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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Heh, a couple of draws makes it a bit interesting, but a bit too sweaty for my liking! Being tied on points with Haden and Dyson? Bonkers. Not going to last. My match was a bit of a dull one. Very defensive vs. defensive, only one chance had (by me, of course) and the only things that actually happened in our match was that rez had two yellow cards and an injury! My team all played above their skill except for my striker, which I'm a bit gutted about. But a point is better than none! Next week; Shorty vs. Happenstance is a match to watch. I won the pools (joint-win, this time) and got xpert manager again. Oddy's monopoly of the players is a bit insane... The Regulars league looks like the three promoted is sorted out already... Cube vs. Ell is the match to watch there, next week. Down in the Newbies league, the big guns are up there rocking out - except Dan Dare, who hasn't been on for 10 days. Mcoy got a big draw against former league leaders (bagging him manager of the round), but Noodle's experience with the x11 really is coming through now. Bring on tuesday!
  2. lol no - you gave me cinder. I have no idea what this clinder stuff is, and I don't want it either.
  3. ... ReZ. That's rubbish.
  4. Ok guys, game's over Dyson won Thread's being moved to creative because it's not playground-y at all, and that's the only place we can figure to put it.
  5. Do as I do with things like that, and ignore the threats until someone with ID comes to your door. Even then, don't answer it and move house /me has saved £400 doing this...
  6. As far as I've noticed, they play a little worse out of position.My goalkeeper played a game upfront once, and was about half the skill, but my midfield allrounders played equal to their skill in defence (but play above their skill ranking when in their proper position). I've found them extremely useful during injury spells; they increase the durability of your team.
  7. maxibons are indeed the best icecream. Trouble is finding that one that hasn't snapped in half in the shop freezer! I bet that's the reason they're trickier to come by; owners tired of throwing out too much stock.
  8. I think xb360 is definitely a console for Live/co-op gaming. If you have a handy gamer buddy that will frequently play with you, then Halo 3, Gears of War 1/2, Army of 2, Rainbow Six: Vegas 1/2 will all be way more enjoyable. Much more than their solo efforts. You seem to be enjoying Resi 5 - well trust me; the game was made for co-op. Single player ends up being massively frustrating.
  9. I just watched The Quiet Earth based on a psuedo-recommendation by Dante, and I have to say I found it extremely thought provoking and solemn. Comparatively, I just finished The Omega Man (and I honestly think I Am Legend is the best adaptation of the source material, and genuinely think anyone who says otherwise has either not read the book or not seen all three movies) and found my thirst for spontaneous post-apocalyptical films to be hard to quench. In this movie, a man wakes up to find that he appears to be the only man left on earth. The first third goes through his very human acts of coping, of mild insanity and extreme eccentricity (and veiled comments at the american government), while the second third assumes a more wishful, eve-orientated film of exploration, mild paranoia, distrust and generally a comment on the much-used line (even in this movie) "not even if you were the last man on earth"... The last third brings in a sort of adam/eve/other dude triangle, pitting brain versus brawn, showing that with human contact comes human conflict, and ultimately acts of bravery can end up being acts of selfishness. The final scene is genuinely one of the most awe-inspiring I've ever seen, thoroughly pondersome and mind-sparking; ambiguous and woeful in one go. This 80's new zealand film is very well rounded, and certainly something anyone interested in post-apocalypse cinema should try to watch. I'm trying to find a cheap copy of the book it was based on but there's no luck. Amazon.com even has a used copy listed at $2,000 which suggests it is out of print, so no luck at finding any truer explanation of the entire movie. From the opening sunset you ought to be attuned to the tone of the film, and until the end spoil-rise... you'll constantly pit yourself in their shoes, only once (by my count) shout at the screen "foooooooools! I wouldn't do that!" - which isn't bad going for the much-repeated-in-this-post post-apocalyptical film that this is. Easily a 16/20.
  10. Dyson ends on 13/40! (doubled yours, Paj, to count for Av and Sig as if separate). Made a mistake - it's Ashley's sig we're rating. Can he beat 13/40? Who knows.
  11. This thread isn't very playground-y, so we're introducing new rules! 1. You only rate NEW, ALTERED signatures. 2. Each 'game' lasts until the next new signature has been posted. 3. Your English and writing skills must be immaculate. No 1337 sp33k, txt talk or bad grammer, lest ye awaken the wrath of the Kraken. 4. THAT IS IT. Let the games begin. EDIT: Current GAME: Rate Dyson Sigav! Woo! Current score? 9/20!
  12. Bjork, Tori Amos and PJ Harvey are three prostitutes that start the movie on a high diving board, naked but for the lovely bikini made from virginia woolf novel that literally stuns people into having sex with them. They are attempting to decide who dives off into the pool beneath them, but because they are just repeating their own song lyrics, none of them can understand each other. The entire film is this exchange atop the diving board. occasionally inflatables glimmer into view; each one a various marvel character. The entire soundtrack is composed by that woman from Mulholland Drive, but sung by that woman from Jurassic Park. As the last lines are exchanged ("if you complain anymore, you'll meet an army of me!" "I don't need much to keep me warm. Don't stop now what you're doing!" "My eyelids are heavy, and the night's wearing on. Your story's familiar, and your innocence is gone") the camera pans down to see the pool that they are afraid of is, actually, full of still bodies, each with cotton wings and halos made from crushed cans, arms open, welcoming. Then, from off-screen comes the final-final line; "I thought I was Estragon?" And curtains close, despite the camera angle/gravity. More Postcards Than Hooks
  13. ell - you were kicked :P my arms have been stuck in the welcome-back hug position for HOURS I TELL YOU
  14. Harsh to hear, Jimbob My day = achievement-whoring on xbox (DAMN YOU SHEVAH), finally talking to my dad about money/future (he's gonna loan me £226 for a month's worth of rent), and been invited to a house party on saturday. The saturday peeps are people I know through juggling friends, and they've been inviting me to lots of things recently because they're sheffield-based... and to be honest it's really nice that they have kept up with the invites. A lot of the time I was waking up at 4pm and they were down the park, at the pub, going out, etc. Tomorrow I'm calling my landlord to sort out collecting keys, maybe carry a couple of boxes down and pick a room. I NEED to get one of the smaller rooms for the cheaper rent, and because nobody's gotten back to me about any 'shotgunned' rooms, I'm just going to choose whatever fuckin' one I want, and get all my shit in there before anyone else turns up. This might piss off a few of my future house-mates... We'll see...
  15. When you click on an individual player it tells you their current percentage, but not how many games they need Once they've played a single game you can guess it a bit. My dude's played 1 game and is on 33%. My goalkeeper is already on 97% after 4 games, so I may start fielding my 2nd keeper if I get a few more points... Although I have gaggle after rez, then happenstance, then a double header with haden... pretty much every single game is crucial, so I find it really hard to ensure the entire squad gets to play.
  16. Goaferboy; I would say it's a fine picture - the lightschtoof is arty enough to intrigue the audience, but it does lack a certain point. The light lines don't come across as anything more than a random shape, which may lose you marks. But I think it's definitely fine to enter that. I guess 'negative space' wil be very important for composition in such a competition?
  17. I picked up Assassin's creed and something else in a 2 for £20 deal in gamestation, so you might be better off looking there. I just checked their website, which doesn't seem to do the same deals they do in-store, but they have The Last Remnant and assassin's creed available for a few quid left than £30, anyway. I just noticed - they're out of stock, for shame, but as I say, try in-store? Argos nearly always tends to be vastly overpriced.
  18. Well I think you lose a little, seeing as you got an infraction.
  19. That post wasn't for you. It's polite to inform the entire boards.
  20. Given you a pretty infraction because I do have such powers. Feel free to torment me and give everyone a rest for a while.
  21. warandchaos; if you have CVs printed and ready, then surely you're not tailoring them especially for the positions you're applying for. You really need to do that - and a cover letter for each application is going to help massively, too.
  22. I've got an 18 3, and nobody wants him. I guess I should ditch? In my other team I have a 16 with 3 skill that I'm pretty excited about. He's already worth 1.7m, but he wants three games this season to be fully match-experienced - not easy to decide when to play him! MY ENTIRE TEAM HAS UPWARD GREEN ARROWS. This is honestly the first time I've ever seen this. Oh, wait, exept for ONE player, the swine :P
  23. Funnily enough, I've been reading this for a while. Got about 80 pages left; it's his second book, I believe, and someone else wrote his biography, too. I do think the tales are slightly stretched, and his spells in Brighton are just, clearly, not long enough for my liking :P For some reason, I want to recomment to you A Million Little Pieces, by James Someone. The book is sold under the "true story" type genre, but in actuality he fabricated most of it, got a slot on Oprah because of his lies... but it has a few scenes you'll never forget, and a nice, touching ultimatum.
  24. ... i can't believe i watched the whole of that video spirited away...
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