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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Any real-life drama behind that, killthenet? I'd be interested to know what has influenced this, besides twin peaks of course (not watched it in recent memory)... With "I made a pass at you again, but you continued to believe that I liked you." I don't see what the 'but' is doing there. It tries to make a contradictory statement from the conjoining sentance but everything after it just agrees with the first half of the sentance. I like your use of different tenses to strengthen the then/now. "I don't know why you came with your rude new attitude." the 'don't' is the first instance of present tense that you write (I think), and I think you should strengthen it with "I still don't" or change it to "I didn't", which would suggest you do know now but you don't care enough to tell us.
  2. Looks like a prettier more-of-the-same type sequel. I bet they tweak the save method.
  3. Sam here, mundi! I never got the achievement to kill everyone in the car sequence at the beginning... could never turn quick enough! Never got a bunch of the achievements, mind you...
  4. side-ponytail = fail! The usual good-for-you's aside from that, soagie Don't get too uppity if other people do take offence (not that I think Wes did); that was one reason why Rokhed isn't here anymore. It can be uncomfortable because it is unusual, and it's not unusual for you but for them; the person seeing the pictures. Their reaction isn't something you can control so don't get too worried about it, otherwise people will think you post the pictures in order to get the reactions (again, Rokhed syndrome). Anyway; abiding by my brand spanking new rule, here are my user images! Picture is about 5 years old, back when I was skinny, spotty and short-haired! AND LOOK AT ME NOW!!
  5. Personally I think scorsese has been drastically worse in the last decade, since he got his hands on mega-budgets. Always going to provide good films, but nothing to really drag him out of the leading pack. You've had a good week (or whatever) of films there, dynamo. I ever so desperately need a whack of good films to watch.
  6. said it before, will say it again; Could have. Anyway! Woke up at 6:30pm, went t' pub for a quiz that I got extra obsessed with because I had no tobacco, because I left my wallet in my bag, which I had left at a party friday night. I skidded myself back to the house where the party was held (after getting lost and laughed at by strangers), and eventually my day was on some sort of track that some people deem to be appropriately right. Now I'm home, streaming House and 24 and deciding whether to get myself to 4am tomorrow without any sleep or not. EXCITING, I know.
  7. It's tshirt #80, if i remember correctly? I had to scroll through them to get to it, too.
  8. Well can you get access? I mean I spent an hour adding up the first page's scores two nights ago, so I just need to know if it's worth the hassle of continuing :P
  9. Glad to hear you appreciated it, aimless - shame on you Gizmo! The game is based on a comic series, from what I remember, so the story element is massively important - and you're right, aimless; the world created feels sturdy and tasty, and can be absorbing. It's not an easy game, and the achievements aren't fabulously quick to ensnare, but the orphanage bit and the whole youknowwhat was one of few parts to a game where I woahed throughout. It's one of those games that feels more like an interactive movie, kind of like how Kane and Lynch feels (I've not played past the first 2 levels on that, mind you!) and if you approach it as a story-driven game, it is very cool indeed. Any whispers of a sequel are very welcome indeed!
  10. Goood luck in this thread, dude. Most of it is taken up with talk about whatever this week's best album I've ever heard that is soon forgotten. People will talk about artists/albums as if they are the first person in the world to have discovered them. I know nothing about metal of any kind. I saw Meshuggah the other month and they were pretty sweet, but it's rare for me to be in the mood to listen to cannibal corpse/whatever. I just come in here to say mewithoutyou and, sometimes, Flight of the Jesus Dog every now and then. I have no taste in music so sometimes Brokencyde and Totally Radd!! will pop up too! But mostly this thread is about poop.
  11. But surely removing the 10char limit means that there will be infinitely moar examples of 'mods not doing their jobs simply because all posts less than 10char won't be automatically blocked. I mean, the rule no posts less than 10 characters basically enforces teh law automatically; removing the rule doesn't reduce anything on teh mod side. If you want people to not just post "loltenchar" then you gotta take the fight to the people, but if you just want the police to delete those posts at every instance then you gotta pay higher taxes. Oh that's right! You don't pay anything to be on these forums, and mods do the job for free, so any rule that is currently in place to reduce the arbitrary enforcement patrols are surely a good thing? And hey! There's that "report this post" button that you can click on if you think that the post is entirely wasted. etc. I used to be a badmin/noderator and I know how annoying it is that pretty much everything you do is invisible, so I'm sorry if I seem to have gotten overly worked up.
  12. For breakfast I had a tin of peas and a glass of wine. I LIVE THE HIGH LIFE!
  13. exactly my point.
  14. Rizz is back! What happened to DarkZero? And now you're a Goth! Epic awesome. I'm still emo so I sit at home and cry instead of going to festivals. Well, that and the fact taht I went crazy at the last one I went to... Circus Festival! I go to that. I win automatically, right?
  15. The Student Loan's Compant (SLC) evaluates how much money to lend you based upon your parents' combined incomes, but whatever that figure may be is indeed all you pay back -- kinda. While there's no interest, there's still inflation, so if the value of the pound increases then you pay back enough money to cover the increase - but theoretically, you'd be paying back the same amount in real terms. It's like a mate lending you 50p to buy a can of coke in 2005, but when you pay it back to him in 2009 he suddenly wants 65p -- because that's how much a can of coke costs now. I don't know if the loans are the same in scotland as they are here, mind you, so I have no idea how helpful that is at all.
  16. Can we do sweepstakes on what'll be finished first? I'm calling the Forum Awards, as that'll blatantly be done within 6 months or so.
  17. Fear not, R_A! I had surgery that gave me that precise condition Well -- sorta precise. Used to give me cry to the face squared, but nowadays I reflect on it as a different outlook on life. LOLS! As such, you should join me and embrace the nerdiness - wither shy of physical exertion! That's the spirit. My day = WATCH TV WATCH TV BZZT BZZZT SLAAAAAAAAAVE.
  18. It's better than posts of just "no" and "Fail" because at least the limit acts as a deterrant form such posts. Asking to get rid of it implies that you want to make more posts with less than 10 characters, which is stupid.
  19. This year, like the last, my mate from brighton is coming up. I've said before - last year we buried a mouse and made chili vodka so we've got no chance of making it more epic this time around. Probably just drinking, maybe head out to see if any of the clubs are offering good times. The choco-fest thing in the evening might be a back-up option. My juggling society has been asked, again, to perform there but, again, nobody seems up for it.
  20. It took me about 20 mins to get 5 mins down the road to my mates house. I saw three people fall over! Party started off slow - but the host was staggered when we arrived. There was a sweepstakes going on how long she would last, but luckily she stopped drinking and worked on teh water. Saw a mate get stoned for the first time, and just generally had a chilled out drunkfest! Heard about this awesome club on thursday nights -- basically all the girls wear burlesque/striptease clothing, but generally the guys are sooper hot/toned dudes so I need to work out in order to fit in. Sigh! I do generally want to lose teh flab, especially after seeing some old pictures of me as an 18 year old. Got home at about 4:30am, woke up at about 3pm and I still feel drunk! Mega cool. Now it's time to chill out and watch bsg, smallville and supernatural before I delve back into house s4 and 24 s1
  21. Happy birthday Mrs Jones Now come pay us a visit. Your present awaits! No, it's not butt-secks, just our flat and all the awesomeness it brings. Tsk.
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