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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Sheikah's got the POTT (Post of the thread... you heard it here first!) with that, but I had to reply to these; I'm sorry, but seeing our soldiering robocops versus their cavemen stick-wavers (note: exaggeration abound) and our side arguing about our equipment? If this whole argument is just about equipment being sold to the army knowingly defect, then sure, go ahead, whine about that. But the rest of my points are still valid. You can look at any sector of any country's economy/society and complain that things are not perfect, and you will be told that there is not enough money, and that you have to make do. Yes, I understand that I am belittling the lives of those little tiny young pre-adolescent lads that we are apparently sending to their deaths against their will, but the other day the traffic lights stopped working for the cars, but not for the pedestrians on my road, so it was a green man for me but a green light for the HGV that braked heavily, its wingmirror just clipping my exclaimed arm. Not kidding, if I was a woman with a buggy, I'd be dead right now. My cousin is in the army, he's served in iraq, afghanistan and a bajillion other places. Of course I have respect for teh soldiers. But I also have respect for our government ("shock horror! someone kill that man, he is clearly insane!") and the difficulties they face in balancing these endless demands. This "death of soldiers due to lack of equipment" is bugging me. I just think it's a vastly overburdened phrase that bears no real correlation to the situation at all. Please, feel free to whip some elaborative facts and figures in my face. I just can't help but picture the contrast against the Enemy and their teeming pile, their over-abundance of perfect-working equipment that vastly conquers our own. We're playing chess and the other side only has four ludo pieces, and we're complaining because we lost a rook and a knight? Yes, belittling again. Yes I do, but you said my post disgusted you, so I couldn't really leave it there, could I? They can quit, go to jail for a bit, whatever. Nobody is forcing them to kill people they don't want to kill. But if they do feel forced, then of course, they have my utmost sympathy. Why? I have no idea where you get this correlation from. Because I think the money we spend on 'defense' could be better spent actually 'defending' the country? I mean, y'know, like having more police in london and on public transport and in public places rather than in the middle east to defend me when I'm on a bus? The thing about being in the government's position; no matter how much risk is minimised, people will still accuse the government of cutting corners, of lives still being wasted. I do not confuse iraq and afghanistan, but thanks for the parenthesis. I'm loving the ambiguity of "this country was a safe haven for terror"... but anyway; the point. Deaths are avoidable? Yes. But not just with war. You, of course, feel much more emotion when it comes to deaths of our 'wee lads'. I feel the same amount of emotion for any death, besides those specific to my individuality. The majority of people have not been to war, so there goes your logic. The Fire/Medic/Police services help more people than you seem to think. Can I ask you directly - why the army, and not the police? Did the landrover spontaneously combust, or was it shot with some sort of explosive, which blows things up? How was it not safe or fit for purpose? Why is being shot in the face unavoidable? Prolonguing a war always endangers more lives. Yours, theirs, the native civilians. Yes, this is an 'anti-war' point; I don't see it ever 'ending'. Do you? Figures such as 50% are vastly exaggerated. Have you any first-hand experience of the homeless? Sure, in america I could be swayed by such figures, but here in the UK? Nuh-uh. at least 50% will be due to abuse, physical, mental, sexual or drug. I feel more sympathy for the homeless because when tehy do die it's not a shot to the face or an exploding jeep, it's years of torment, agony, spite and anger. Bleh. This isn't a cohesive argument, I know. I just don't think that you are at all aware of any of the validity of the opposing argument. You can't trump everything with the 'equipment!' line, ok?
  2. Right! I am so poor that I can't afford to go to brighton, then trip to london, then blah blah -- so I've got a return to london... getting the 8:33am train from sheff, arriving in pancras around midday... but my return ticket? Saturday 25th July. WATAAFAAA... So yeah. I have roughly £10 in my account that I'll try to save for booze on the saturday. Meeting some family on the same day so will have to divvie up my time between the two partays. Hopefully someone somewhere will give me money for a trip to brighton later sat/sunday... bleh. I am indeed. I just bought my ticket... Gimme buzzzzzzzzz I've had two pints - and that's it - since... I can't even remember. Been about 5 days or something RIDICULOUS!
  3. Well, yet another 'boring' draw for my team. Marginally helpful, of course. I have the most draws in the entire league, with half of my games going for splits. The only highlights were an injury and a booking for Happenstance... I'm pleased with the point because it gave a few of my players some experience (an 18 3 and an 18 4 in midfield :P) I've got a cushion of a point over dyson, and I think he'll lose to villan. I've never lost to gaggle... so this could be the first :P I'm changing my tactics slightly (considering gaggle never changes his, it's a risk!), but not really pushing for much at all. Maintaining my undefeated streak against him will do. Shorty's not even been on x11 for a week, so I don't think he's got any chance of a come-back. Happenstance's only real chance of survival is if me and rez screw up massively, but the way i see it, dyson will be a nervous wreck 'til the last two games of the season where he faces rez then me to decide his (and, no doubt, ours too) fate. Oddy; perhaps a rule; if a team wins the league 5 times in a row, they have to start again with a new team? :P The regulars league is going as I predicted, more or less. That league is fairly set in its three tiers of teams. The three middling teams will be fighting every season with the top-tier rejects, and the battles will strengthen them greatly. My kinda league :P The bottom league is pretty much as I predicted too - Mcoy's been slow to get into his stride, an Dan Dare's old team is up where it should be, considering his awesome squad. Coolness Bears has, as predicted, totally forgotten about the league. Oddy; how is the overal activity?
  4. I'm approximately £1,497 into mine... :D:D:D This is a time of desolation that I feel quite honoured to be experiencing. I suppose I need to feel wrecked and shitted with life before I enter my mind-cocoon and evolve into a metadult, or sorts. Job Centre... man. Signed on last week, still no money. Called today, tehy told me to call back. Twice. No money! But I got stacks of food so I'm good Lots of walks and... well today I failed to remember to bring my CV to the library so I've excused myself the rest of the day on that front. Pub later, and the gracious nightwolf has offered to buy me a couple of drinks, woop. Dan Dare said "naah don't wanna go" then I told him "btw that chick you dig who was too busy for coffee today? Yeah she said she might be going" so now he's all "oh snap, I might be going too!"
  5. This thread... makes me... sighragelaugh. More people have died from knife crime in the UK in teh same period. You say you joined up to help your country? The majority of the country don't give a shit about any of these 'wars' that our armies are involved in. The 'peacekeeping' doesn't better serve us civilians directly at all. Join the fire brigade, drive an ambulance. Be a teacher. Just because you risk your lives for my country doesn't mean I have to be at all thankful for it. Because I'm not. How about we talk about risk and not death? You are wearing full body armour and you have a gun on you. There is a quantity of risk of bodily harm being caused to a party somewhere on the line. Sure, you don't wanna die, but frankly entering a warzone and not realising that death is a possible outcome makes you the fool. Or on roads, on the NHS, to schools, the police, charities, research, banks... The way I see it, the army takes a large chunk of money away from all these other sectors that would, frankly, better serve the country. But, of course, there's politics. Lots of black and white boxes, red tape and bullshit and ignorance around. One person says the world would work better this way, another laughs in their face. You may want to define 'moving the war forward'. Any government whose public is outraged at 10 deaths in a week is going to have a hard time with getting the public to accept a larger assault, a larger risk of bodies returning in bits and whatever. Our country is not a war machine. We do not have an economy simply to fund the front line. My priorities are different to yours, and that is why I'd rather give a fiver to the homeless then to the army. The homeless guy, if not on drugs, will be cost-efficient with his fiver. The army will spend it on 30 seconds worth of bandwidth.
  6. Currently I still don't have any ticket sorted, but I'm bound by blood to go, so I'll appear for a few hours at least! Eddage; if bayswater to paddington is 2 mins on the tube then it won't be all THAT much more by foot :P
  7. Not happy with result against Haden. Own goal plus missed a penalty in the draw previously means I feel a little robbed. Lost a bit of confidence, so sorta planning to concentrate on getting match experience up for all my little lemmings.
  8. Nooo internet, nooo tv, noo money, noo alcohol, nooo! Lots of walking aboot for me. Sobriety, and soon to be forced to give up smoking. Mate from home, Ben (who went to the n-e meet in london last summer) turned up in sheffield rather randomly (he's currently living in teh isle of wight...) so i walked around town for a few hours, and caught up with each other. He's basically the only person I know worse off than me right now - except he's got free food and board. Arg. Suffering. Next weekend is n-e meet, as well as a family gathering... Going to be fun to tell everyone my uni 'result'... BAHHHH I'm currently at shorty's with nami and Dan Dare, about to play Worms, then Catan. RELLY XCITIN. ETC. simple answer; buy some expensive thing :P
  9. (I don't have continuous internet access, but will be back online on monday for sure) I'd like to ask Kate for input, then if the next stage is to investigate levers still, I'd like to investigate the red levers.
  10. I still don't have a degree! I have two referred modules, one failed. Apparently I'll be retaking an exam and a piece of coursework, which I've very roughly estimated will chuck me back up to a 2:2... lols. I did it to myself. My creative writing portfolio was marked at 50%, which is no surprise as I did it the day before it was due. Kinda depressing because basically it all implies I'm stupid, lazy, and bad at writing. I have excuses but they just make me feel weak, and... well, an excuse is still an excuse. I got what I expected, and I got what I deserve for teh work I put in. Personal issues and faults spiralled me. To the rubbish heap I gooooo
  11. Kings episodes 7 and 8 ('Sabbath Queen' and 'Pilgrimage') were astounding. After the bitter taste episode 6 left me, I was ready to be dissapointed, but truly this show is still excellent, and I can't believe nobody is watching it (besides haden, who got me into it :P). Much love.
  12. To be fair, Rummy's always been fashionably late to the meets :P
  13. Maaaan. That's at least the third time that guy's missed a penalty. Not kidding, but he's cost me at least 6 points this season. The fucker. Also; I can't believe you had it on bruise! The player you injured is recovering for the rematch, mind you. Did you see the possession? You had insane amounts of it, but not a single shot on goal :P my goal keeper did NOTHING all game. My squad's not really going to strengthen much at the end of the season. I'm too close to the relegation zone to afford to not field as strong a team as I can. Generally I'm playing one or two youth per game, but that's not really enough games per season to get everyone 100%... I predict a 2-0 loss tomorrow As usual, can someone text me with summary of results? (my other team obliterated some random team that wanted a friendly. Many of my players acting 3 skill above what they're rating is )
  14. I've had 4 missed calls and got to make another two after I've left the library.... which I'm doing now So long, internet :'(
  15. Aaah! I remember that quiz channel now... Well if we ever get a statsbot sorted out, then I'm sure we'll have all sorts of snazzy/novel/annoying/useless quirks to play with.
  16. ReZ; seach this thread for 'Mum and Dad' and you'll see a few people have seen it/reviewed it. It was fairly standard b-movie fare, only these days it's all about better acting, and less about the boobs. I wouldn't say there were any really haunting scenes, and if anything it was far too softcore. Zombie Lake - a french film about nazi zombies who are, and I quote, "aroused into action". There are at least 10 different, fully nude ladies, and 7 nazi zombies, none of whom are missing their boots (continuity! c'mon). There is no plot, there are far too many pictures in teh mayor's office, everyone is a shit shot and ZOMBIES DO NOT HAVE EMOTION. But the movie is perfect let's-talk-over-this-and-add-our-own-words type movie (MST3k would've been a lot easier to say, now I think of it), so it easily earns its score of 6/20
  17. Interneeeeeet wooo! ... In the library again. Bah. Well, no more luck on home internetz! Signed on today, so should get some dosh on thursday, which will help fund some sort of mass printing sesh of CVs, envelopes and stamps. Teh Fun tiemz. Currently stunned by a friend's inability to find anything in sheffield. I said "ok, let's meet at the washington then" - a pub which is LITERALLY a minute down TEH SAME ROAD SHE LIVES ON. She must've walked past it a trillion times, and not only does she not know where it is, she thinks I am actually lying, as if making up some fake pub a minute from her front door is some sort of evil, despicable trick. So yeah I'm still a bit stressy :P Been playing Peggle on a LazyBoy, chess with amigos, too. Wet to a fun little festival near my old place, where a fight kicked off (epic). Went to do a pub quiz last night, but the quiz was off so we played some game called 'bamboozle' which, frankly, annoyed me (as nightwolf will verify). Week ahead; budget analysis, job hunting, crying at lack of internet, long walks. Mmm.
  18. I've already made it clear that I prefer wordy write-ups, because you can never rely on everyone revealing what info they have gathered. Heading towards less PM'd 'results' causes a different type of game - relying on a broader detective work, but reducing the need for team-work and co-operation, thus reducing the mafia's necessity to lie and cheat... I can see what Jonnas and Chairdriver are saying about some aspects - I don't know how chair's current mafia really works but I assume it's more like a board game; each night the narrator gives each player a 'card' with information that they have to 'trade' with other people's information to try and construct lines of coincidence. Er, I'm rambling now.
  19. Woot - a very easy win. 6-1 chances for me, alone. Match against haden is looking scary as he is very much in form... Tactics are set and I'll ask the likely lads if they'll message me with a bunch of the results, if they can... My second team drew 1-1 against the team that was 2nd in my league. Someone from another league has offered to play my team (coolio123 or someone) so I'll hopefully get a bit of experience for my team. Next league game is against the team bottom of the league, so I should get some easy points. Lol! Nope, no conspiracy at all, I promise I saw that - you sacked an 18 4 and bought a 19 4?! Why?
  20. EEVIL: that does look pretty bad! Have you had a similar facesplosion before? I'm not minding this heat... when i'm relatively indoors and immobile. As it is, I've had to walk to uni to get on the 'net and get my fix. After pub with nightwolf et al, mate came over and we watched spaced series 2 (no idea where disc 1 is, but found Fight Club in the DVD player! Win), then at about 4am some random dude popped his head into my window and started saying "get out of my house! Get out of my city!" - instead of freaking out, and seeing as I was pretty drunk, I went up to the window, had a bit of a chat, and ended up going outside and watching the sun rise with him and his mate, having a few smokes. Was quite nice. Anyway - previous tenants still have a contract with Virgin, so I can't get the internet at home 'til they've ended it, which could be... well, tomorrow, or two month's time. Disgraceful. Dude. Just make new threads for these things. This isn't a question thread!
  21. Got a twitter account ages ago now... Kinda sad how quickly it's 'taken off'. Essentially it's just a blogging site, but not made for me because I like to ramble on, and whenever i remember to go to twitter I have nothing to say, besides "oh, I've not posted on here a while..." I admit, I lolled.
  22. Flink, I love you but really think you can't really talk at all about how hard it is for anyone to get there. You can go. It's easy. But you're not going. I understand your reasoning, but I don't think it's fair that just because one of you can't experience something the other one has to miss out too. Very good point. I guess central line southbound from King's X to hyde park corner, or district/circle lines westbound like one stop... to be honest I think people shouldn't be scared of trying to walk there Grab an overground map and just give it a shot. The park's pretty big so it's not hard to miss it. Coming from north means you'll probably arrive to either St. Pancras or Paddington, depending on where precisely you're travelling from. Just go to http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/ and type in something like "Victoria" to see how many changes you need. As for the rest of the questions I think you should read the thread, see who has said they're going to be there on friday, and contact them more personally.
  23. Nice final write up there, danny! I'm sad that I missed the final part of the game, but thrilled that my intuition about dyson and ellmeister was right :P Well done guys. This has been probably my favourite mafia game in a long while. The mafia guys rarely 'slipped' up - sending the same people for the kills was a good tactic. I enjoyed having the ability to take my guesses into my own hands, and even though I was roleblocked for two nights, it actually helped us more that I didn't just kill the mafia dudes. The great thing about this game was how much information you could extract from the write-ups if you went back and read them. Awesome. Awesome. I have to say sorry to Cube (again) for killing him. Shame to see him out of the game so quick. And, despite beggilax being good, I still enjoyed his lynching. Non-players make it worse for everyone else involved.
  24. Ok, well that's 20 people. Sign-ups closed - Expect to see this actually come into fruition in a few weeks time - when get the internet! Hoorah!
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