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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. ... Because Jonnas makes it so? it's just flavour.
  2. IMDB's synopsis says "Wolverine travels to Japan to train with a samurai warrior." Not sure if there's enough salt in the sea to take with that, but there you go. I have no idea if there's any work done with wolvie and Japan that's at all canonical, either. Too sooooon, for me. Reeks of money-spinning.
  3. Sorry Mr. Polite man! I'm guessing you targetted ReZ, too.
  4. it wasn't too bad the time before, though. To a lesser degree, of course. What other ones? Back to the Future III, Wild Wild West (more steampunk I guess!)...
  5. I'm currently refusing to work in retail. Emailing companies seeing if there's any prospects, applying for jobs to find they've filled the position already, and generally Hating The World. I'm not at the stage where I NEEEEED money, so I'll probably turn to retail in a couple of months. Job agencies is the next step, really. I'm scared of doing telesales due to my hearing, and I can't do barwork because of my eyes. The job centre are 'sympathetic' with my situation and are trying to get me some help/guidance but the first 'course' they sent me to closed down two days after they sent me a letter for an appointment, and the other one has taken 6 weeks to get on with it and have just sent me a "we are processing your information" letter. The worst thing about it all is people constantly asking me how the job situation is. It's shit, thanks for reminding me. I have no idea what to do with my life, thanks for reminding me.
  6. James bond and Inadiana jones! ... yeah this is a family film that isn't actually going to be any good as a proper movie. The sort of film that I'd remember as a teenager, if I'd seen it as a wee lad.
  7. Well it's not unspoken if you speak about it, is it?
  8. I just bought Crackdown for £5. I'm soo 2007 ^_^
  9. You're right. I wouldn't consider ginger/deaf/blind/welsh/juggler to be predominant butts of jokes, but then they're the ones I notice. I suppose that we are all sensitive to certain jokes more than others, but I concede that in my experience, Sexual and racial stereotypes are at the fore. But I'm arguing about the role of jokes, rather than the target of bullying, which I think is what the OP's article is primarily concerned with, in one form or another. With jokes, I may just be of a certain composition where it doesn't bother me - my philosophy of intention of offense guides that. Bullying, however, is where harm is intended, where it is a joke at someone's expense or - even worse - actual harassment. I speak about someone silently sitting there, nodding/doing nothing at a joke at their expense because in their minds they may construe the joke as a bullying tactic when, in actuality, the joker has no intention of doing such a thing to them (repeated words sorry) - but in the mind of the 'butt', it is hard to trust that person to have a liberal opinion if they're making such jokes. But the OP is more about the fear of oppression or bullying or unacceptance at the workplace. I'm a firm believer in outing oneself and being honest with those you come into contact with. Put the ball in their court. If they choose to be ignorant then you can be the bigger person and tell them to fuck themselves, knowing you're in the right. Blur of words. Blurds.
  10. Diageo, you know that people won't think you're inferior for being gay, but you know that there are plenty of people who will think that way about deafness, blindness, gingerness, welshness. You've not encountered the issues that come with being disabled. So herein, we're on equal footing. My point stands. I wouldn't go to ireland and make jokes like that. I wouldn't go to a sauna and make gay jokes. I wouldn't go to a remembrance service and make jokes about the army. I wouldn't go to a nursery and make jokes about dead babies. Because that's stupid. And that's not the point, surely, of this thread? Mr_Bogus makes the point of 9/10 people laughing at a joke at his expense, because 9/10 people don't know that it's a joke at his expense. That's an entirely different circumstance, as nightwolf so correctly states. My point is that if you're offended by a joke, but the person making the joke didn't realise they were offending you, then you can't blame them as much as you think you can. People primarily make jokes for the response - for the laugh, not because joking is their primary way of communicating their bigotry. I'm trying to stress how easy it is to define external events with your own internal dictionary of meaning, and how that can be dangerous! Without knowing someone's intentions you have to question your reaction. If something does offend you then why are you afraid to say so?
  11. Yeah it is a bit shit isn't it? This one is a nice take; retro style versions of current movies. http://www.slashfilm.com/cool-stuff-tavis-coburns-bafta-best-film-retro-poster-series/ THIS link has WAY cooler posters like those in my first post! Paj, you'll love it I'm sure. http://screenrant.com/sr-pick-retro-movie-posters-brandon-schaefer-robf-46371/ No idea why I'm not using the url tag... I've just searched 'simplified movie posters' and 'retro style movie posters' ... Still not found the actual page I stumbled on ages ago. Cool stuff, though. As for worst movie posters...
  12. I'm using the Brailternet, guys. Such fail. Did you know 'moogle' feels exactly the same as 'ugly stupid face', and 'ReZ' is the same as 'retardboy'? Yeah you probably did know that.
  13. But if you do then you'll get a chorus of "oh shit, sorry dude, didn't mean any offence" and the cessetation of jokes at your expense (for they did not want to cost you any hard feelings) and, at the least, if any continuation occurs then you can quickly conclude that the ceaseless are not worthy of your friendship. It's no different to the "your mum" thing, really. I'm deaf, blind and ginger, and have an unfortunate surname. I get a lot of flack. Being uptight about a joke is just snooty. I also juggle. Fact is that after a while you hear all of the possible jokes (or in my case, not! .. because I'm deaf, geddit?) and learn to see past it. Oh! And I'm half welsh. You should never be ashamed to accept who you are. You'll only boil in your own thoughts, rather than get to understand the people behind the jokes. You'll construct your own interpretation of their meaning and enter a world of paranoia and ignorance. Easiest example is the welsh thing. People making sheep-shagging jokes I can jump in and say I only shag the left half of the sheep. Self-deprication only comes with confidence and self-security. If you're insecure then that's your problem, not anyone elses. You big gay.
  14. In the first one you look like a uni lecturer. Or stephen hawking, as played by ethan hawke, or something.
  15. So do we forget about the neutral diageo?
  16. All jokes are fine if offense is not meant. Obv. there are sensitive areas like 'your mum' jokes to someone whose mother has just died - but again we've all heard of slip-ups where the joker hasn't realised the mum in question is dead, and immediately feels embarassed - embarassed because they did not mean any harm or offense with the joke. It's a minefield of grey areas and situational accidents, but I still believe that maxim is correct. All jokes are fine if offense is not meant. Obv. there are sensitive areas like 'your mum' jokes to someone whose mother has just died - but again we've all heard of slip-ups where the joker hasn't realised the mum in question is dead, and immediately feels embarassed - embarassed because they did not mean any harm or offense with the joke. It's a minefield of grey areas and situational accidents, but I still believe that maxim is correct.
  17. And I have mine set to 40 posts per page :P There's only 5 pages of this thread so far for me! lol
  18. Very good! So who's good with statistics?
  19. BOOTS. Proceeded to walk 7.9 miles in them.
  20. heroicjanitor; he went after someone last night without really caring what alignment they were. That's what's at stake here.
  21. Sorry to confuse all previous posts - but these threads aren't suitable for playground so I've merged them, moved them, renamed them. No need for polarising threads when together they can create more parallel debates. Or something. Feel free to go back and edit a post for clarity, if you wish! I've frequently stumbled upon these 'simplified' movie posters, and I love 'em. http://www.slashfilm.com/cool-stuff-olly-mosss-poster-remakes/ http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/simplified-stephen-king-classic-film-posters http://jnhgrnt.me/post/410208149 None of these were the precise page I stumbled on as there are some really awesome ones that aren't on those pages.
  22. I must stress that killing off inactives may appear to be good 'for the game' but it can easily reduce the majority vote number. What if one of them is the doctor? If anything, I'd be happy keeping diageo alive so long as he swore not to kill anyone until we knew with relative certainty that someone was killed. He says that he wins when the town wins, but he also wins when the mafia wins. It's in his favour to do as the town needs until a point in the game where he decides to 'rebel' and turn on the town and get two kills in a night phase. For now it may be fine to let him amble around... but we have two people poisoned, the other most certainly a jedi. Would we not be better off staying a step ahead of the poisoner and curing them? Rez's post is swaying me the most at the moment, but I need to re-read the thread to be sure of my thoughts.
  23. Accepted a friendly, Mcoy! ... I got an 18-3 youth. Laym. Looking to sink my 4.5m funds into a new player... considering a decent reserve keeper. I'm CONSIDERING selling my keeper then getting about 8m to guarentee a decent young keeper... other option is to spend my money on a quality striker then save up a coupla seasons as packham (my keeper) will be around for a while and isn't showing any signs of getting any worse.
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