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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Well I think you lose a little, seeing as you got an infraction.
  2. That post wasn't for you. It's polite to inform the entire boards.
  3. Given you a pretty infraction because I do have such powers. Feel free to torment me and give everyone a rest for a while.
  4. warandchaos; if you have CVs printed and ready, then surely you're not tailoring them especially for the positions you're applying for. You really need to do that - and a cover letter for each application is going to help massively, too.
  5. I've got an 18 3, and nobody wants him. I guess I should ditch? In my other team I have a 16 with 3 skill that I'm pretty excited about. He's already worth 1.7m, but he wants three games this season to be fully match-experienced - not easy to decide when to play him! MY ENTIRE TEAM HAS UPWARD GREEN ARROWS. This is honestly the first time I've ever seen this. Oh, wait, exept for ONE player, the swine :P
  6. Funnily enough, I've been reading this for a while. Got about 80 pages left; it's his second book, I believe, and someone else wrote his biography, too. I do think the tales are slightly stretched, and his spells in Brighton are just, clearly, not long enough for my liking :P For some reason, I want to recomment to you A Million Little Pieces, by James Someone. The book is sold under the "true story" type genre, but in actuality he fabricated most of it, got a slot on Oprah because of his lies... but it has a few scenes you'll never forget, and a nice, touching ultimatum.
  7. ... i can't believe i watched the whole of that video spirited away...
  8. I'd've turned it into an ash-tray, or sweet-holder for a coffee table or something akin to what ashley said. With backwards compatibility there's really little point keeping it. There were millions sold so it's not going to be worth anything this century.
  9. o relleh rez! I looked at your squad, figured out your best formation, and lolled because I know i can beat that. Then I looked at my squad, saw at least four formations that I could pull out, and elolled. Evil laughed out loud. Oh yes. Mcoy; perhaps a good idea. 'level up' your youth - stick to a 3-season game plan. Get all your player's 100% match experience, and focus on the next season. You don't have relegation to worry about so just focus on development!
  10. Went to bed at 5... woke up at 10... Nuts. Went to meadowhall in the word's warmest trousers and, basically, felt utterly paranoid and nervous and embarassed because I WAS SWEATING BUCKETS. I embarassed that I was sweating, and i sweat when i'm embarassed. Fuckin' clever. SO basically I forked out £50 for new, airy, easy-to-hide-sweat shorts and tees. Spent a couple of hours with the Ex, utterly drained of energy from lack of sleep and paranoia, and... yeah. I just really fucking hate shopping. So now x11 drew me online, and I've been here about an hour while really I ought to be napping to get more energy for Brand New in manchester tonight, woot woot wooooooooot! you're MAD. Anyone else on this forum, besides Odwin for unassumed comedy purposes, would love to feel desired/wanted/lusted after. Stop being silly and dance in it while it lasts, before you're old and ugly and showing strangers on teh streets pictures of you as a young lady. REGRET, SUNSHINE. DO YOU SEEK IT?
  11. I wasn't referring to their relationship - that's obviously the beacon of humanity and love that bleaches everything else so horribly black in comparison. But the trailer makes me think they'll focus too much on the past... I always read that stuff as if it were glancing, quick-to-be-suppressed, hazy... Visually I made the world much more stark with lifelessness. The forest in the trailer had me thinking of a cub scout trip. But! I'm just tearing it down as much as possible so as not to be dissapointed. I'm going to pretend that they're adapting a translation of a translation of a translation of the book. Upside down. Under the sink. Whilst reciting the alphabet backwards. *nods* Man I spoke to nami about seeing this and already I'm psyched :P I can see us not stopping talking about it for a fair few pints after.
  12. I know debt is bad but it's not as if having a bit of a minus means living in squalor with leprosy for cutlery and flies for toilet roll. I think it's about getting out there and experiencing things. Basically; see the mastercard adverts. Doi! As for the topic; recently I've realised that I appear to be a fully grown man, and utterly capable of scaring small children with a mere glance. From inside looking out, this 'adulthood' is this slowly growing shadow at the edge of your vision; bills and phone calls and contracts and responsible sleeping hours and sobriety all being waved slowly but for eternity, increasingly becoming something hard to ignore. The shadow in itself means I'm more 'grown-up' than I was before, because that unknowing innocence is gone never to return. But A proper 'adult' still seems to me like this cardboard robot that works 'for the man', apologising to the stairs I'm treading on as I climb to the top of the slaughterhouse of commercialism and dive head-first into the chopping machinery, let gravity force my chunks into slithers just to save that little bit of energy or effort for everyone else. Finding the line between enjoying life and affording the time to enjoy life is not only key, but also not something people tend to get right the first time. You can go all-out and enjoy your life TO THE MAX until you run out of steam (read: money), but because you're still, y'know, alive and stuff, you kinda have to keep going. Look back, see where you went wrong, compromise. The more cycles you go through, the more you recognise yourself in others. You'll see these fully-grown, fully-clothed apes-in-suits, too, have their immature sides. 'Society' is this machine that eats up uniqueness, and prints out uniforms and stereotypes. Irons out individuality. Right? Well, yeah, but the thing is that everyone knows this, and nobody really believes it. The trick is to see past it. To see the child that went through what you're going through. To see someone who once wet the bed. If that child can do the 'responsible' gig, then anyone can. What? Where did I go?
  13. Well the Gaggle victory was a surprise! Gaggle, you've had a couple of seasons where you seem to only excel half of the time. This season's looking more your style! Mcoy! I think you should try a different formation if the 4-4-2 isn't working out for you, plus having your best two defenders injured is pretty ouch - but they'll both be back for your game against Jaffa munchers, so you won't struggle for too long. ReZ! Yeah I think we're fairly evenly-matched teams. I've checked the stats and it seems that you have a very good home record, so I do have that hurdle to overcome -- but my players had a great game against shorty, and I believe they're all psyched up for this! I've changed my tactics about four times already, but I think they're set now.
  14. I had it done a few times when I was younger at the ENT dept at hospital. It's pretty madcore/awesome to go through it, and to hear properly again. I fear I am in dire need of another suction session (insert loltastic innuendos here)
  15. I just started/finished I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. Feel like I should write up some awesome eng lit review; but I can't. Instead I'll say that it took me about 3 hours to read, and not a page felt wasted. The differences between the Will Smith movie and this source material are quite vast; I would say that in both incarnations the role of the woman 'Ruth' was maybe forced, maybe happened too fast. I laughed out loud at the unbroken glass... erm... yeah. I enjoyed it. Got Omega Man and The Last Man On Earth coming at me for comparison's sake.
  16. is it those pokemon figurines you get inside vending machines? EDIT: damn :P
  17. Alice in Wonderland is a great bit of fiction. Genius storytelling. This is probably the first Burton movie in a while that I'm really interested in seeing. Oooh dan! Dan; hold me. I don't know, I just don't know. I want it to be awesome, devoid of cheese, haunting and disturbing, but there's too much warmth, and that kid actor, I can tell already, is going to piss me off. Bring on October! No doubt I'll have read it at least 3 times by then.
  18. Are you sure it wasn't all the long words he used?
  19. Drag Me To Hell was great. The scares came just where they ought to be, and were no less jumpy for it. The light-heartedness was as much as I expected it to be, but the main character's Bruce-Cambell-esque lines towards teh end of the movie felt a bit forced, a bit wrong. I loved the retro Universal logo at the start, and the general 70's b-movie feel throughout. Executed thoroughly well, and only a few mites of predictability (button/coin.. sigh. I said aloud in the cinema "it's blatantly the coin" and there were murmurs of agreements from around me), but overall a very enjoyable cinema movie! 17/20
  20. You're suggesting the gaggle is an inferior beast! I would say you're devolving
  21. Heh. Well I love conspiracy theories. The fact that it was a mystery for so long, and now... people refuse to believe the answer? There's no way people will be satisfied.
  22. maase; then obviously the world implodes as there is no solution. OH WAIT! Yeah. Things can still be sorted. Stop talking now plz.
  23. maase; i'll chop-suey it into the OP eventually. Eenuh; i think last week it lasted about 30 mins We've started tonight, though...
  24. I'm going to merge the two threads on this. Dyson's the mafia don on IRC, and Maase has a nice list of winners/etc. Also; this may be a frequent sunday night thing, for all those interested.
  25. I didn't catch the end; what happened?
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