depth and mystery. I can recall some of the stuff from latter seasons with him... can't wait! ... Aaaand the disc is scratched. Damnit! I'll just have to read an episode summary and skip on.
  13. Games I'm currently borrowing/progress; Dishonored/1000G RAGE/910G [co-op missions left but cousin is not bothered. May buy game when back in UK to session with a friend] Battlefield: Bad Company 2/600G [only online left - but not bothered enough] Lollipop Chainsaw/30G NinetyNine Nights/0G [not started it, probably not going to, either] Mass EffecticantrememberG [played through before but essentially lost the save file, so want to blast through it quick] Hoping to borrow Darksiders 2 this fortnight, and also rent Halo: Anniversary! I also still have Metro 2033 to play -- and Halo 4 of course!
  14. The Culture novels are more about tech than BSG ever is, but for sure there's philosophy and politics involved. And just general awesomeness! The Slap is sitting on my bedside table - it is a little off-putting in size. It was made into a TV series which got rave ratings (but then again anything home-grown culture-wise is bigged up). I'm sure I saw something about it back in the UK a year ago... but that's possibly untrue! last book I read was The Fault in our Stars, a title by a guy called John Green. It was fairly clearly written for "young adults" (it was lent to me by the 17 year old kid I was tutoring), so it was a quick and easily digestible read. It dealt with some heavy topics; cancer and death; love with a Best Before date. It had some choice quotes that did make stop for a moment and open my eyes a little wider, but that's largely due to to my present situation (pseudo-caring for a couple of kids, life on the rocks, etc). Got gifted a book of Australian short stories, written by a bunch of unknowns. Will give it a good read to see how it fares!
  15. More that I just presumed it was included on the DVD without closely investigating the disc. Not that it would've mattered, because the rental shop doesn't have the "mini-series" available to rent. I remember what happens it's just... well, silly to not have them included. I have no idea if other boxsets do or do not offer the full package, but I do know that it's a stupid think in the first place to not have them included. Just about every series includes their pilot 00 episode on the DVDs. I didn't watch the webisodes, nor caprica, due to the dvd madness for both. No matter the digital progression there's no excuse not to hit up every market available. ... Aside from this grumpy stuff, loving rewatching the eps
  16. Yeah deathmatch isn't a requirement for me to play it. I've got live for a short while and I want to get some achievements I've misesd from games (I've tended to just avoid MP modes in games).
  17. Alright. Shorty's been mentioning a few things about the previous games so I might give AssBro a go again. (I thought this was your first AC game, Diageo?)
  18. Revelations has wolfpack too? Welcome to the plat/1000G club!
  19. My robot mafia was supposed to be two mafias, one team of neutrals and a couple of rogues - the idea didn't get implelented completely though! Definitely thought about that sort of thing, but you do have to work against the player's pre-existing expectations of mafia games. If you tell people "this is a game where everyone's mafia" then it kinda loses the spark a bit.
  20. Got myself with a weekend without xbox, so why not re-watch BSG? I can't remember much of it so it should be good! EDIT: Insert season one, disc 1, play first episode; "Previously, on..." Well, frak. Guess I'll have to start from here!
  21. Having a good wolfpack team is so, so rewarding. It only takes ONE idiot to ruin the whole thing. You know when you have that noob when you're presented with that chance to do a 4-way sync kill for extra bonus, and you have 3 people locked on and waiting for the 4th.... who just runs in and kills. No syncing first. What a dick. Getting the mini-cut scene for those is awesome! In most games I, by far, get the most points per kill. Typically top person will have, say, 31 kills and 10000 pts (just a made up scenario), whereas I'll have 18 kills and 8300 pts, and 3rd will have 18 kills and 5000 pts, and 4th will have 21 kills and 4300 pts. That sort of thing. The game rewards the dicks who just run around fully conspicuous stabbing folk (then usually getting stunned immediately) because after the match the little cut scene 'rewards' the person with most kills - which isn't the most important factor! I had a game where the other 3 had mics and one dude was, thankfully, teaching another guy all about locking on and being stealthy. All 3 kept being all "aw man, jayseven what are you doing?! Don't you know how to play! Jeez. We're going to lose this because of him." and proceeding with insults. The end of the game rolls around and who has most kills, least deaths, and most points per kill? Yup. Me. They literally went "holy.... Shit dude. How the fuck did that happen?!" I quit that game. I watched the Auzzie gamer link someone posted and it was great fun. I may give revelations online a go, but I fear the skill gap between me and people still playing may make it unfun.
  22. jayseven


    ^Weeeell worth that price. If only to come join me in getting the online achievements. I tried to win a race thing online but there's this ONE GUY who is sitting online ALL DAY LONG and he is a stupid high level. My first race I was 196pts (need 200 to win) and out of nowhere he got the win. After that he basically preyed on me and, with his fully upgraded weapons and vehicle, it was impossible for me to defend myself or kill his car. But whenever it was a flat-out race I would win. But I couldn't outrace the rockets. SO. Annoying. If anyone has the game (xbox360 ofc) and wants to achievey-up, gimme shout. Otherwise I'll just nightmare co-op splitscreen alone.
  24. They are severe, but worst is basically when there's an element of uncontrollable, unpredictable AI nature -- the mission where you have to perform a static and mobile eavesdrop, and tackle someone without shoving anyone? When the person you're following reaches their moving-eavesdrop person, things aren't always straghtforward. Sometimes one of them will turn around right at the start, or when tehy get into a tunnel. Most of the 100% missions aren't too bad, really. I'd say there were 4-5 really awful ones.
  25. Adding yoga to your routine could be a good idea! Helps to strengthen and loosen up muscles. RE: Weight loss.... I've gained probably a stone since being in Australia (!!). Giving up smoking provided a noticable jump, but I've gotten lazy recently. Need to get on top of it (and see a doctor so I can discover whether bobbing my head about is making my eyes worse or not. Complicated/long, depressing story).
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