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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. It's not necessarily - I was attempting it during a binge session of movie-watching and, in my drunken ADHD stupor, it was quite slow to start. I'm pretty sure I stopped watching it just as it got good - there's just the preambling 'setting teh scene' as opposed to the strikingly novel concepts immediately presented with other films we've done in this thread. This Chronos is probably a lot less user-friendly, though wildly shorter and a fascinating thing to watch (though not a patch on its 'sequel', Baraka, or its spiritual predecessor Koyaanisqatsi). Oddly enough, I went to a pub the other day which was playing it! RAMBLE!
  2. Chronos is cool with me, I got it on DVD! Been quite lucky like that with the club so far. I've attempted to watch it before, getting maybe an hour into it - this thread will empower me to get through it!
  3. Can I suggest The Game to be the next movie? I've been irking to watch it again recently.
  4. Ok, I've just re-read the write-ups and I had confused myself, it wasn't peach with the red-dressed fellow in the first write-up, it was some other female character. No more speculative suspicion on you now, mundi ... especially not now where have a blatant on our hands. Vote: Maddog. I don't believe you, frankly. I really want to think that ReZ is mafia, but as he was covered in the fart cloud, it would have to be a very elaborate double-triple-madness-bluff, which I don't think he's capable of. And I'm tired of suspecting him and paj. But how can nobody have any info on who peach is?! I can't have my killer walking around, laughing at me...
  5. I mean I was just speculating that mario may've been mafia with her, too. As far as I understood my power, it was peach who killed me, because my role didn't switch peach's and ness's targets.
  6. ... So I'm from 1984 and I don't have spotify. Or any music on my computer. Gonna get on that!
  7. Diageo just informed me that he effectively disregarded my targets last night and made his own ones, knowing that I was going to be killed off and figuring I could hop back in and assume jimbob's spot. Reading back on who killed old-me, it was either ness (small boy) or peach. My old role meant that anyone targetting character A would actually target character B, but it didn't actually switch A and B's own targets. So I'm assuming that Peach is mafia. On the first night her 'companion' was a red character, presumably mario... Mundi is peach's companion, then? I'm this close to putting in a vote for mundi... but I don't really know if that's too much of a stretch.
  8. Tentacruel in the second slot with nearly anything is awesome. Buttercruel Venocruel Gravcruel Abcruel Digcruel. Clefairy in the 2nd slot makes anything get down syndrome.
  9. FYI, Diageo's offered me jimbob's spot. So once he's confirmed this, I'll be able to tell you who I targetted last night :P
  10. I prefer the metric version. But I agree! That song makes me jiggle on public transport.
  11. I like the XX's album... but, honestly, the intro is my favourite track. I still love a lot of their stuff; it already has itself engraved in memories for me... but it was never that good. Never classic. Mind you, out of its competitors, I've heard the mumford album a few times in my old house. I think the mumford album demanded more attention than XX did, and I think it was more cohesive. XX feels very lazy and doesn't really present anything new, or any real promise. But yay and stuff.
  12. Was having a vague chat about this with a friend at a pub today. Essentially, I would say I have a few 'soul-mates' - but, truthfully, it's really a retroactive label. my 'xx' is my 'soulmate' because we shared some experiences that joined us in those moments, and subsequentially the memories have endowed us both with such powerful nostalgia that it's hard to drive a wedge between us. Now, she'd be first to admit that we're hugely different people, and as such we're not your teleotypical harry and sally. But that shared history just provides a connection that is extremely difficuly to supervene. Not sure if that's a word. My other 'soul mates' are some close friends that I've known for a long, long, long time. mostly, we're friends who are able to meet up whenever and wherever, and essentially not give a shit about any negative circumstances, we're just glad to catch up. With a couple of the friends there's a certain unspoken nature to our friendship, where there's just a default comfort zone around them that you don't get with regular weirdostrangers. It's a relationship that demands little, and forgives everything. These are the sort of friends that you'll find you are exchanging glasses of secrets within 10 minutes of meeting up again. But then I guess they're not 'soul mates' in the romantic term. That term suggests that two people can fit together like jigsaw pieces, where each of them somehow naturally wants the opposite in each possible binary option... which in reality doesn't work. It's a matter of probability which reduces it down to improbability! Ultimately, you can meet someone who is simply willing to be extra leniant, up for compromising that little bit more than everyone else. The romantic notion that there's the ONE key to your heart-lock? Nonsense. There's far more to learn from interacting with a variety of souls. There's no hurry. As daft said, there are in actuality loads of people suited to you. Really, you just have to try and avoid being tied down to any one of them for as long as it takes. IMO.
  13. I missed it. What's the summary?
  14. Dan, when exactly is the last time you cooked for yourself?
  15. Yeah, it's really not a good tool! The forum is pretty shit like that. Based on my own assessments, jimbob is the only person who hasn't posted/been replaced.
  16. Ha I don't smoke weed anymore, btw! When times are rough, learn to cook. It's ridiculous how much you can save by having a decently stocked cupboard. Yes, it may take you an hour to cook dinner, but if it saves you £3-4 then it's worth it. I don't really have any other tips. When I was really poor I still bought cider most nights, and smoked rolled cigarettes. I refrained from buying games more than £20, didn't go clubbing, walked everywhere, read teh books I had rather than buying new ones. When I had my student loan I did all sorts of over-spending that put me in the trouble I was in -- including spending over £270 on an xbox because it was red, so I certainly can't fault others from having their luxuries. But yeah -- investing £20 in herbs and spices and tins of chopped tomatoes, chick-peas, coconut milk, tuna, ratatouille and pasta meant I avoided buying pasta sauces for the sake of an extra 5 minutes of chopping time. When I had £15 to last a month (including fare to work, so I always had to borrow £20 off a mate anyway) I was alright for food - though I did essentially cut down to a meal and a half a day. Because I bought cider, for calory intake. I think we always have costs we can cut out, but until we're so fucking poor we don't bother, and often by then it's too late, even cutting those things out doesn't do enough. Long lost of little interest.
  17. And this time I'll remember to set my tactics - be afraid!
  18. Always greener on the other side
  19. Damn you odwin!
  20. I named my laptop. But I kept forgetting what the name was, so it had a different name each time I decided to speak to it.
  21. Tellyn; you're not in the write-up, though, so your account cannot be corroborated, which is all I'm observing!
  22. I think the point was that nobody was asking for new songs to be recommended, so it just seemed like everyone was selling and nobody was buying. There are better ways to make music threads. Playlist ideas is always good (music to has sex to, music to kill by, songs that mention the word boobies, etc), or whatever. Genre threads may be too claustraphobic, but the music thread's problem was it lacked any boundaries and as such was very hit-and-miss. We all know this was true.
  23. Well the combination of people quick to lynch rather than like, y'know, read my posts makes me wonder. It certainly makes me think that it's most likely that you're both townies. Diageo; my vote is No-lynch.
  24. I can confirm as far as I've already said, what, three times? I cannot, however, confirm that Paj is definitely evil, thanks to this cloud thing casting doubts in our minds. The 'large nosed character' did some sort of altering to, unknown to them, paj rather than ReZ whom they targetted. Again, as we don't know what this altering does, but presumably it could account for the evil result for Tellyn's investigation, all we can really confirm is that this 'large nosed character' is mafia. The brown cloud left in his wake could presumably be exhaust fumes from his bike, and thus it isn't the smoke itself which causes teh 'alteration'. Some woman, who pulled out a companion, wanted to target Paj last night but actually targetted ReZ, and their power didn't work? And Tellyn's told us he's an investigator but not the specific part of the write-up where he appears, which is confusing for me. There's a lot of info in the write-up which hasn't been expanded upon, and I don't really know what lead to follow up on, so I'm going to continue with my no-lynch vote.
  25. Er? I'll say it again. Tellyn was actually targetting Paj, not ReZ. Because that's what my power does. I picked ReZ and Paj. Anyone targetting Paj would actually be targetting ReZ. Anyone targetting ReZ would actually be targetting Paj. THEREFORE Anyone voting ReZ is clearly making a mistake, based on information that, if anything, says vote for paj. if you don't trust Tellyn's info to be accurate, then whythefuck vote for ReZ? If you trust it to be accurate, then vote for Paj. MADNESS.
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