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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Word in the library is that here in sheff a lot of student voters were turned away as the ballots were 'too busy'. Rumours of conspiracyyyyyyyy, for 99% of students here are going for Lib Dem.
  2. ARGRGHHGARHGRHG. Still in the library. Gotten to the point where nothing makes sense anymore. 1,600 words done, 2,000 to go. Fucksticks and merry-go-rounds. Banality. Absurd. I didn't think I'd have to actually experience the alienation that I'm writing about. BLARGGG
  3. Written... 20 pages of notes in my notebook and... 500 words of my essay! Woop..? Crashing a bit. Run out of food/drink. Not got any coins for the vending machine so my choice is, essentially, get cash out near the uni main entrance, go to the pub, get a drink (pepsicoke doesyafine) then stock up on... crisps and coke? Noice. My head is FUZZY. Must avoid my usual mistake of writing directly to the person marking the piece. Must avoid making rubbish jokes. Must avoid it aaaalll...
  4. If I ever get out of this library I'd like to watch the alternative election night. Should be an entertaining show... curse you, existentuality!
  5. Where's the "I forgot to register so I can't vote" option?! ... Being able to view the hidden results so far made up for it, a little.
  6. RE: HIMYM pregnancies - totally noticed hannigan's pregnancy as she was always conveniently positioned behind a teapot or holding a handbag or whatever. Didn't notice wossername's at all!
  7. Arg. Ok, brain is reaching critical MASSSS! Time to leave the library. Got some chicken at home, need to look up a good recipe as I can't be arsed to make a curry and regular pasta sauce is pretty lame with it tbh.
  8. First person to finish a book on the forums in the last 3 months? Anyway, due to lack of internet I finally got through the last part of the last book in The Dark Tower by Stephen King...
  9. Nightwolf; nooo! Equilibrium is miles better than aeon flux. Twelve miles to be exact. The Beat That My Heart Skipped My housemate has an obsession with french movies. He brought this home the other day. It's about this guy who works in 'properties' (i.e. evicts people through the art of rats and baseball bats) who rediscovers his love for teh piano. It's all very much childhood vs. adulthood, and is typically french with a few nipples here and there, but throughout I was sitting and doing the "I know what's going to happen next" and it never did. Never! It was fantastic in that way. I've lost my critical touch. 7/10. Worth a watch.
  10. Actually, that screenshot shows US legal-sized paper, not A4. Being a legal piece of paper makes it double-true to the power of megaton. True story.
  11. Yes, actual plus money. Laptop/pc browsing shall commence next week. I have no idea what to do as my technological know-how is stuck in 2005. Means I can definitely go to the meet (and maybe get one round of drinks...), and means I'm very dizzy with POTENTIAL THINGS I can actually afford to do. I must get through this essay first. Forgot how aggrovating existentialism can be. Also found out my cousin had a baby girl last week. She shares a birthday with shakespeare, Marcus Aurelius and Tom Welling. A good combination of culture icons, I think :P
  12. - Essay the first is done - Turns out my money is already in - Treated myself to Assassin's Creed 2, Mork & Mindy s01, District 13 + sequel and Mirrormask. - Seriously. It's a lot of money. I'm probably richer than YOU now. Oh yes. Drinks are on meeee! - ... But not 'til friday night. Essay the Second is going to be a killer. - Best get researching then!
  13. - Good news everyone! - Student Loans info came through - I am going to be Seriously Loaded - Too much money - Money. - Lol. - Money? - YES PLEASE - New paasdfnpoaienfwieg - I mean, money.
  14. Flink; forget worrying about the future for now, just see this through first. I'm with rez - you ought to not try and cram everything into one day. Too much room for disaster. I agree with Jimbob, except I think you should feel as if you've already got the job. Walk around the school as if you own teh place. My day; - 8 hours later, 90% of essay done - Probably going to go home now, get some sleep, finish it tomorrow - PEPSI MAAXX!! - So long, internets.
  15. Because you're not. You are nothing but what your grades say you are. NOTHING!!! Anyone who says otherwise is lying and will still judge you. *judges*
  16. I'm assuming that, narratively speaking, a chunk of this sequel will be about explaining how we've gotten to this point since the previous game. Inserting Robin straight off the bat would mean a huge missed opportunity -- but yeah, I'm always up for co-op play! I know what you mean about the gadgets etc. They only really served a purpose if you were willing to backtrack and seek out all the secrets (I was). Ideally we'd start with all the gadgets we finished off with last time, then have more added -- but of course how that could work with limited button assignment options let alone the unfortunately necessary 'tutorial' needed for new gamers in order to know how/when to use the current gadgets... Errr... tangent a little, there. But yeah! I like your idea of the game pushing the player to decide which course of action would be best. Also, the combat - while hugely fun, was sometimes a bit awkward to control. I found that the game often refused to do precisely what I wanted, but that may've been down to a bit of heavy-handed button-mashing on my part.
  17. If the fallout: vegas world is bigger than Fallout 3 then... well it might be tooooo biiiig! To me exploring the wastelands was priority numero uno. The main issue for me was too many similar 'dungeons' that were too easy to get lost in (with the pip-boy thing not being able to show you if you're on a different floor to where your objective is), and perhaps not really having any way of telling how much of the game you're missing out on i.e. no stats page decreeing how many areas you have left to explore, how many more schematics you have to find, etc. I suppose that would take away from teh game, but at least offer it on a 2nd playthrough? Not very readily applicable to the game I guess.
  18. - Laptop ACTUALLY DIED - Mother visited for snooker - Library closed at 5pm all bank holiday weekend - Literally couldn't find a computer in the time I had aside from showing my mum around sheffield - Two essays due this week - First is due tomorrow, should get it done today - Second is worth 100% of module, 3500 words, and going to kill me - I want to leave the library and go home and eat and play MW2
  19. Boo-ya! Enough of the squabbling over who deserves to be where, Tales :P I whupped you good. Eddage is my main rival fo' sho'. Similar number of x11's, except he gets the goalkeeper. The middle league is looking a little surprising in places - ReZ and happenstance looking to get relegated twice in two seasons? Top league looks like it has two teams running away with it...
  20. You could say it's been out nearly a year - high time for a sequel to be announced, especially with NATAL looming. I'm All up for Batman: Escape from Gotham... ok so that doesn't work, but I just think of the Pliskin movies when I see the trailer. I don't care if it's exactly the same game but with another 10 hours of new locations. Not one bit do I care.
  21. Prestiged (again!) after spending an eternity trying to get the lightweight perk challenge completed. Only just realised how awesome it can be to sprint around with the AA shotgun kablamming people all over the place. Got some sick scores (30+ for less than 5 kills) several times. Now I'm concentrating on doing Hardline. Pretty easy if you have UAV, Care Package and Predator Missile. Seem to get 6 added to the challenge every game. FAMAS is my buddy again. I still love this game.
  22. I think it boils down to goals scored at home... Or away. One or the other!
  23. I've always gone with "from teh internetz". Pretty sure that's annoyed Dan Dare when meeting other people... Brain not functioning. yesterday at about 2am I was having a MW2 fix before bed, then housemate gets back from club and tells me I gotta go with him next door, so I do, and they provide booze and chattage and dance and so on - they're all from India and they gave me loads of curry-making tips and even made me some wicked rice, and one of them challenged me to a drinking competition on sunday... and I ended up coming home/going to bed around 8am... so now I have to stay up 'til tomorrow about 10pm. Got reminded abnout 2 minutes ago that I'm supposed to be at a pub by 6, so sent a text out and bish bash bosh - gonna be late etc. Not eaten, but PAYDAY was yesterday so I can be all rich and buy some food out wheeeeeee!
  24. That's what she said. ... Maybe?
  25. So V is pretty good right now. They killed off one dude to replace him with someone more hardcore, and the show has a sort of T:SCC feel, and clearly wants to fill BSG's shoes (but has no chance) - and is full of plenty of hot ladies. Purrsome. Started True Blood tonight, too. On ep 3. Figured out that Sam is surely that dog (is that a spoiler?) in the first ep, and generally liking how each episode flows into one another so far. The intro looks like it was designed by the dudes who did Justified's as well. Cool stuff - cheers forum for the new tv show to watch instead of writing my essay
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